The Forum > Article Comments > RU486 - something to be said for considered debate > Comments
RU486 - something to be said for considered debate : Comments
By Andrew Laming, published 16/2/2006Where substantial ethical concerns exist, Parliament should retain the option to resume the power delegated to the Therapeutic Goods Adminsistration when required.
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Posted by Know enough to know I don't know, Friday, 9 June 2006 3:46:24 PM
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"Charity work does not make up for bad philosphy."
Whew, how very true indeed. Well said! Scout, thanks for the link and info. I was aware that those tactics were going on in the US, not aware that they had reached our shores here yet. The Muslims have a saying that the end justifies the means, they are at least honest about it. Our Christian Taliban often behave even worse, there seem to be no limits to their devious tactics, in order to enforce their religious agenda on the rest of us. They are just as fanatical as their Muslim Taliban cousins, only perhaps less honest. Meg, considering that your lot are wearing spikey chains and whipping themselves in the name of religion, I'll let others decide as to who believes weird stuff around here :) BTW, you continue to claim the joys of selfless love, doing things for that reason. You clearly don't yet understand how your brain works. As you go around doing things that you think are so selfless, they make you feel great. Aha, you get pleasure out of feeling great. Because you love the feeling of that pleasure, is why you really do them :) You are acting out of self interest dear... so stop kidding yourself. Posted by Yabby, Friday, 9 June 2006 8:55:55 PM
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I am relieved you got the link - I thought at first you had missed it. Philo (and Meg1), who claims to counsel pregnant women, has proven the truth of the promulgation of misinformation regarding abortion his claims that abortions cause cancer are simply wrong, if that was the case then D&C's would cause cancer too. I wonder if he claims government funding. In case anyone is interested, here in Australian, anti-choice agencies are giving limited and often distorted information regarding pregnancy and choices - some of these agencies are receiving government funding. To voice your protest over this please register your protest at: Women need ALL the facts, so that they can make up their own minds as to what is best for them. Posted by Scout, Saturday, 10 June 2006 9:33:19 AM
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The website you posted is nothing more than a scare campaign based on misinformation. Please give us the facts not the scare agenda of pro-abortionists who wish to support the Chemical industries multimillions $$$ they made out of drugs and the medical clinics involved in the abortion industry. We well recognise you support the death industry, because you believe there are too many children in the Earth. Posted by Philo, Saturday, 10 June 2006 11:08:33 PM
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"Charity work does not make up for bad philosphy."
Neither does lack of charity, charity-work and bad philosophy… ( : (( ‘It implies an abortion created the void…’ …those affected would agree with that implication. ‘so what for those who’ve never aborted?’ …they get left-with-the-baby, without-the-extra-baggage, perhaps you’ll find out. ‘I've never suggested my wife owes me an abortion.’ ‘There may be no good outcome (our case)’ and ‘In a mutually agreed childless relationship gone wrong, the responsibility of the 'other' partner ends at the wallet, and for those of us lucky enough to not have to worry about this we can sleep at night knowing we have 'done the right thing' …sounds like you feel she’s asking for more than the ‘wallet’ – more than you owe? ‘Nature reminds us of this whenever she can. Not to disrespect life…’ You’re right on this one…there are consequences for taking life and nature is uncompromising… ‘I'm sure there are things about your hubby that annoy you too.’ I haven’t claimed to be perfect…but I’m enjoying our ‘work-in-progress’…our life together. : )) ‘As for my knowledge of biology, beleive me it's good.’...and...