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Creation, cultural wars and campus crusade : Comments

By Alan Matheson, published 30/12/2005

Alan Matheson sees sinister implications behind the Intelligent Design debate

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Thanks for the interesting and well written article Alan.

I think I will refer to the religious right as the "Christian Taliban" from now on, for they are quite similar.

They have a similar agenda, similar zealotry, similar intolerance
of others, they wear similar blinkers. Even Mullahs Omar and Bush
seem to have a similar IQ :)

Crusader, get over the guilt, thousands of people die an unjust death every day. Your so called all powerfull god could stop it tomorrow if your theory was correct, but he clearly does not give a hoot..
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 1 January 2006 12:25:37 PM
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Please note an astoroid causing an impact 137 larger than the Hiroshema A bomb is assumed may hit Earth in 2036 and American Space science is preparing to deal with this posibility beginning now. Yes America that mixed up society that was founded under its present culture by a bunch of Fundamentalist Quakers.

All those bleeting that Christianity will be the end of free civilisation, should read the religious beliefs of the founding Fathers of Australia, America, and Westminster England. I have to agree with Dinhaan, things under people of Christian faith have not been all that bad.

Those who believe as Kenny that Christians would introduce capital punishment on childern are ignorant of our Christian past. The passage Kenny so delightedly posted on what he thought was a Christian position to "kill ones kids" was a Judaist position that Jesus was adressing to the Judaists from their own law. Kenny please quote things in context. Jesus was addressing adult children that had abandoned the support of their aged parents with the line "My wealth has been given to God" so I can no longer support you. That was the requirement of the Mosaic law, as there was no welfare system for the aged.

Though Alan Mattherson document may be factually true he writes with spin to have us assume its an evil agenda to brainwash us all. He ought to look at the amount of Suadi and Oil Money being spent in America and Australia to change our world view, system of Government and cultural values.
Posted by Philo, Sunday, 1 January 2006 1:09:31 PM
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The Christian Right also has well-established form in dropping all scruples to push its agenda. A recent example is an anti-gay petition in the US state of Massachusetts (, which attracted a record number of signatures by deceiving signatories, and by paying signature gatherers according to the number of people they got to sign:

(Conservative Catholic MP) Christopher Pyne's comments (,5744,17688832%255E2702,00.html) are a recent local example of the willingness to abandon truth in favour of irrational beliefs about "family values".

Anyone who thinks his beliefs override our shared values of truth and fair play needs to be watched very carefully, regardless of which book he got them from.
Posted by jpw2040, Sunday, 1 January 2006 2:07:25 PM
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I listened to a Gay professor on Sydney Radio espousing the developments of gay and lesbian relationships as a current advance in evolution. Wondefull enlightening stuff.

Unfortunately these acts have been happening for thousands of years, and as far as I know no male apendage has yet dropped of to create a vagina, or a vigina gradually becoming a penis by natural genetic means. Perhaps they assume be generation after generation of removing the penis that they will end up with a vagina. I'd rather allow natural selection just to happen, this type of forced evolution is too expensive. {Isn't Muleing and tail docking banned] Perhaps we will all finish up with male or female organs in the end. Just that some are not satisfied with the hand [well whatever] evolution has originally provided.

Because some believe these are an evolution in human development and the Christian Right must just accept this as natural selection assumes there may not be other human problems predesposing this situation.
Posted by Philo, Sunday, 1 January 2006 2:59:26 PM
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Firstly to Steve Madden (and Yabby)

Thanx for pointing out the 'Re-Constructionalist' position- it is unbiblical in my view, (Refer Acts 15) and comes close to denying the fulfillment of the Law in Christ, and the New Covenant in Him.

I was not aware of this group until mentioned in the article and by Steve, and for the record, a return to the 'Theocratic Laws/decrees' of the Israelite nation of Old testament times and applied to the whole community would be awful.

But the real DANGER of this group, is that they are looking (by implication) to use the economic, military and political power of the USA to enforce just such a Theocratic rule on earth.

LET IT BE KNOWN... by all... that some of their supporters are pulling back now due to disagreement about that very thing. (Ahmenson being one of them)

Secondly, whether they are large or small, (they are small) the issue at stake is 'Are they Biblical' ? (NO)

As with any movement or group which has momentum, there will be those who seek to advance their own agenda by hijacking that momentum. The best solution is for ALL of us to acquaint ourselves with the teaching and life of Christ, and the writings of Paul etc (NT) so we don't slip up or be seduced by any of these so called thinkers.

They are the modern day version of the 'Circumcision Party' (also called the 'Judaizers' by Paul in Galatians. So, a good knowledge of the New Testament is the best weapon in refuting such views.

The first Council at Jerusalem (Acts ch 15) cleared up this issue, and I can only guess that it is human ego which is raising it again.

Anyway, thanx to the article author and Steve for highlighting this, but please, try to look at the whole picture, and not throw out 'all' Christians along with amoeba's such as these who would make the inquisition look like playschool.

"Looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" Heb 12:2
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 1 January 2006 4:31:12 PM
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I think it is wrong to call these extremists "Christians" maybe Amoebas is a much better term.

The frightening thing is that most of these amoebas come from America and see themselves as defenders of freedom and democracy.

I had a very alarming conversation with a 20 year old Yale graduate who stated it was inevitable that America will invade China to keep their only superpower status.

I commend you on your faith, something I cannot or will not comprehend.
Posted by Steve Madden, Sunday, 1 January 2006 7:21:27 PM
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