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Danish cartoons: Muslims in their own Dark Age : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 6/2/2006

Irfan Yusuf argues the worst way for Muslims to react to the Danish cartoons is with violence

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Just info.

Commenting on an American preacher's book, in yesterday Herald Sun Mr N.Grey asserts that Christianity rules the world upon millennia and all the best –democratic elections of council majors and compass inclusively- is a Christian innovation
Posted by MichaelK., Tuesday, 21 February 2006 11:11:53 AM
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You simply cannot see the 'light'. Not sure whether you became a Muslim due to the way you think, or becoming a Muslim adversely affects your ability to reason.

1.. If "personal choice" in Islam is true in a pure sense, then there may not be problems. But it's precisely a fact that Islam is thoroughly infringing that you're lying if you think Islam encourages a "personal choice".

2.. If cultures are able to influence Islam, then there may not be a problem long run. But precisely the REVERSE is true. In fact Islam influences cultures and completely overwhelms some, if unchecked.

3.. Although vile practice likes 'honour' killing may be a tribalism thing. Due to it's carnal nature, Islam not only FAILS to eradicate such practices, but actually THRIVES in cultures that carry such evil practices.

4.. American and Japanese Muslims chose protest march (instead of violence) prove two points:
(i) Rule-of-laws must be strong and prevail over Muslims sensitivity
(ii) Muslims population must NOT be allowed to increase unchecked

5.. There was no protest at all in Singapore even though there're many Muslims there. Why? Not because of culture, education, social and economic factors at all. It's simply because any protest would be immediately squashed.

6.. True that opinions always vary between people from different backgrounds. But those are mostly lesser 'fringe' issues. When it comes to 'serious' core issues, then Muslims are inherently coherent and unitied, such as Muslims perception of justice, attitudes towards democracy, women and Jews.

You always consciously or sub-consciously sidestep questions and issues put to you (eg. decapitation of christian school girls in Indonesia). This is because in your heart of heart you are NOT able to agree WITHOUT RESERVATION that those are Muslims evil-doings. There is always this rationalization in your mind.... perhaps there was a reason, an excuse, may be there was a provocation...etc... You simply cannot face the fact that Islam is where some evils had their roots.

Therefore it's clear even a dialogue with a 'moderate' Muslim is a LOST CAUSE. The overall situation must be dire.
Posted by GZ Tan, Tuesday, 21 February 2006 10:50:08 PM
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Yesterday the New York Times featured the front page of the paper after Malcolm X was assassinated on 21 Feb 1965.

It makes for interesting reading in the debate over free will and determinism within Islam. It reads like nothing much has changed even after 41 years. The convert still fears for their life if they should change their mind.

It seems unfathomable to me how any god would enjoy or excuse civil violence done in their name yet it seems to be a long tradition or at least a long held cultural modus operandi to menace the individual physically for their spiritual salvation.
Posted by Ro, Wednesday, 22 February 2006 10:10:19 AM
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I agree that violence is not the way to go about it, but what else can you do when the whole world turns it back on you and your beliefs? the only way they can get their point across is by anger and protesting.

Mr. Coach i do not agree with anyone saying that Islam is false, because the only holy book that has not been changed and will never be changed doesn't matter how you try, you will never be able to change the Holy Qur'an. I believe that if any of you go and read the first bible ever written you will find some thing written about messenger Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him).

The reason why there is nothing about Messenger Prophet Mohammed in a bible is because it was changed, because the people that changed it could not except that Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) came from the Abrabs.

Honestly to have some one to degrade Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) is really sick, To say that ALLAH (swt) is not GOD then you are wrong because ALLAH translated to english means that.

What satisfaction do people get out of degrading ISLAM? does it make you feel better with in yourself? I also believe that anyone that is Muslim and is not upset about what they had done to Prophet Mohammed is not good and do not believe in their Religion.

In Islam we are the only religion that believes that jesus is a prophet/ messenger of GOD and we also believe that the mircles he performed are from god and that does not make jesus god. we also believe that jesus (peace be upon him) did nothing bad e.g drank alchole.
Posted by st_alk, Wednesday, 22 February 2006 9:28:46 PM
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st_alk, are athiesm or agnosticism false? Is the christian evangelical gospel false? If you say either is false you are doing no different to someone who says that Islam is false.

We all choose to reject beliefs which others base their lives on, it is just how things work. We can choose to accept that others make different choices or we can try and force others to our own beliefs.

Much easier if you accept that just as you disagree with the beliefs of others so to they can disagree with your beliefs.

Some muslims might not enjoy unflattering portrayals of your prophet but are realistic enough to know that they can be true to their faith without trying to force others to believe the same.

The kind of thinking that says that any muslim who is not upset by words and cartoons about your prophet is not good and not true to their religion is the kind of thinking so loved by those who hate Islam. Rather those who use their faith as an excuse to war on those who believe differently are not good and don't believe in their religion. If your religion has real meaning to you let it be shown by the kind of life you live rather than by your vigor in defending affronts to that religion.

Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 22 February 2006 10:21:55 PM
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robert i am sorry if you did not understand what i was saying, what i was saying that their are different bibles and they all say something different in them i know this because i studied different religions before converting, all i was saying that in any country in the world you will not find a different hadieth in our holy book. I did not say christians are false if i said that then i don't believe in my religion, because believe it or not Islam came from the base of Jewish and christian laws, we just have some additional laws in our book, what we are allowed to do and what we are not.
So once again i am sorry if you misunderstood me but what i meant was totally different to what you think and i should of explained better.
Posted by st_alk, Wednesday, 22 February 2006 10:32:06 PM
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