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The Forum > Article Comments > RU486 - something to be said for considered debate > Comments

RU486 - something to be said for considered debate : Comments

By Andrew Laming, published 16/2/2006

Where substantial ethical concerns exist, Parliament should retain the option to resume the power delegated to the Therapeutic Goods Adminsistration when required.

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When the arguments of anti-choicers fail they desperately indulge in outright slander.

The mark of a bully has always been lies. Meg1 and Philo consistently demonstrate their thuggery towards others.

The link I posted is to an organisation called Getup.

It is a non-partisan group, which was organised to question government agendas whether they be state or federal.

Their philosophy is as follows:

"GetUp was founded by Jeremy Heimans and David Madden, two young Australian graduates of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government who have worked at the vanguard of the new online organising and campaigning techniques in the US. In 2004, David and Jeremy helped start a national campaign on the decline in America's standing in the world under George Bush. This campaign gathered thousands of online supporters and millions of dollars in donations to support a national television advertising campaign. Prior to this, Jeremy and David worked on issues of global poverty, conflict, and development.

GetUp's Executive Director Brett Solomon has been working on social justice and development issues for more than ten years. In that time he founded and coordinated the International Youth Parliament with Oxfam, was appointed Campaign Coordinator at Amnesty International Australia and has consulted to Focus on the Global South.....

....GetUp brings together progressive people from all political backgrounds and parties, but is independent of all parties and receives no government funding.

* online members have no legal or other obligations to GetUp Ltd and may choose to participate or not in GetUp campaigns as they see fit."

The protest against anti-choice groups receiving government funding is just a small part of Getup's work.

Genuine counselling provides full information on all three possible options when women face an unplanned pregnancy - abortion, adoption and having a child. Genuine and professional counsellors ensure that the values of the women accessing the counselling drive any decision that she may make rather than impose their own views on the woman seeking their support.
Posted by Scout, Sunday, 11 June 2006 9:55:15 AM
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Meg, spikey chains and whips, as you know, are part of Opus Dei
beliefs, which is a cult within the Catholic Church. This stuff
used to be hush hush, as was Opus Dei. Now its all exposed in
public, lots of red faces there within the Catholic Church.

Considering that your favourite pope made the founder, who invented all this stuff, a saint, tells us something about the wierd beliefs that Catholics have. Us skeptics simply reveal what others prefer
not revealed in public and keep reminding you of those things.

I analyse and cricise Muslim beliefs much like Catholic beliefs,
both are as wierd as one another, religious fanatics have much
in common.

I have never justified killing babies, as a fetus is not a baby.
You know that, but of course by being deceitful often enough, you hope that some mud will stick. You have few other arguments to make, so desparation sets in. Its a regular pattern of yours on here.

Your acts are not selfless at all Meg, you do them to make yourself
feel good, so that you can then brag about them. You would not do them, if they did not make you feel good. Its all tied up with brain chemistry and reward centres in the mind, but thats far above your head to understand lol, so no doubt you'll keep kidding yourself about your virtuous claims about what a good person you are.

I do lots of good for others, but at least I am honest enough to accept that they make me feel good, so that would be part of the motivation. Unlike you, I try not to kid myself.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 11 June 2006 11:27:00 AM
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‘The mark of a bully has always been lies…consistently demonstrate their thuggery towards others.’

Scout, you’ve clearly demonstrated your own lies, bullying and thuggery – all in one sentence. I’ll take your word about links between bullies and lies…you’ve obviously had the experience to know. The bullies I’ve met in life were usually cowards when confronted with the truth or someone with the courage to challenge their threats. You’ve demonstrated that once your bluster and deception is challenged with facts, you cave in like a pack of cards too…howling accusations to smoke-screen your claims being disproven.

Getup is either anti-life or has a small group of supporters who are anti-life, which is it Scout? Are they non-partisan or strongly partisan? If non-partisan, then there are likely to be a significant number of its members who are strongly pro-life also. Your diatribe, though irrelevant has gained some free publicity…but remains pointless regarding the debate.

Perusing your posts Scout, I can see how ‘genuine’ your attempts to provide ‘full information’ to pregnant women has been…lol…ROFL. ) : (

I guess you’re not acknowledging a biased viewpoint either are you?

You haven’t disproven Philo’s accurate demolition of your propaganda and as usual haven’t answered my questions either. You’ve made unsubstantiated accusations about government-funded pro-life organizations advising on pregnancy. Generic names? Which organizations are they, Scout?

Which are the organizations giving the anti-life message to your satisfaction? All government-funded too no doubt?

Yabby, your posts remain as predictable as ever…anti-life fanatics ‘have much in common’ – often railing against the faith they were born into to seek justification for their present life style or choices.

‘I analyse and cricise Muslim beliefs much like Catholic beliefs’…

Well this is obviously a blatant untruth…one doesn’t have to look past your last post…no pun intended.

