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‘Dissing’ men: the new gender war : Comments
By Jim Macnamara, published 15/9/2006The negative portrayal of men in contemporary societies is not only a matter of concern for men, but also for women.
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Posted by Gadget, Friday, 15 September 2006 1:21:06 PM
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The escalating rates of hates crimes against women has meaning.
There are constant message in Australian media that it is normal for women to be treated as inferior and very Australian for males to be violent. Maybe the people mucking up the social fabric of Australian society will be pleased when the rates of rape and sexual abuse of women and girls is above 50%. Maybe then, it could be considered part of the unique nature of the Australian psyche. Heaven knows, the capacity of governments to provide foster care let alone follow up the thousands of reports of child abuse is an absolute disgrace to a country that brags to the world about being "successful". NSW Magistrate Pat O'Shane was aware of the impact of advertising that showed violence towards women but was verbally bashed up for being critical. Australia, particularly vulnerable people, like indigenous women and children, need people with the courage to call it as it is. The sexual abuse and killing of Australian women and girls is caused by media that puts that Australian women and girls deserve to be treated as trash. Posted by Kathryn Pollard, Friday, 15 September 2006 1:43:06 PM
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‘Two giggling female attendants made him remove items of clothing, piece by piece until he was in his undies. Quite frankly, I don't know any man who cared.’ TurnRightThenLeft,
Interestingly, I know a lot of men who cared and men’s forums are full of men who cared – perhaps you are a woman and men know that their complaints will not get a sympathetic ear anyway and so they just don’t bother to complain. While it is true that men tend not to care about the ‘sexuality’ of it – what rankles many men is the ‘double-standard’ of it. The double-standard raises a question - why do women get so offended when women are used for their sexual attractiveness but don’t care when men are used that way? Surely either the use of sexuality to sell is either unacceptable or it is not? Could it be because controlling sex is a woman’s primary tool in gaining compliance from men. David Koch recently said quite openly that if he doesn’t do what his wife wants he doesn’t get sex and so he is forced to do his wife’s bidding. He didn’t seem even remotely aware of what an extraordinary exposition of abuse this was. Imagine if a wife had to do 'her husband’s bidding' before he would give her the money she needed – there would be outrage (withholding sex in marriage is the equivalent of withholding money if you admit sex as a necessary part of life). ‘How many tv shows men, …as comic relief, buffoons, stupid?’ Alan Grey, I used to be appalled by this but then I was aghast as I realised that these shows that portray men as buffoons,eg ‘Everybody loves Raymond’ are almost all written by men. I have come to the conclusion that there are many men out there, ‘Dr Phil’s’ I call them, who sell out their own sex, portraying men as women like them portrayed and getting very rich in the process. Posted by Rob513264, Friday, 15 September 2006 1:45:25 PM
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…the thousands of reports of child abuse … that showed violence towards women … particularly vulnerable people, like indigenous women and children, need people with the courage to call it as it is.
The sexual abuse and killing of Australian women and girls is caused by media that puts that Australian women and girls deserve to be treated as trash. Posted by Kathryn Pollard, Friday, 15 September 2006 1:43:06 PM I couldn’t agree more with your injunction to ‘call it as it is’. Most child abuse is committed by women. Most child murders are committed by women. Children are safer in male-headed single family households than in female-headed single parent households. Nearly 84 percent (83.4%) of victims were abused by a parent acting alone or with another person. Approximately two-fifths (38.8%) of child victims were maltreated by their mothers acting alone; another 18.3 percent were maltreated by their fathers acting alone; 18.3 percent were abused by both parents.(This means that over 60% of all children abused by their parents were abused by their mother and that children are more than twice as likely to be abused by their mother’s acting alone than by their father’s acting alone). About 60% of the male survivors [of sexual abuse] sampled report at least one of their perpetrators to be female. US DEPT HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – Table 3-20 Victims by Perpetrator Relationship, 2004 – Child Maltreatment 2004 Children in Australia are just over 25% more likely to suffer abuse if they live in a female-headed single parent family than if they live in a male-headed single parent family: ‘For example, in Victoria the rate of substantiations for children in female sole-parent families was 17.8 per 1000, and the rate for children in male-headed one parent families was 14.3 per 1000 (Table 2.12; unpublished ABS Data)’ Source: I apologize for the use of US stats but when the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare surveys showed that most child abuse was committed by women they ‘mysteriously’ stopped recording the sex of the perpetrator. Yeah, ‘call it as it is’! Posted by Rob513264, Friday, 15 September 2006 2:12:30 PM
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TurnRightThenLeft, there are some portrayals where I laugh and think "yeah sometimes" but then as a single dad I wince whenever I see one of those "only a mother would know" lines in an add because to many people seem to believe that stuff.
Likewise I wince when I see female initiated DV portrayed positively because there is to much community denial of the reality of its existence and I've seen first hand that too many of those who should be the front line of support dismiss it as a non issue. Some of the portrayal of males in the media is fairly harmless, others bites because it is not challenged. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Friday, 15 September 2006 2:21:59 PM
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It is disappointing that most people are at least 10 years behind in their perception. I wrote an article about the popularisation of the misandric mindset, and particularly its affect on boys, while i was the editor of the student newspaper at UNE in the early 90's. For that i became the target of a feminist persecution campus by a well orchestrated 'whispering poison' campaign that made life undearable. On top of that the people who should have defended my right to express a valid opinion were all too intimidated by feminist power to assist. G.B.Shaw said "All men are the slaves of women" and i think he is mostly correct in saying so.
Posted by citizen, Friday, 15 September 2006 7:01:02 PM
Does anyone hear the defening silence of the feminist majority wailing about some notion of inequality? I mean come on Ladies, keep it together.
Estrogen fuelled outboursts as mentioned above really have no value in a post-modern, money run society. So, with the motions in the US to perhaps see the worlds first global female leader, feminists everywhere should just accept that this will dis-employ lots of able-bodied men around the world. And what are we going to do then?