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Aborting Muslims from society : Comments

By Taya Fabijanic, published 16/2/2006

Dana Vale erroneously conflates the issues of Muslim women, child bearing and RU486.

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I'm sorry, I've made a mistake. Mark Steyn's article, "Salute Danna Vale", is in todays The Australian, not in the Melbourne Age.
Posted by Themistocles, Thursday, 16 February 2006 4:09:50 PM
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Taya Fabijanic is a freelance journalist. She recently completed a Masters paper on the media representation of nation building in Afghanistan.

Taya's CV is rather interesting. She says she is a journalist and makes a few statements that seem to contradict that statement.
If a person responds to the call of a muezzin that person is a muslim. As the muslims file into the mosque they might look about and see black muslims, white muslims, Russian muslims, Pakistani muslims, Jordanian muslims and other disparate groups of muslims. Most ambulatory muslims will prostrate themselves during worship. At this point a white muslim might like to check to see that black muslims or Iraqi muslims are likewise prostrating themselves. During a very special time of the year many muslims will take part in a pilgrimage to Mecca. Those taking part are Asian, Pakistani, Indian, Jordanian, Australian, black people, white people, and all sorts of muslims. Muslims of various groups are adherents of a religion known as Islam. Islam is open to all races.

Taya, you like a lot of journalists like to use the word racist to confect a story about muslims because of its emotional value. To remove all confusion Taya, Islam is a religion and all may participate. Islam is open to all races and indeed has people of different races who are adherents.

This topic has also drawn comments from some suggesting that the government should relieve the tax burden so that we may have larger families. Don't forget that several nations are now mendicant on the Australian taxpayer. These nations are likely to remain eleemosynary for many years to come. In a way Australian taxpayers are subsidising the philoprogenitive habits of our neighbours to the north.
Posted by Sage, Thursday, 16 February 2006 4:11:58 PM
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What unbelievably unconvincing arguments we see presented by Coach and BOAZ_David, Themistocles.

Firstly, Mrs Vale has clarified that she shares with the Muslim community their opposition to abortion and support of family values.

Coach is wrong when he says Muslim women have different attitudes to
sex than other Australian women. Certainly, Mrs Vale speaks about the shared view on children across most faiths. Nor is it true that Muslim women are over-represented in welfare categories, which includes senior citizens, single-women and those searching for work.

BOAZ_David shows he has no concept of the most significant or deadly atrocities of any past period. His list is plain dumb. The "Cronulla Revenge Attack" stands out ridiculously, begging the question revenge from what. His inclusion of an alleged incident is bizarre and prejudicial to our courts. He calls it facts. I'll call it sick.

His statistics are farcical - a complete failure. Lebanese-Australians are majority Christian. So are a large number of Egyptian-born migrants. Cambodia is mostly Buddhist! Have a look at the source document and observe its clumsy manipulation

Where he says "'WE' ARE DYING OUT", he must only be referring to those who have Anti-Australian values - people who support or excuse racism and promote intolerance. Yes David, they are dying out.

As silly as the BOAZ post was, we observe jealous bigotry from Themistocles. He takes the myth about unmarried women living the high life and applies it to Muslim women without reason, without sense, without justification. Just how expensive can a TV set be these days? This is a slur upon all hard-working Australians who pay taxes and a denigration of one-income families. For the vast majority of Australians, who are proudly tolerant and fair people, this is nothing more than an attack on traditional family values.

Themistocles uses capital letters for words like truth and reality, so it really underlines how offensive this post really is.

[I note that two more posts have since been added - Not even bothering with them.]
Posted by David Latimer, Thursday, 16 February 2006 5:16:28 PM
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Irfan you're difficult man to work out.Your redeemed yourself with criticism of the Muslim lunatics who rioted over the cartoons calling for the destruction of the West,and now you are again seeing armchairs of Nazis.Actually I see no difference between the Nazis and these fundamentalists Muslims.
Religion lost me a long time ago.It is not based upon fact nor logic.People can witness the same event and give different accounts to what they have seen depending upon their own prejudices.How can religions get the facts right thousands of years after the event?

All religions must learn to take any so called absolute truths with a grain of salt.Irfan you are the only high profile Muslim in NSW that has a reasonable point of view.Where are the others?
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 16 February 2006 5:39:48 PM
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I'm reading the comments that came after mine and I'm curious that no one cared to look at the big picture. Governments across the world are all intent on controlling your lives, on dictating to you how you should live.The comments are bogged down in religious categories about birthrates, or slamming the author of the article about her information. Do you Aussies not get it? The world is now in the grip of forces that go beyond mere abortion. It's about freedom. Freedom to live, to prosper, to change the world in a positive way,. Free from religious, or governamental dogma. What will it take to convince people where we are headed. Does it take a computer chip implanted under your skin? What does it take for you to get your head out of the sand and at the big picture?
Posted by Patty Jr. Satanic Feminist, Thursday, 16 February 2006 6:09:20 PM
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Thank you for your aticle.


Why should only "some" ( you say " ... not all ... ") female victims of rape be allowed to abort - and others not?

Rape is a violent crime, a heinous crime, a hate crime, an evil crime. It is not about sex. It is about power and control over the victim.

I will be very interested in your reply to my question.

Thank you
Posted by kalweb, Thursday, 16 February 2006 7:07:25 PM
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