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Just how Aussie do we have to be? : Comments

By Salam Zreika, published 7/3/2006

Let's move past common stereotypes of Muslims.

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Mangotreeone1 - I object strongly to your implying that those with dual Australian/British citizenship are those that are spreading hatred. I hold both passports - it is quite convenient and like all migrants I still love my 'homeland' but if I had to give up one it would be the British one as after 13 years I consider myself Australian first and foremost. I love this country and coming here was the best thing I ever did for myself and my family. The majority of British born Australians are good citizens of this country. I have friends from a variety of nationalites and some are Muslim. I have supported moderate Muslims on these forums and do not appreciate being associated with the anti-Islamists that frequent OLO. I do support their right to express their opinion though - it is quite informative. From your last post you are no better than they are. And you have the audacity to complain about racism!
Posted by sajo, Thursday, 9 March 2006 6:44:35 PM
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Fellow Human

'Muslims are not allowed to call for invasion of other nations (whether Muslims or non-Muslims) since the Quran rejects transgression.'

I let this go thinking people would challenge the lie.

In a word...Israel

Now is every Arab leader or cleric who has called for the destruction of Israel and the Jews not a Muslin?

I'd love to see your rationalisation for this lie.

Yep...I don't expect you to answer. As with so many of your and others 'moderations' of Islam facts just don't stack up against the rhetoric. Your statement makes you appear a blatant liar.
Posted by keith, Thursday, 9 March 2006 7:50:43 PM
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Hey Wobbles. Spain was primarily Celtic before the Muslims cleaned them out. The Muslims then crossed the Pyrenees and invaded France where they were defeated at the Battle of Tours by Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer.)

I have heard all about how Muslims “saved” the books on antiquity but I have always taken that with a grain of salt. The Muslims destroyed the capitol of the Eastern Roman Empire at Constantinople. The Byzantines hardly needed the Muslim’s help top preserve their own culture. If the Muslims preserved a bit of what they destroyed, I don’t feel we should thank them for that.

Thank you for confirming that what people wear is an important factor in how other people view their behaviour. It makes me wonder why you denied it in the first place.

You opinions on racist behaviour are valid. Everybody is racist to one degree or another. I asked you if your own parent’s homeland had racist tags for people that they did not like and not surprisingly, you dodged the question. Too embarrassed to admit that I was right, eh? Human beings are all tribal and territorial. They do not like people from a different kinship group trespassing on what they consider their people’s property. That is a cultural universal and everybody thinks that way. So please stop the feigned moral posturing where you pretend that you or your people are different to everybody else.

The mood “here” is happening all over the western world. It does not matter if you are an Italian, a Serb or a Dane. People are getting fed up of the immigration of unassimilatable ethnic groups who consider their adopted country as little more than a flag of convenience who’s culture and laws they can ignore.
Posted by redneck, Thursday, 9 March 2006 7:54:00 PM
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No, Have never been involved with any radio show or had anything to do with the Media industry. I occasionly write letters to papers on various issues.

I was most interested in what you had to say about some Muslims in Indonesia and somebody mentioned here on OLO about Muslims in an another Aisian country. I do not recall exactly what you or this other person said, but it gave me some hope that things might change.

While I have you. Do you know anyone who has migrated here recently?
I would like to know what information they were given about our society and our laws before they decided to come here. DIMIA will not tell me because of some legalities preventing their staff from giving out this information. English is my only language.
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 9 March 2006 10:25:10 PM
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Lets not make a fuss now...
it would be great to be a muslim country...If theres a wedding, you fire your gun into the air. Same as when theres a funeral, an election, a footy match, pretty much any event or just for the vibe.
I guess some are just testing the weapons in readiness for one of the afforementioned happenings.
Of course, to make ommelette, one must break eggs. So sorry girls- hand in your licences and for goodness sake, cover those faces. the skin cancer rate might go down as crime goes up.
Its a very up front way of life, if your not happy about something then blow it up.
The actual beliefs probably arent that bad but like christianity and every other religion, open to misinterpretation and abuse. Its obviously a thinking mans religion as all those people died s a result of some cartoons, and really showed the world how its done.
Umm..What do these evidently superior peoples really see in this sunburnt dump full of beer drinking infidels and bikini clad temptresses?
Posted by The all seeing omnipotent voice of reason, Friday, 10 March 2006 12:13:07 AM
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I am with pride a member of and activist for the Australian Labor Party.
I want not to see Howard leave under his own steam but to see him beaten in an election.
Yet I agree totally with his words on this subject and very little of what this threads author says.
Do not be suprised John Howard , no friend of mine reads Australian public opinion better than my side of politics does.
We bog down in political corect views never to be shared by the new conservative voters we made.
We are a multi culture country, some however defend even those who while a minority, would distroy even them.
And far too many from minoritys refuse to see we have a right to think as we wish in Australia.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 10 March 2006 6:30:03 AM
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