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Creation, cultural wars and campus crusade : Comments

By Alan Matheson, published 30/12/2005

Alan Matheson sees sinister implications behind the Intelligent Design debate

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There's no difference between the god religions. Their aim is control and destruction. I don't argue the bible or the koran, I see them as the same documents. Catholics and protestants where the same as islamic factions. All think their version of fantasy is right and will destroy anything or anyone that gets in their way. I have said before that we are in a religious war that is sweeping the world and all sides will use whatever they can to win.

Last week, the New testament was the true gospel, this week it's the old one. Nothings different,just a repeat of religious history. Fallacy, god loves, god cares, god is good. Fact, god kills, god destroys, god lies, God hates its own followers and turns them against each other.

It took hundreds of years for the bible to take shape, as with the koran. The changes in how its written and interpreted in the last 150 years, shows that it doesn't represent anything but a work of human fiction.

The barbarity and despotic approach of religion is there for all to see. They have nothing but rhetoric and illusion to support their demonic practices. They are obsessed with other peoples sexuality and what they do with their bodies. They want control over every aspect of life, their own are so inadequate and hollow that they need to reinforce their beleifs, by suppressing dissent and crushing individuality. How can you be an individual when you are forced to believe and practise the same thing.

Last time I talked to jesus, he said. Look mate, I'm not going back down there again. Look what they did to me last time and they never had guns or explosives. What are they gonna do when I turn up without a suit and tie and tell them that their religious practise is wrong.

I just told him that next time he goes somewhere and try's to help, pick a place where they are sane. He just said, second coming in another dimension eh, sounds good to me, I'll drink to that.
Posted by The alchemist, Saturday, 31 December 2005 6:33:46 PM
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the Alchemist: Something about answering a fool according to his folly in the Bible.
Again the Bible does state that " A fool says in his heart that there is no God"
Look around my friend - look around. numbat
Posted by numbat, Saturday, 31 December 2005 6:42:40 PM
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You are right to say "My vote would never support Abortion, same sex adoption in a gay relationship, nor the outlawing of Religious Ed in Schools." That is your view and you are entitled to it.

What I would like to see is politicians in the major parties to say where they stand on similar issues. The idea of a "conscience vote" is absurd. If candidates at elections would state thier view on these issues we can decide who to vote for. I suggest that this will never happen because being elected is the priority and contentious issues are to be avoided at all costs.

In my opinion if politicians were forced to state their opinions on abortion etc. at election time many would not be elected.

A "conscience vote" is a way for political parties to avoid these issues, maybe it is time to change so we can see what the majority view really is
Posted by Steve Madden, Saturday, 31 December 2005 6:46:05 PM
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What a plethora of views about the source of the ideology and the
need to disqualify and destroy. This is the problem that we have to face
up to in science or faith movements. We tend to go round in circles and ultimately what is truth becomes fiction. Each ideology will have its proponents and will seek to promote its own gospel and win the masses. This is how it has been and will always be. Truth is perceived as relative to the social and cultural context we live in. In the end the individual will have to choose what he/she will believe. What we call science today will become non- science tomorrow and vice versa. At the end of the day lets face the facts and call what is black, black and white, white and not grey the issues.
As Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun. We have heard it all before! I believe in creation and evolution is part of it.

Posted by jeshua, Sunday, 1 January 2006 8:25:05 AM
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Fascinating article. I would like to make a few brief points:

1. I question the need for any organisation to have to work in a hidden or underground fashion in a healthy democracy (Whether or not our democracy is healthy or not is another question for debate). Some of the greatest progress that Western Civilisation has made in recent centuries took place in a time when a range of alternative views was openly debated and expressed (notably the 60's and early 70's). Since that time a range of private agenda groups have assembled and set in place actions "below the radar" to bring their hidden agendas into play in ythe political sphere.

2. Dinhaan: I feel the need to point out that Christianity had NOTHING to do with the formation of democracy. In fact democracy came out of a city state environment which was dominated by a polytheistic set of philosophies that supported the concept of open and robust debate by the people in order to define the future of their society. Whilst private groups engaged in the development of thinking, the implementation of any societal change was openly debated. Discussion was never guillotined and all had the right to express their views. Thus the followers of Aristotle could debate toe to toe with the followers of Bacchus and together shape the future of their society.

I find the desperate attempts by the CR to bring on conflict in the Middle East and try to force a fulfilment of their armageddon prophecies tragic.

Australians have long prided themselves on being accepting of all views. There should be no need for any organisation to hide it's agendas - bring on the debate in an open fashion.
Posted by sladeb, Sunday, 1 January 2006 10:14:38 AM
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"Last time I talked to jesus, he said. Look mate, I'm not going back down there again. Look what they did to me last time and they never had guns or explosives. What are they gonna do when I turn up without a suit and tie and tell them that their religious practise is wrong."

Jesus came to die for the forgiveness of our sins. Had it been by guns or explosives - equally horrifying but possibly a faster death than crucifixion - the point still remains. He died an unjust death for our sins to bring us to God.
Posted by Crusader, Sunday, 1 January 2006 12:02:38 PM
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