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RU486 - something to be said for considered debate : Comments

By Andrew Laming, published 16/2/2006

Where substantial ethical concerns exist, Parliament should retain the option to resume the power delegated to the Therapeutic Goods Adminsistration when required.

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Yes Yabby, I do feel tired and push myself on to achieve my goals too…and have no desire to trade my achievements for a trek up Everest…it isn’t on my list of priorities. I’ve trekked up mountains (no snow though) and enjoyed reaching the summit immensely at the time, but there are other heights to reach in life than those…and I haven’t had to abandon my principles or my mates to get there.

When it comes down to it, I’d suggest that recent reports of the mountain climbers of Everest climbing over the bodies of their fellow climbers … leaves a less than positive impression of the value of the climb…if that is an indication of how they end up afterwards…

They do it: “For how it makes them feel afterwards, thats why.”

So Yabby, how do you think they feel after leaving a mate to die on a freezing mountain? Pretty ‘crappy’ at a guess…

‘We become aware of whats actually going on in those … brains, things which they aren't even concious or aware of.’

Who’s kidding who Yabby? You have a grossly over-exaggerated opinion of your own ability and opinions – really… who’s ‘deluding themselves, time and time again…’ sounds like you’ve got a serious problem there.

If you only do the things that give you a ‘buzz’ Yabby, you either have a lot of well trained ‘chimps and bonobos’ who clean house for you, pay a ‘maid’, live in a grubby house…OR love to scrub, clean, wash, iron and polish…lol. I hope that ‘buzz’ isn’t from faulty electrical wiring in your house…resulting from poor maintenance and sloppy housekeeping. ROFL
Posted by Meg1, Friday, 16 June 2006 1:45:40 AM
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I am not anti life at all Meg, in fact I am pro happy life and anti suffering. The difference between us is that you are pro so called holy sperms and pro suffering due to Catholic dogma.
I reject both philosophies.

I have as much right as you to comment on choice. If you want
to deny other people, male or female, the right to make decisions about their lives, due to weird religious beliefs,
then I will protest loudly and point out why I think that
your religious beliefs are weird. The church can’t have us
heretics burnt at the stake anymore, as she used to.

You certainly have bragged Meg, about your many so
called selfless acts. Read your own past posts. As you
also admit in different words, it’s the way you achieve your biochemical buzz.

Nothing amazing at all about that Meg, thats how high oxytocin motherly types evolved, for very good evolutionary reasons.
A lot of the time they want to mother and nurture those around them, whether they want it or not :)

Never underestimate the effects of the endocrine system on human and other species behaviour. Just like you don’t free will to have a crappy pms day, it comes kind of naturally, so various ligands, hormones and neurotransmitters affect your behaviour.
Your so called free will is not half as free as you think.

You are a product of your genes and your environment. That is
exactly why 95% of religious people, simply accept the religion that they were brainwashed with as kids. So where is the free will there? Had Meg been born in Iraq, there is a 95% chance that she would now be a devout little Muslim.

Housework? That’s easily fixed. That’s women’s work :)
Posted by Yabby, Friday, 16 June 2006 7:47:44 PM
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If, as you say Yabby, you have no free will, then what are you doing posting on this thread…you should be on your knees asking for forgiveness for straying from the faith you were born into…what’s the point of ‘choice’ if you haven’t any control over your mind’s impulses or chemical directives…perhaps there’s something to that free will after all…hmmmm.

I for one am happy to take responsibility for the choices and decisions I have and will make in my life time.

Whatever the chemistry of my mind or body Yabby, I decide how I will behave and hope that I can discipline myself to consider others, whatever the state of my health, mood, etc.

Your posts indicate that your ‘chemistry’ is as unbalanced as any woman experiencing a ‘crappy pms day’ … and that’s on every day you post, Yabby…what chemical do you suppose is causing that?

I guess a poorly developed social attitude and an unbalanced testosterone level is responsible for the ‘women’s work’ quip…or perhaps that’s as close to humour as you can come…is it, Yabby?

Are you suggesting that I’m a more highly ‘evolved’, ‘motherly type’ woman? You flatter me Yabby…thank you. I’ll let my children decide on that one as they are the recipients of my mothering.

If 95% of people born into a religion remain faithful to that religion, there would be a very different scenario in the world than there is … once again you’ve been caught out creating statistical propaganda Yabby…the truth is far more interesting and enlightening. You should try it occasionally…

‘I am pro happy life and anti suffering’

You’re confirming that you are completely delusional Yabby…life dishes out both – a healthy dose of maturity and realism is required in order to appreciate the happy and good times and deal with the suffering and loss that will inevitably come your way. For those who make it to Heaven…happiness and no more suffering will be eternal…that’s the promise of the creator…I guess sub-consciously you haven’t given up on Catholicism after all, Yabby?
Posted by Meg1, Saturday, 17 June 2006 11:23:25 PM
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Meg, you really should read my posts a bit more closely, to see
what I actually wrote1 Perhaps
its just sloppy on your behalf, perhaps you are purposefully trying
to distort the truth once more.

I stand by my point that 95% of the religious, stick to the religion
that they were brainwashed with. Think of the billions of Hindus,
Buddhists, Muslims etc, who do not convert to some other religion.
I said nothing of people who dump religion, because they are educated
enough and rational enough to realise, the big con thats been going on in the god of the gaps story.

Once again, I did not say that people have no free will, I said that people have limited will, coloured by active endocrine systems and
emotional circuits, which let them rationalise away the irrational.
The world is full of the emotionally engulfed. So they are far
less free then they thought.

Fact is that natural selection has had its effect on human behaviour and still does. Go back 500 grandmothers in your geneology, a mere
eyeblink in evolutionary terms, and your ancestors lived in caves
and went out on hunting parties to survive. Mothers who fussed over their kids would have passed on their dna more readily, as less would have been eaten by lions, etc. Men who were great hunters would have done the same. So today when we see Rupert Murdoch go out and make yet another killing, he is following his innate tendencies, as much as Meg, who wants to mother and nurture everyone. People go nuts at sportgames, where they
cheer for their teams. Just like tribes of humans, going out in groups to bring home that trophy for dinner. You cannot ignore the
effect of natural selection on our evolutionary past and on our
behaviour today.

Nope I don't think you are more highly evolved lol. I think you are just another doting mother, whose oxytocin levels influence her behaviour, whether she is aware of it or not. The influence of natural selection on your ancestors is showing, thats all.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 18 June 2006 3:53:29 PM
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I note you explain your whole world on the theory of evolution. What you have said is such nonsense. Please explain why the humblest of creatures protect their young. If as you believe early humans allowed their young to be eaten by lions, so only the protected survived; why do ants or spiders protect their unborn if their were no predators?
Posted by Philo, Sunday, 18 June 2006 4:22:40 PM
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"What you have said is such nonsense. Please explain why the humblest of creatures protect their young."

Philo, within any given species there are better and worse mothers.
Clearly good mothers have a better chance of their offspring surviving. I'm not sure which part you deny or are confused about.
That some mothers are better then others? That if mothers don't care
about their children it doesent matter?

The endorine systems of most mammals are in fact pretty similar.
Oxytocin affects the behaviour of many species, not just humans.

Natural selection matters, its happening around us every day.
Perhaps you need a trip to the countryside and out of the ratrace
to get back to real nature :)

Stop and smell the roses whilst you are there btw....
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 18 June 2006 10:54:34 PM
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