The Forum > Article Comments > Aborting Muslims from society > Comments
Aborting Muslims from society : Comments
By Taya Fabijanic, published 16/2/2006Dana Vale erroneously conflates the issues of Muslim women, child bearing and RU486.
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I want to know how many people who agreed with John Perkin's recent secular article are now on Vale's case when she speaks out against the very real demographic threat posed by the religion of islam? And how few of them really see their hypocrisy
Posted by Alan Grey, Monday, 20 February 2006 7:49:47 AM
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You asked for examples of ethnic cleansing by Muslims. You will have no trouble in finding these answers in both your history books, and in observing daily reports. You could begin by keeping an eye on what is published in: For history, the best seller by Robert Spence on the "Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam" woudl be a good starting point. You will quickly learn that the term dhimmitude means ethnic cleansing by subjugation, or death or conversion. There is no other way for non muslims to live adjacent to and be accepted by these people, when they are in control. This is a status that has never been repudiated by mainstream Islamicists, even in this country. Note also that the raving lunatic currently in charge of Iran has said that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth, and that one nuclear bomb should do it. When it comes to ethcic cleansing, they have been doing it for 1500 years. Posted by bigmal, Monday, 20 February 2006 7:54:55 AM
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'they have been doing it for 1500 years'! So how come most Muslim countries still have non-Muslims population and their churches for the last 1500 years? (Source world bank statistics and IMF website) By the way, the 'dhimmi' is mainly used in wahhabi teachings. to quote it as 'all Muslims'reference' is misleading. Posted by Fellow_Human, Monday, 20 February 2006 8:47:28 AM
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Response to Kalweb.
Bigmal has recommended to you dhimmiwatch (DW) which is a blog associated with Spence. So you are not getting two sources but one source. One of the things I noticed is that DW criticises Muslims for being against Osama Bin Ladin. (see "Islamic truths"). Mansoor Ijaz wrote in the LA Times that "Muslim ideologues are hypocrites", praises "devout Muslim doctors", condemns Osama Bin Ladin as one of "Islam's mobsters" and condemns the rioting. DW responds sarcastically and sadly in defence the mobsters. In DW's view, the mobsters and radicals are in the right, because it serves their bias. DW seems to enjoy fuelling religious acrimony, despite the consequences. Don’t fall into this web. If you want a neutral perspective look up wikipedia: Posted by David Latimer, Monday, 20 February 2006 11:51:12 AM
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David Latimer:
Please could you provide a link to the article on dhimmiwatch that you speak of. Posted by Mr.P.Pig, Monday, 20 February 2006 12:39:41 PM
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David Latimer
Kalweb asked the question about ethnic cleansing in regard to Muslims only. I responded to that question. Your wikipedia reference looks at ALL ethnic cleansing including that by Muslims. My pointed reference to Dhimmi Watch was directed at the question raised, as was the book by Robert Spence. The book by Spence was by its nature a very different document than a sequentially oriented weblog of inputs from aorund the world. The book by the way has been extremely well researched and written, and it is no wonder that it is a best seller. It remains a valuable read along with many others for those who want to learn more. Posted by bigmal, Monday, 20 February 2006 1:43:45 PM