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The Forum > Article Comments > Aborting Muslims from society > Comments

Aborting Muslims from society : Comments

By Taya Fabijanic, published 16/2/2006

Dana Vale erroneously conflates the issues of Muslim women, child bearing and RU486.

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I believe the true people of Briton should rise up and push the foreign scum into the sea. Bloody Anglo Saxons scum.

I’m continually amazed at the level of ignorant racism displayed by some posters on the board.
Posted by Kenny, Friday, 17 February 2006 8:22:21 AM
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Its a little arrogant to judge whether Hinduism or Buddism will survive in Australia. I was just pointing at stats that Buddism is the fastest growing religion in Australia even though its migration intake is a minimum.

As for your comments 'radicals drive the agenda', can you explain why people like Abu Hamza, Ayman Zawahery, etc...have prison sentences against them in many Muslim countries yet they are allowed to preach in the UK and the US?

The answer is simple, Muslims prosecuted them and don't want them.
I think Abu Hamza (similar to Omar A/ Rahman) are playing the boogyman role. Muslims kicked them out a decade ago.

One last thing, all radicals are bad news to Australia. Radical Christianity brought Hitler in a democratic regime. Just remember that.

Posted by Fellow_Human, Friday, 17 February 2006 8:26:58 AM
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Aboriginal peoples currently have the highest reproduction rate of Australian social groups.

In a population of roughly 20.7 million people, around 450,000 identify as Aboriginal and around 200,000 identify as Muslim. Both are obviously minority groups, but Muslims share the average Australian life expectancy, while an Aboriginal woman can expect to see the ripe old age of 60 and an Aboriginal man something less than that. Aboriginal babies are more likely to have low birth weights and consequent health and education problems if they do survive.

Maybe those so horrified at the thought of big Muslim families and the rest of us aborting ourselves out of existence could consider supporting the Aboriginal population's bid to compensate for the loss of all those aborted babies. Such support would also lay to rest accusations of racism.
Posted by chainsmoker, Friday, 17 February 2006 9:28:39 AM
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I agree totally with you that rape is all you describe it to be and more. Rape is definitely one the lowest forms of human behaviour...(not exclusive to females either I might add)

I cannot begin to imagine the trauma that the victim must endure for the rest of their earthly life, to say that I could would be extremely offensive…

I strongly agree also with your statement: “It is not about sex. It is about power and control over the victim.”

Maybe I should have explained myself before . In retrospect I admit to have been a bit hasty posting.

I was only speaking moralistically. It seems to me that abortion has become in most cases an expedient almost knee-jerk solution to unwanted pregnancies.

The point I was trying to make is that killing an unborn ‘would-be person’ is also a hideous crime and must be taken into much greater consideration.

As difficult as it is to find oneself in this predicament, the “other” victim is the unborn. To punish a new life for a crime they had no control upon is, in my opinion, a misdirected (revenge) crime at a hopeless babe.

We don’t go around executing or stoning people in our society, so why (I ask) should aborting a child be the automatic thing to do?

This is a horrendous subject to try to reason and wrestle with. Thanks for the challenge Kay.

I can only be the jury, because I’d hate to be the judge and impose my verdict on any shattered victim.

You may have watched “Foreign Correspondent” on abc Tuesday night, a very moving documentary on the Bosnian rape victims of war.
Posted by coach, Friday, 17 February 2006 10:36:06 AM
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Scotty says "Listen up you left wing morons, this our bloody country yeh thats right Anglo, the rest of you Johnny come lateleys can tow the friggin line or piss off."

It would be great if Scotty would tow the line. This forum has rules and he has broken them.

Australia has an important law called the Racial Discrimination Act. Section 9.1 says: "It is unlawful for a person to do any act involving a distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of any human right or fundamental freedom in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."

That's the "friggin line".

To any person reading this forum from another country, be assured that this law is supported by the vast majority of Australians. If anything, we are embarrased how the existance of a tiny minority make this law necessary.

We are the 'fair go' country. We are an egalitarian country. We are a great country.
Posted by David Latimer, Friday, 17 February 2006 1:50:12 PM
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Sadly, the racial discrimination act is used by the Latimer's of this world to change Australian society against the will of the vast majority of Australians. I t gone from it's egalitarian origins to spite the cultural group that made Australia -Anglo - Australia.

Oppostion to absurd propositions is derided as 'racist' and 'xenophobic'' which means unlimited immigration, immigration from completely alien cultures and an increasingly divided Australia with fragmented communities frought with violence and ethnic tension. Thats multicultural for ya.

Back to the topic, don't Australian women have enough methods for birth control already?
Posted by davo, Friday, 17 February 2006 3:46:43 PM
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