‘Your definition of conception is philosophical not biological in nature…’ Actually, you could brush up on your spelling, maths and philosophy definitions and your biology : ) Foetal conception is indeed biological, tumours aren’t ‘conceived’. Please define where you ‘fount’ your ‘veiw’…’mysoginistic’ too? Would a misogynist refer to his wife as a ‘kettle of fish irrelevant to the debate’ on her unborn child? I doubt the Jesuits taught you that… It’s wonderful your son-daughter will have ‘angels’, like his-her maternal-grandparents, to watch over her-him…isn’t it? Angels?…a Jesuit term too?…threads of ‘Catholic’ still… ‘Please Attack me for my bitter twisted existence…’ I’d rather suggest something more than a ‘bitter twisted existence’…like making real commitment to your wife and child’s lives. ‘an offensive opiate for the masses. Get them hooked, and they will need you forever.’ Are you selling condoms? Viagra perhaps? Your comment refers more accurately to these…If child-rearing’s so offensive to you, why assume it’s an ‘opiate’ for the masses? tbc… Posted by Meg1, Saturday, 10 June 2006 11:41:50 PM
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‘Pro-life activist’ is fine…as are my other areas of expertise…all of which I espouse from a position of knowledge and understanding of the subject and its difficulties. Enjoy Asia in anticipation of a return to your ‘new-dimension’ as a father, not just biologically - hopefully. Yabby’s obsession with ‘spikey chains’ is something I’m happy to remain unfamiliar with…however, his attachment to Muslim beliefs - ‘the end justifying the means’ is one his posts exemplify…I’ll let his own words condemn him on that score. He justifies killing babies, particularly black African babies…so they won’t eat his ‘evolving relatives’, (bonobos and chimps). There’s distinct similarity in the disrespect and callous destruction of, innocent human life between Yabby and the extremist Muslim community. ‘Aha, you get pleasure out of feeling great. Because you love the feeling of that pleasure, is why you really do them :)’ Yabby, if you only do things that make you feel bad or unhappy…there’s a name for that too…is that where your spikey chains come in? I enjoy seeing benefits resulting from a selfless act…mine or anyone elses…that’s the way God made us…to enjoy doing good for one another. You’re missing the whole point of life if you haven’t grasped that yet. Nothing selfish about it, Yabby…try it! It’s not sinful to enjoy doing good for others… There are times I feel tired or overloaded and push myself to do those ‘selfless acts for others’…and many times when no-one’s aware the deed is done…so no thanks either. That doesn’t mean there’s less good done, nor does it mean that I’m less pleased I’ve done it. Wake up and smell the roses, Yabby. Life’s for living…for one another! Scout, you’re not obtuse are you? Once you’ve worked out that abortions (D&C or however performed) will ALL produce the same increased risk (16%) of breast's scary stuff isn’t it? What sort of government funding do you receive? Are you working for an abortion clinic?...anti-life ‘counselling’ agency?...drug company?...on welfare? Even commercial-abortionist"Dr" David Grundman won't import RU486 unless US studies exonerate it as the cause of 6-recent-post-abortion-deaths-in-the-US. Scout would... ((:( Posted by Meg1, Sunday, 11 June 2006 12:09:34 AM
As for my knowledge of biology, beleive me it's good. I'm relevantly degree qualified in that department, but this is not about sprouting degrees. After acknowledging those two things are extremes, how do you get from one side to the other? Did no one teach you interpolation/integration in your mathematics classes? there has to be something in between. Your definition of conception is philosophical not biological in nature. I wonder do you take the catholic veiw the jesuits taught me at school veiw that life resides in the sperm and not the egg? On the whole I fount them to be mysoginistic, and harmful. Charity work does not make up for bad philosphy.
My wife is a kettle of fish irrelevant to the debate. She's still not convinced she wants the kid, but knows that she couldn't handle adopting it out. If you want the angels, it's the in laws. Please Attack me for my bitter twisted existence, but end it there. You don't know enough about the situation. Your assumptions and comments have affirmed my pro choice stance. I simply can't reconcile what you say as right, because to me its an offensive opiate for the masses. Get them hooked, and they will need you forever. Maybe you should have been a priest? Sorry, I was neglecting the fact women don't reflect the image of your god. My bad. Pro life activist will have to do.