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The Forum > Article Comments > Sharing the true values of Sharia > Comments

Sharing the true values of Sharia : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 10/3/2006

Sharia without Sufism distorts perceptions of Islam and is destroying it from within.

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Irfan, if Sharia is so positive, why did the Sharia Council of Britain issue a ruling that a playright should be murdered for portraying Jesus as homosexual? Not just a bad review, or a call to boycott the play, but a death sentence in great detail? Are they such marginal group too?
All religions seek political influence, but Islam seeks political control. This stems from its inception as a persecuted religion that suddenly found itself in power, and so in a position to wipe out its opposition, which it promptly did. Because it was still collecting its holy texts at that time, it had to deal with its abuses of power. It did this by justifying them, and indeed inventing a whole institution - Jihad; religiously regulated warfare.
Note that Judaism also had to cope with its eventual coming to power, and likewise justified its abuses (the ethnic cleansing of the palestine area as described in Judges) Note also that christianity did not have to justify its abuses of power, because it closed its holy books before gaining power. That is not to say it did not commit abuses of power. Notice a pattern? Power corrupts.
As you might guess, I'm not religious, but think on this. All the greatest mass murderers of the last century - Hitler, Stalin, Mao - were all athiests, so we have nothing to crow about either...
Posted by camo, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 4:48:13 PM
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I'm so glad Sandi M did my work... showing you the OTHER but no less real side of Mohammed.. I've heard that story about the Jewish lady throwing garbage on him till I'm sick of it.. because each time I hear it, my mind goes IMMEDIATELY to the callous murder of Kaab bin Al Ashraf !

Do you have any comment on THAT one ? You gave us the 'sugar' coated Mohammed.. how do you react to the 'bitter' and real side of him?

How many murders can a man commit before he is considered legally 'a Murderer' ? I think if memory serves me correctly ONE !

You speak about 'weak' hadiths etc.. but the hadith of Bhukari and Moslem are all pretty strong I feel. Amazing how coincidently the unpalatable ones about women are suddenly 'weak' :)

Mz.. do you also depend for your political advancement on the Muslims vote ? Is that possibly why you are here contending for them ?

Anyway.. different subject now .. I'm not feeling very combative 2night.

Announcement "Ron Barassi may have walked on water 2night at the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth games" but he is NOT the Messiah :)..(I have to confess though that in one sense he IS my idol)

What a lovely spectacle.. representing ONE THIRD of the worlds population ! all under the banner of the commonwealth...glued together by a British monarch.

The overwhelming sense of unity I felt, was very strong. My feeling as an Anglo Aussie, is that the Anglo flavor of this country should never be questioned, nor should it be 'clung' to... it just 'is'.
I don't think people will start 'clinging' to it unless someone challenges it. That is probably where many of our emotive posts are coming from. I cannot imagine me going to Vanuatu or somewhere and trying to turn it into a little Australia ! New Zealand IS a result of this, sadly. But most kiwi's in my circle of friends are maori.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 10:04:24 PM
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[Deleted for flaming. Poster suspended.]
Posted by Irfan, Thursday, 16 March 2006 12:10:17 AM
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'I would like to thank all the armchair nazis and fruitcakes'

Oh dear.

'Your frequent posts mean that my articles'

That's because your articles have to be read to be believed. I've talked to uneducated mossie shop girls who portray a clearer picture of their religion than you. Others just show how backward it is by their general behaviour, you included.

'Further, your infantile rants ensure that your arguments will be dismissed'

Time will test them, perhaps 10 or 20 years from now people will look back at our 'infantile' rants as the beginning of a strong stand against your barbaric ideaology. It happens in western culture, an 'isms' arises, multicultralism, feminism, communism, it's put to the test and either passes or fails. Your ism, an imported one, is undergoing it's test now and failing miserably. Like it does in most of it's home countries, your birthplace included.

'So I urge you to keep misquoting verses from the Quran and pages of history books out of all context.'

Irf, you have no grasp on recent history. You criticise the Danes for being racist but conveniently don't mention that only 63 years ago they evacuated their Jews while under nazi occupation. Do you think such a people would import a minority only to oppress them?

'In a world where far too many people are suffering and dying thanks to racial and religious hatred'

Of which islamic countries are over represented. Your birthplace included

'your posts represent a war-cry to continue the violence.
Cronulla shopkeepers and small business people continue to suffer thanks to your views.'

Always someone elses fault.

'But despite all the damage you cause, I know you will keep going.'

Somebody must, before the place ends up like france.

Irf, you're just an 'educated' version of what I used to deal with in the park every weekend. Look I know you're scared, I've read your website and it's not hard to read between the lines, you know that your mob's in trouble largely of because of it's own behaviour.
Posted by CARNIFEX, Thursday, 16 March 2006 5:10:13 AM
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Dear Irf.... you know how it goes.. the first step to overcoming a problem is to admit you have one....

ok..Step one..

"My name is Irfan..and I'm a man with a problem".

-I see attacks on ideas as attacks on people....
-I misconstrue disagreement as 'hate'.
-I have this name calling fixation and an unhealthy interest in Mr Hitler.

Well don't worry Irf. We don't 'hate' you, we disagree with the ideas you represent when it comes to Islam, and we see them as a threat to our social fabric and value system. Its that serious.

Of course you don't see this because you 'are' one of 'them' :) But at least you don't seem to advocate some of the real 'IslamoNazi' sharia stuff that some would advocate.

No matter which way you cut the cake, Sharia STILL leaves us with :

-Death penalty for apostacy.
-Interpretations of 'apostacy' which make the idea of 'thought police' a very real possibility.
-Laws produced on the foundation of a man who was clearly a murderer and many other distasteful things. (Yet you follow him ?)

If you spent more time explaining now the murder of Kaab bin Al Ashraf was anything OTHER than outright murder and conspiracy to murder, you might get further with us, or that a 50+ yr old man having sex with a 9 yr old child, or that multitudes of wives, and one of them (the young one) being his favorite in direct conflict with his own 'revelations' or his genocide of banu Qurayza, the 50% tax on another group etc.. .. you remind me of CHEF from Southpark, he was fine ridiculing Christianity and other faiths, but as soon as Scientology was exposed on the show, rather than admit the problems, he claimed the show was 'bigoted and intolerant' and had 'crossed the line'....

Yet scientology clearly has as much wrong with it, (though less violent) as Islam and Mormonism...extracting moneyyyyy from people for 'self improvement' classes...

But ur right, ur posts stimulate discussion :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 16 March 2006 6:12:48 AM
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some good news for a change:,5744,18482798%255E601,00.html
Posted by sajo, Thursday, 16 March 2006 12:27:49 PM
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