The Forum > Article Comments > RU486 - something to be said for considered debate > Comments
RU486 - something to be said for considered debate : Comments
By Andrew Laming, published 16/2/2006Where substantial ethical concerns exist, Parliament should retain the option to resume the power delegated to the Therapeutic Goods Adminsistration when required.
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Posted by Meg1, Saturday, 24 June 2006 12:05:02 AM
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Lol Meg, no wonder you need hope to satisify your emotional
needs! Clearly your memory is going too now, as you make claims about me and Murdoch around a campfire. Bollocks, I never said anything of the sort. All that praying and hoping must be affecting your braincells :) Now we realise that you are scientifically illiterate too, as you clearly don't understand how science differentiates between hypotheses, laws and theories (which are basically facts) Here is a URL to inform you: When the church conceded on evolution, they decided that they would instead be focussed on peoples souls, for which of course they have no evidence. In that case bonobos and chimps would have souls too lol, for they can solve problems if challenged, so clearly think and reason too. Baby is a term used by the verbally challenged or religious nuts, who don't know any better or to try to score semantic points. Just as a zygote is not a baby, nor is an embryo or a fetus. But according to the dogma of Meg, a fertilised cell is a baby. Clearly Meg is as confused about this one, as about me and Murdoch! Mentioning 3 names of converts is a long way from disproving my claim about 95% lol. Did you fail statistics too at school? Considering that Cat Stevens is British and Mundine Australian, you would need to show that millions converted, given the Australian and British populations. So my claim stands. Meg has a 95% chance of having been a good little Muslim, had she grown up in Iraq. But as the Catholics brainwashed her first it seems, she is now a devout little Catholic. So much for free will lol. Black babies should have the same rights as 1st world babies. They should be wanted by their mothers and not forced upon their mothers. Parents should decide as to how many children they can provide resources for. If they are forced to have children that they don't want, the result is much suffering and hunger, as we see in Africa every day. Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 24 June 2006 9:33:54 PM
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That’s right Yabby…it was one around a BBQ with Murdoch or was it Packer…and a few anti-life mates wasn’t it? The mind-numbingly boring and predictable anti-life attacks on Catholics in those posts are all out of the same were just a guest at that one. Clearly I am not hanging on your every verbal diatribe...
I wouldn’t hurl too many ‘illiterate’ accusations Yabby…your own posts indicate a good spell-checker would help most of your work…as for your ‘scientific’ literacy…your knowledge is considerably lesser than your vast ego… Bobobos and chimps probably do behave better than some humans – they don’t choose to abort their young, for any reason. However, you’re kidding yourself about their abilities Yabby…or have you a few in your ‘scientific bush laboratory’ that are learning to do neurosurgery with you? Well it is a favourite saying of a few neurosurgeons I know that even trained monkeys can do brainsurgery…I’ll stick to the human surgeons myself…you go with your rellies if you prefer. ROFL…’verbally challenged’ and ‘nuts’ – that IS you making the accusations Yabby? Not describing yourself then… RE: random converts named…so far you have given NO proof of your own ‘claims’…I gave a few random, well-known converts and can name many more…unnecessary as you have still failed to back up your own unsubstantiated nonsense at all. Your own attempts to vilify anyone connected to your abandoned birth faith contradicts your claims also… A bit late to offer any guise of concern for black African babies after your earlier abhorrent suggestions – but better late than never, huh? Your suggestion that they should have the same rights as 1st world babies…should start with better access to basic human needs like clean water and adequate food…then they wouldn’t need to eat those chimps and bonobos… Your suggested ‘rights’ seem to start and stop with killing them…hmmm, with ‘friends’ like you they need no enemies Yabby Posted by Meg1, Sunday, 25 June 2006 2:03:22 AM
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Bollocks Meg, I never mentioned a BBQ with anyone. Show me where
or apologise, as once again your mind is confused! Spelling is about trivia Meg. Trivia if for trivial minds. As Keating said, focus on the big picture. Unless of course you are scatter brained. You miss the point about bonobos. Kanzi could well be smarter then you :) As they can think and reason, your claim as reason for having a soul, clearly if you have a soul, they have a soul too lol. In fact humans could learn from bonobos and chimps. They live sustainably, don't wreck their environment, unlike our species, which rapes and pillages wherever it goes, creating an unsustainable world. They don't become religious nuts either, another plus. The 95% claim is a well known claim by Richard Dawkins. It has never been challenged by the religious establishment, as they know its true. The actual % of religious converts is in fact very small in statistical terms. Religion is basically a question of geography and brainwashing kids. My claim regards Africa has always been the same. All African women should have the right to family planning and abortion services, just as first world women have. If parents only have as many kids as they can provide food, water and shelter for, as is their role, then most of the hunger and misery in Africa would go away. If a woman wants the snip, as she feels she has enough kids, so let her or her husband have the snip. Forcing her to be a baby machine, in the name of religious dogma, is criminal in my opinion. No wonder there is so much misery in Africa, but then suffering is what your church seems to have no problem with. Its easy for them in Rome, they live in splendor there, with their megabucks in the Vatican Bank. Even Opus Dei is said to be worth 2.8 billion $, richer then most corporations. The Catholic Church is a highly political machine, with a worldwide network of lobbyists. Yup, I comment about political machines. Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 25 June 2006 2:26:21 PM
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No Yabby you were just a ‘guest’ at the BBQ – very sensitive about BBQ’s are you? Or is it just the company that you might have been stuck with?
