The Forum > Article Comments > Aborting Muslims from society > Comments
Aborting Muslims from society : Comments
By Taya Fabijanic, published 16/2/2006Dana Vale erroneously conflates the issues of Muslim women, child bearing and RU486.
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Posted by redneck, Saturday, 18 February 2006 7:06:23 AM
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Some Stats:
AUSTRALIANS BY RELIGION CHRISTIAN 68 per cent NO RELIGION 15.5 DIDN'T ANSWER 9.8 OTHER/UNCLEAR 2.4 BUDDHIST 1.9 MUSLIM 1.5 HINDU 0.5 JEWS 0.4 SOURCE: CENSUS 2001 Now these stats do indicate that our egalitarian wide brown land is very much dominated by those who profess to be Christian - although I would be interested to know what percentage are active practising christians. The other interesting fact is that Muslims are a whopping 1.5% of our population, that's about 300,000 compared to 20,000,000 Australians. Yeah, we're really in danger from being overun by Muslims - in the Year 40,000 maybe. To judge from her comments, Dana Vale is very confused about many things and should be treated with care and sympathy. But there is only one of her and hopefully she hasn't done any breeding ;-) Posted by Scout, Saturday, 18 February 2006 8:10:55 AM
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David (Latimer)
again.. your critique is welcome. I almost thought I was re-reading 'Chariots of the Gods' (aliens etc :)but you seem to be working more from well intended 'emotion' based on Aussie values of fair go etc, more than taking a sober look at Islam in the world context, and at the doctrinal/foundation level. Imagine if you were a Christian in Bangledesh,Syria or Pakistan, today where 'blasphemy' laws are routinely trotted and used against you if you get too 'uppity' to keep you in your place, if not get you executed. This kind of thing occurs with monotonous regularity even for simple things like embarrassing or disagreeing with a Muslim. The problem is the 'tone and fabric' of the 'Islamic' state. They actually have a concept of 'dhimmitude' -you should research this. Non Muslims, if people of the book, are subject to a list of prohibitions. Note the discussion on historicity, but also that the degree of implementation was 'whim' based depending on the ruler of the day. David.. please look at posts by Kactuz, and note the actual references to Islamic sources he has presented. You might get a better feel for this faith in so doing. Always bear in mind (as you have also seen clearly on recent newsbulletins) Mohammed is regarded as "our beLOVED' prophet". His example is the guide to understanding the Quran and Hadith. Sadly for us, his example is not without ugly blemish as Kactuz' posts will clearly show, and the experience of Christians in Muslim lands confirms. Islam is political. The goal is an Islamic state- Always and without exception. We are in the 'Medina' stage here in Australia where the Muslims are 'weak and isolated' but things changed with the 'Meccan' invasion. Demographics, Conversions, Funding from rich Middle East countries (construction of opulent Mosques and the associated 'Wahabist' sting in the tail conditions) all contribute to the 'Meccan' goal. I enjoy the interaction, and hope that you will search out more background info as time passes. But most of all, that you will find Christ as Saviour. Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 18 February 2006 8:29:59 AM
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Donna Vale, like Pauline Hansen, will be vilified and abused for holding the same views that the majority Australians have.
She has apologised so that will hopefully save her from the feral attacks that struck Pauline. If you want to know how much regard Muslims hold us in, go to WWW Islamic Thinkers. You will surely get enlightenment. Posted by mickijo, Saturday, 18 February 2006 3:30:41 PM
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Just who are the fringe lunatics and armchair Nazis who should apologise, and for what. Should Mark Steyn also apologise for his article in the Australian.? When are the Islamofascists going to apologise for their beat ups and gross distortions of reality. Why should anyone take any notice of Islamacists when they beat up the cartoon affair, after it was published in an Egyptian paper. Who apologised for the two girls in Indonesia who had their head chopped off by Islamcists.etc etc When are the Islamacists going to recognise that their cult worshipping of someone who was an outright deviant, thug and murderer is disgusting. When are the Islamacists going to submit their odd ball theology to open and rigorous scholarly analsyis. Get my drift do you? Posted by bigmal, Saturday, 18 February 2006 3:46:54 PM
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Some of the contributions to this debate do the writers no credit and have made for a disappointing read. I have come to expect rather better from those who generally contribute to this Forum and I would ask that at least some you mend your ways and do please try to engage in constructive argument. If you can't be constructive at least try to be witty and if you can't be witty then just read--don’t contribute. If you really feel that you need a rant then save some of your more asinine comments for talk back radio—as late in the evening as possible please.
Posted by JB1, Saturday, 18 February 2006 5:36:40 PM
As for racist stereotypes, why is it that every time another bunch of Muslims get convicted of gang raping infidel women that we hear that they have several brothers in their families? If a stereotype exists that Muslims have large families, then that stereotype appears to me to be accurate. Late last year, four “brothers” from a Pakistani Muslim family were convicted of gang rape, and one of the brothers appealed on the grounds that such behaviour towards sluttish women is normal in Pakistan. Personally, I don’t want any more people with those attitudes in my country.
As per usual, she screams about Muslim stereotypes but is not above doing a little stereotyping herself. She characterises Dana Vaile’s comments as “One part Catholic, one part Pauline Hanson. And it equals 100% racism.” Well guess what, baby? If you racially stereotype yourself, then you are just as racist as I am. If you pretend to hold the moral high ground, that’s great with me. It makes you a terrific target.
It seems funny that Tanya Fabijanic pretends to be outraged at the thought that Donna Vaile does not regard Muslims as “us”. Muslims are noted for their insistence upon social exclusion, as a matter of fact, it is part of their religion. If Muslims no longer feel this way, could they take up the issue with their Imams and the Prophet?
Most Australians do not wish to live in a stuffed up Muslim country, and we are concerned that your people are outbreeding our people. Unless you want to return to stoning people to death, women as chattels of men, crushing poverty and dictatorial governments, it should concern you too.