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Feminism is passé because it worked : Comments
By Vivienne Wynter, published 15/8/2006The equalities we take for granted weren't won without a struggle.
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Have you read, David Thomas, Warren Farrell, Katie Roiphe, Bly or any of the other books I had previously listed?
Now if, I as a bloke were to make personal attacks and comments about female body parts, this would be labelled as ‘bullying’ and ‘sexual harassment.’ But! Then we have different ‘rules’ for men. Don’t we?
Flood is not encouraging greater equality and communication, he promotes communication along specific lines only and is dismissive of communication which conflicts with his indocrination.
“I wouldn't have to pull out the irony meter and slap you round the head with it” This is a threat of violence. It doesn’t matter if it is tongue in cheek or whatever, it is still a threat of violence.
How do we measure equality so that we know when it has been achieved?
Is it when men and women achieve parity under the law, we have equal numbers of each gender as CEO’s, politicians, when husbands do an equal amount of housework even if that means that they spend many more hours of actual work?
It is funny this argument about unpaid work, whilst there may not be any direct cash recognition for this work, there are many other indirect payments made. Oh! Yes married women control and spend about 80% of the household budget. If women did the vast majority of upaid work then how come their standard of living decreases following separation and divorce?
The propaganda machine comes up with snazzy and catchy words and phrases like “Backlash” “Glass Ceiling” etc. But in reality a lot of it is and has been about the choices and decisions women make about their lives.
One thing I have noticed is that women often accuse men of the very behaviours that they themselves are doing. This is called in psychology, ‘Projection’.