Spelling and grammar usually indicates rather more than trivia…except to those unable to grasp the language or use a spell check… Keating had a very ‘big picture’ in mind for himself, perhaps his extensive collection of ‘gifted’ clocks or his well funded piggery was part of his ‘big picture’ – a pity the rest of the country are still paying for his excesses and his idea of big pictures…and you thought he was waxing philosophical… Kanzi don’t abort their young either and animals live very simply…there’s a real plus! computers or fancy houses…why aren’t you living like them and moving into the jungle with your bonobo and chimp rellies…if they are your most intimate relatives…what’s stopping you? You’re stretching the bounds of credibility with your ‘emotionally engulfed’ nonsense about your evolving ‘rellies’, generally expected amongst ‘nuts’ looking to find Alice’s tea-party…tell it to Barry bonobo and he’ll give you his ‘reasoned’ response right before he e-mails you his final results as a specialist Neurosurgeon… The ‘95%’ claim and minimal converts claim by the famed Richard Dawkins has clearly not been challenged because it is so obviously fanciful…Ireland did not always have a high Catholic population…an extraordinarily large percentage of the population converted to Catholicism and subsequent generations have followed. The contradictions of your ‘theories’ aren’t difficult to argue…but it’s the boring predictability that makes the exercise tedious. ‘Religion is basically a question of geography and brainwashing kids.’ So why do you bother with all your bile and anti-Catholic propaganda? … if 95% will always remain Catholic or Christian or whatever …and 5% will be ? faithless? or whatever your fate now holds for you Yabby, why are you wasting your time…perhaps you’d better get in early and convert the bonobos and chimps before the Christians or Muslims get to them… tbc... Posted by Meg1, Wednesday, 28 June 2006 12:24:50 AM
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Your intentions for African women and babies have been made graphically clear Yabby…rather than give them the dignity of being able to live in peace, farm their own food and drink clean water…i.e., live with dignity … you’d rather the women become ‘killing machines’…now that’s ‘criminal in my opinion’…there’s a ‘choice’ they’ll embrace as a priority…Yabby for Bonobo President…will you introduce ‘the snip’ or abortion as a ‘choice’ for the bonobos and chimps too? After all they shouldn’t be forced to breed young bonobos either, surely? I guess your predictable Keating adulation means you can also be labeled as ‘highly political’ … so Yabby you’re just another party political ‘sheep’… not the free thinker you’d like to think you are…lol If you’re so sure of the Pope and his Cardinals’ circumstances… ‘Its easy for them in Rome, they live in splendor there, with their megabucks in the Vatican Bank.’ Why don’t you join up again and see if there’s a well paid job in the Vatican for you … perhaps in charge of the African relief effort…still all talk and no facts Yabby… Posted by Meg1, Wednesday, 28 June 2006 12:28:58 AM
…you obviously see no place for black African babies in your world plan…nor for most other humans it seems…I guess your mindset is an attempt to justify your own lifestyle…
Choices, choices…there’s that free will again…all that responsibility for oneself and one’s actions…great isn’t it?
BTW, you might like to refer back to earlier comments about Murdoch before denying any opinion on his antics…you wanted to sit around the campfire toasting…or toasting marshmallows with him…wasn’t that how it went?
Read a one-liner today that is appropriate at this point:
“Man’s way leads to a hopeless end – God’s way leads to endless hope.”
I hope all has gone well with the arrival of ‘Know-enough-to-know-I-don’t-know’s’ new arrival who has quite possibly been welcomed by his ‘angels’ and his parents by now…brings back beautiful memories of early days with my own babies…each one brings endless possibilities, endless hope…