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Just how Aussie do we have to be? : Comments

By Salam Zreika, published 7/3/2006

Let's move past common stereotypes of Muslims.

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Hi Benjamin,

I actually like the idea of UN run Jerusalem.
There was many stories of whether Al Aqsa mosques was build on the temple or not. Israelis promote that it was and Muslims believe it wasn't. I have seen no independant archeologist report.


I will only comment on your personal attack: you claimed I attacked jesus and this is an absolute lie. All I did I explained to you (based on your challenge) why we view him as a prophet.
I can't be a Muslim if I attack or insult Jesus pbuh
Posted by Fellow_Human, Monday, 20 March 2006 9:02:14 AM
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F_H: You are not insulting your jesus the prophet - he doesn't exist and never has existed. But you could be blaspheming the Christian Christ Jesus the Son of God and Saviour of all mankind.
Just image the furor in your pagan temples if us Christians claimed big mo and even put him in our Bible. The story of his life would differ completely from the one in the brutal koran. As well we would give him a new title other than shown in your koran. You and your mates would get most upset, then so us Christians at your portrayal of the sinless Son of the Almighty as a insignificant, lowly pagan prophet.
By the way your thoughts on the hamas letter of mine.
I feel that I must again re-iterate that I DO NOT HATE PAGAN MOSLEMS THEY ARE TOTALLY DECEIVED [I include you here F_H] and I really do feel sorry for them all. But I do hate the man-made death loving,suicide promoting misygonistic, cultish religion. numbat
Posted by numbat, Monday, 20 March 2006 11:29:14 AM
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Why on earth would anyone choose an inferior religion after Jesus Christ,Son of God who came down from His Father God in Heaven to show all mankind His Love and forgiveness 700 years before mohammed had his visions of all sorts of things ?

Why follow (after you are shown ) what Christ did for you Muslims and all other religions invented by man?

The Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of Christ will show you ALL truth IF you will just ask Him to show himself (God ) to you.
First of all He loves you,forgives you and wants you to accept Him.

This religion (Islam) is definitely anti Christ religion,it is laws,rules,rituals and religious,controlled by mere men and is a blood thirsty religion that tries to generate fear by Muslims fed lies to promote riots and terror .
Compare Jesus teachings, which are far apart from Islam's ones,The Love gospel of Christ The Son of God is freedom,liberty and love.

We do have Christian cults who have altered the Bible to suit themselves as well ,such as Jehovah's Witnesses(Watchtower slaves)propmoting their man made false doctrines and the Mormon's,but they don't go around killing unbeleiver's and Christians who have and know the truth.

I ask you to study the Bible and copmare it with your books and teachings that are antiquated for 21st Century belief anyway,.But The Bible is as up to date as today's fresh bread. Call on the Lord Jesus and you wull be saved from the wrath to come.
Posted by dobbadan, Monday, 20 March 2006 12:18:29 PM
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After wading through the above posts, I am very pleased that I do not believe in a God who would ban pork, bacon and alcohol. Or would ban condoms or abortion. Or would ban sex outside of formal marriage. Or would ban sex and/or love between adults of the same sex. Or would ban girls taking their tops off on the beach, or people taking everything off on some beaches.

And if it makes anyone feel any more righteous to think that I am going to hell because I don't share some of their beliefs, well go for it, it's not doing me any harm. And don't expect me to be convinced by any of your ancient, unprovable documents.

Traditionally all Australians get a fair go. I like this definition of what it means to be Australian. I don't care what any of you believe, or how it affects your life, as long as it does not infringe upon the liberties of others. Unfortunately, even in Australia, this is often not the case.

We have had Christian extremists trying to interfere in everyone else's life for generations and politicians who are prepared to aid and abet them, to the detriment of Australia. My concern now is that we also have Muslim extremists trying to do the same. I accept that Christian extremists are in a minority and I hope the same is true of Muslims. But religious extremists often seem to have influence far beyond their numbers. I call it the moral gerrymander. Basically it comes back to the honesty of our elected representatives, but how long have honesty and integrity been essential qualities for so-called representatives?
Posted by Rex, Monday, 20 March 2006 1:23:46 PM
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“Immigrants must swear an oath of allegiance…when they apply for entry to our country.”

Two problems:

1. In view that the god of islam Allah allows his followers to lie (and commit other atrocities for the cause of propagation and world domination); most or all will lie to gain entry.
2. What about the ones that are already here? What would constitute an acceptable reason for kicking them out?
Well said about Qur’anic “revelations” for expediency – it is so clear to the rest of us how duped Mohammad’s followers are.

Exposing the dark side of islam is as beneficial to muslims as it is for rest.


I think BD’s point was more on the convenient progressive of the so called revelation to Mohammad and not the grammatical construct.

If you want to be pedantic – why are most male Arabic songs addressed to ‘females’ are written in the masculine?

You said:

“The hadith is talking about the fact that marriage is a highly recommended act, and the "best" thing a man can do, …”

What is the opinion of a woman in that “best thing a man can do”?

I spare you the answer: TOTAL SUBMISSION! And I didn’t even google it.

You can fool Scout any time but why continue to fool yourself? – You sound like an intelligent and rational person. Which begs the question: How could you have falen for islam?

Any such thing as a woman Cleric/ Imam leading mixed gender congregations in prayer?

What about women being allowed up to 4 husbands? Or does this constitute adultery?

Can women say “no” to sex without being bitten and divorced?

Who determines if the man is “fair” with all 4 wives?

All convenience rulings on the run, by the ever so worshiped Mohammed.
Posted by coach, Monday, 20 March 2006 1:45:37 PM
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All religions are scandalous coach.

To reduce to the rediculous, it does not matter if you are a Hells Angel or a Finks, you are still a bikie.

Id like to see a few of you get on your motorcycles and ride off in the distance.
Posted by Realist, Monday, 20 March 2006 1:56:15 PM
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