‘I have never justified killing babies…’

No Yabby, you haven’t – there is NO justification for killing babies, at any age or stage or race…you haven’t and can’t justify killing babies, born or unborn…you’ve tried to unsuccessfully though.

Posted by Meg1, Tuesday, 13 June 2006 12:30:15 AM
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Therefore, the following must have been written for you too…

‘You know that,(Yabby) but of course by being deceitful often enough, you hope that some mud will stick. You have few other arguments to make, so desparation sets in. Its a regular pattern of yours on here.’

How’s that for SELF-evaluation Yabby?

Here’s some more: ‘Your acts are not selfless at all…you do them to make yourself feel good, so that you can then brag about them.’

Followed by: ‘I do lots of good for others…they make me feel good, so that would be part of the motivation…I try not to kid myself.’

Was that bragging Yabby? … and ‘feeling good’ about doing ‘good for others’…

My previous post…”Yabby, if you only do things that make you feel bad or unhappy…there’s a name for that too…is that where your spikey chains come in?
I enjoy seeing benefits resulting from a selfless act…mine or anyone elses…that’s the way God made us…to enjoy doing good for one another. You’re missing the whole point of life if you haven’t grasped that yet. Nothing selfish about it, Yabby…try it! It’s not sinful to enjoy doing good for others…
There are times I feel tired or overloaded and push myself to do those ‘selfless acts for others’…and many times when no-one’s aware the deed is done…so no thanks either. That doesn’t mean there’s less good done, nor does it mean that I’m less pleased I’ve done it.
Wake up and smell the roses, Yabby. Life’s for living…for one another!”

Yes Yabby, I like to do good privately or otherwise, I push myself to do it even when I am tired because it is worthwhile and makes a difference to others and I’m a better person because of it. I enjoy seeing the joy in others as much as anyone…and it makes me appreciate what I have even more…you have a perverted sense of selfishness if you see the enjoyment of good deeds as selfish motivation…poor Yabby! You're a picture of sad, confused humanity...demonstrated in your own confused and convoluted posts.
Posted by Meg1, Tuesday, 13 June 2006 12:38:29 AM
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Meg, you still miss the point entirely, as you continue to brag about what a selfless and virtuous person you are lol. But
you are not the first to delude yourself about yourself.

Fact is every second mother will tell you that she loves and
needs to be needed. Its their purpose in life, it has little
to do with religion, just good old evolution in action. If
you are ever interested in what is actually going on in that
brain of yours beyond what you are concious of, read up a
bit on oxytocin and its effect on female behaviour.

Feeling tired or overloaded has nothing to do with it. Notice
how people will climb Everest, nearly kill themselves, take
themselves to absolute limits, far more then Meg doing
so called "selfless acts" lol, why? For how it makes
them feel afterwards, thats why. You get your buzz out
of what you think is virtuous and selfless, perhaps you
enjoy bragging too, as seems to be the regular case
here. Fact is, if what you do, made you feel crappy,
you would not do it, you are after the buzz, just like
the mountain climber. So not that "selfless" at all lol.

Thats the fun part of neuroscience. We become aware of
whats actually going on in those Meg brains, things
which they aren't even concious or aware of.

Just as religion deludes them, they delude themselves,
time and time again.
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 13 June 2006 11:45:08 AM
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Yabby, when discussing ‘pointless’-ness, you might like to include your very predictably pointless posts. I was tempted to simply re-post a previous comment…I doubt you’d respond any differently as a glance through your monotonously anti-Catholic and anti-life aggression would show…

For someone who preaches ‘choice’ for women…you have a great deal of bile to dish out to any woman who is pro-life…and from a man (?) who will never be in a position to make such a ‘choice’…

‘…you continue to brag about what a selfless and virtuous person you are lol.’

Rather than brag Yabby, I have responded to your endless paranoia or answered your accusations. Check you own self-aggrandisement…humility is not a virtue you are fond of practicing…

I have not listed my ‘selfless acts’ to ‘brag about’, in fact you have no list at all…nor have I made any attempt to brag, what would be the point in that? I doubt there’d be much enjoyment in it anyway…

I make no secret of my enjoyment in helping others, I am well aware of oxytocin and the wonders of the human mind…hardly a surprise when you consider that God created human beings and gave them the guidelines and the ability to live happy, fulfilled lives by not misusing the bodies He created for each of us…

Oxytocin is simply another of God’s gifts to us…it still doesn’t remove ‘free will’ to choose to do good or bad…you remain a contradiction of your own assertions in every respect, Yabby.

‘But you are not the first to delude yourself about yourself.’

No, you’ve got there first on that count too, Yabby, I’m not interested in following your lead on that score either – you delude yourself all you want, thanks anyway!

‘if what you do, made you feel crappy, you would not do it, you are after the buzz, just like
the mountain climber.’

Well Yabby…the mountain climber would feel very ‘crappy’ climbing Everest for a lot of the time…and he pushes on regardless. Why? Because he wills himself on to achieve a goal…

Posted by Meg1, Friday, 16 June 2006 1:37:36 AM
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