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The Forum > Article Comments > RU486 - something to be said for considered debate > Comments

RU486 - something to be said for considered debate : Comments

By Andrew Laming, published 16/2/2006

Where substantial ethical concerns exist, Parliament should retain the option to resume the power delegated to the Therapeutic Goods Adminsistration when required.

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Bucking for a Cabinet spot, Andrew? So soon, when you've as much seniority as Malcolm Turnbull? An argument that keeps women happy(ish), keeps the pro-foetals happy(ish), and best of all, steers a middle course between what the Prime Minister wants - we all know the mere fact of election confers omniscience - and what your own experience (which you've trumpeted) tells you is right. You'll go far. I don't want to speculate about the direction. I shall watch your Dorothy Dix-ers with interest.
Posted by anomie, Thursday, 16 February 2006 8:47:44 PM
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No abortion.

No drinking.

No smoking.

More police power.

Intelligent Design.

[insert your favoured psychosis here]....

I just love people who believe that their efforts are justified in such matters.

If it wasn't so serious, I'd laugh myself to sleep at their idiocy: the more they seek to legislate away my freedom, my atheism, my social uniqueness, and my ability to exercise choice, the less I want to bring children into the world they would have my children live their lives in.
Posted by When_The_Going_Gets_Weird, Thursday, 16 February 2006 9:55:08 PM
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Thanks for the reasoned article Andrew. I hope you didn't expect much in return though. Some of the lamest responses continue to be parroted as if they have any value. Keep up the good work Andrew.

The ultimate act of cowardice has been done by parliment after no call was made to record who voted for and against this bill. I find it amazing, considering the claims of apparent support by the Australian people given here, that ministers would duck this accountability to the people of australia. If support was so overwhelming, surely they wouldn't be so scared to be held accountable.
Posted by Alan Grey, Friday, 17 February 2006 7:26:25 AM
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"When the going gets weird" needs to think a little deeper. We are not talking about Govt interference in traffic or town planning rules here. Would you feel so "free" to raise children if paedophilia laws were removed?

The difficuly with this issue is that RU486 is not "Therapeutic" in any way, shape or form. Quite the contrary!

Let's not let logic get in the way of this 'sacred cow' of secular humanists. Canada has not allowed this drug after a woman diied during testing. The US has many lawsuits presently surrounging RU486 and approval for it is being reconsidered by authorities. And we now go and approve it?

"All hail the great God of secular humanism - My Choice! Let us bow down and sacrifice our children."
Posted by brougham, Friday, 17 February 2006 7:33:13 AM
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If abortion was merely a personal matter; why is the Government encouraging an increase in the birth rate? It is a social problem that wemon are aborting their babies. visit any Phychologists clinic and you will realise it is also a mental problem of women dealing with guilt and depression and this affects her family. My wife had a natural abortion and I can say it affected more than just her; It affected all the family. It is more than a personal choice that only affects the mother.

With your comment:
"ABORTION IS A PERSONAL CHOICE!it shouldnt be up to the prime minister to decide for all women of Australia he isnt the one who has to carry the child or live with it for that matter!

This indicates your attitude toward children. When have women not had to carry and give birth to children? How did you get here? When have children not lived with their mother?

Abortion and having children is a whole of society issue. The decisions impact on society and reflects personal attitudes toward children. The future emotional state of our society depends upon how mothers view and treat their children. Ask any school Teacher if the mothers attitudes have reflected upon the child's behaviour and self esteem. Is it any wonder we have a social problem in todays children?
Posted by Philo, Friday, 17 February 2006 9:20:06 AM
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When a share price goes into free-fall on the stock exchange, there is often a phenomenon called the "dead cat bounce", where the stock appears to revive for a short while before collapsing completely. Since the votes have been counted, and the verdict is in, all that is left of this particular thread is a couple of unhappy voices, shouting at the departed train as they hobble along the platform.

Alan Grey, you are an American christian evangelist, presumably posting here as part of your world-wide mission to promote your faith. Stop pretending to speak for Australians.

>>I find it amazing, considering the claims of apparent support by the Australian people given here, that ministers would duck this accountability to the people of australia.<<

As you would know, if you lived here, a sizeable majority of Australians supports our government in this. Parliament was allowed a
"conscience vote" - you are probably unfamiliar with the term - and in such circumstances individual votes are never recorded.

>>If abortion was merely a personal matter; why is the Government encouraging an increase in the birth rate? It is a social problem...<<

A very good point indeed Philo. The government has absolutely no business interfering with either procreation or abortion, both are entirely personal issues.

They are allowed to point out potential consequences of a low birth rate - which they do - and they may find financial means to encourage larger families, which they also do, but which I personally object to. If using our money this way buys them votes, they will do it. But there is a world of difference between financial arm-twisting and creating criminals.

You are right, it is a social problem. But society is shaped by people. Society is the cumulative result of individual action within a group. Society doesn't exist without people. You cannot legislate what “society” does, only the individuals within it.

It could well be that “society” will not recover from the path it has chosen for itself. But the ability to choose how to conduct ones life is still highly regarded by many.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 17 February 2006 11:02:48 AM
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