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The Forum > Article Comments > Aborting Muslims from society > Comments

Aborting Muslims from society : Comments

By Taya Fabijanic, published 16/2/2006

Dana Vale erroneously conflates the issues of Muslim women, child bearing and RU486.

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I don't know why the proposition that Australia may abort itself out of existence raises such controversy. Other cultures have no trouble discussing it at all. Consider the following piece by Spengler in the Asia Times on what is happening in europe:

I think the problem is that humans are only conditioned to respond to sudden change. Demographic change is usually to slow to be noticed.
Posted by plerdsus, Thursday, 16 February 2006 7:27:23 PM
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Nice one BOAZ, couldnt have said it better myself.

Islam is a parasitic religion by nature and as such its followers will follow suit. It rides the back of other cultures and slowly but surely strangles them through the death of a thousand cuts.

Muslim women dont do abortion they dont do work and they dont contribute one ayota to the common good. What they do is breed and take advantage of the generous social security system. And why wouldnt they? Being an incubator for Allah is preferable to being raped or cast from the community.

Dana Vale has hit the nail on the head and just saying whats on the tip of everyones tongue.

And as for staring at a muslim in a burqha well what do you expect if I walked down the street in a pointy hat with rabbit ears wouldnt you stare. Its bizzare and should be banned.
Listen up you left wing morons, this our bloody country yeh thats right Anglo, the rest of you Johnny come lateleys can tow the friggin line or piss off. And the white do gooder civil libertarians with the far off glaze in your eyes are deluded at best and worst traitors to your own people history is not going to thank you.

[Deleted for general offensiveness.]

Posted by SCOTTY, Thursday, 16 February 2006 8:56:52 PM
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Mohammed was a child defiler and hater of blacks originally ,(read "The Prophet",by Alberto Rivera or Chic Publications )until white muslims could see the potential of using the black masses to slaughter, rape and take over nations by sheer numbers ,these poor ,illiterates egged on by a promise of sex unstoppable in the Allah heaven where 70 virgins are waiting to get raped for ever.

Islams plan was ,and is to take over every Western nation for Mohammed and Allah by lies,torture,stealth,terror (of course) train up kids to hate all westerners(see them daily on TV)bleed the west of finances any way possible (Centrelink)and go the way of the anti christ system now being formed worldwide by stirring up hatred towards all religions and replacing it with their own brand of religion .

Read Revelations in Bible ,it's all there, including s/feminists idea of a mark(666) under the skin to control all.
Dana Vale has exposed the whole thing by what she said,I guess she is a Chrsitian ,going by the uproar ,just as Tony Abbott is too and myself included .
Not only are muslims hated ,but us Christians are too,just try to get a fair say in the media and you are censored,maligned,mocked and ridiculed , by the secular do -gooders and Greenies ,etc.

The media always make you (Christians )and emphasise"FUNDAMENTALISTS", are at the root of all the trouble while media can hide behing their autonomy and cunningness to manipulate the masses .

I know what I am on about. I not only get my info from books and history but Bible is the only TRUTH left to go by. Read The late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey,Final Notice by Barry Smith and Beyond 2000 AD also by Hal.The muslim plot is in all.
Posted by dobbadan, Thursday, 16 February 2006 10:31:09 PM
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Yes, dobbadan, you credulous berk. It's all in Lindsay et al's books. And so is the rapture. And the penultimate dispensation, a theory largely based on the fraudulent Scofield Reference Bible. These deranged texts promote any means possible of bringing about Armageddon. Their authors are either on to a nice little earner, or actively hoping, indeed praying for nuclear annihilation. This doesn't strike me as a very good idea. And if such a person tried to engineer the ultimate in megadeaths, would his god think he's someone worthy of heaven? Just a thought.
Posted by anomie, Thursday, 16 February 2006 10:49:40 PM
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As an old leftie, I would have to agree with you on all except "bagging us old lefties" apparently you don't really understand what a leftie stands for. However I do think the Muslim birth rate should be kept a close eye on, the thing that concerns me is that our fearless leader made a speech during the 2004 federal election, "We shall decide who come, and the circumstances under which they come" so if my logic is correct, he has allowed them to come.
If so why doesn't he send them back? Australia does not need a collection of religious fanatics, of any religion, especially fanatics as violent as the Muslim faith. For more claeification refer both David Boaz, and Col Rouge first posts.
Posted by SHONGA, Friday, 17 February 2006 6:30:56 AM
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It is a sad fact that many on this board remain willfully blind to the demographic changes going on in Europe. By arguing against observed trends overseas (Yes, europe will either collapse or become muslim dominated by 2050) and sticking their heads in the sand, they invite Australia to continue down the same road. Australia may only be just starting down that road, but it is definitely the same road.

Many here also ignore the marked difference between culture, nationality and religion, and also the differences between religions. Islam is a very political religion, which aims to get sharia law implemented where ever it can (Once again, look to europe to see this trend).

Ms Vale's comments were accurate, but certainly not politically correct.
Posted by Alan Grey, Friday, 17 February 2006 7:35:51 AM
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