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Creation, cultural wars and campus crusade : Comments

By Alan Matheson, published 30/12/2005

Alan Matheson sees sinister implications behind the Intelligent Design debate

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You want to read, Origin of Species before you resort to specious casuistry to disprove the theory in favour of the fairy story expounded in the bible......
Did you know that a common term for third stomach of a ruminants digestive system is referred to as 'The Bible' ?
That's because it is full of S**t.
Posted by maracas, Monday, 2 January 2006 12:26:44 PM
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Maracas: You will have to move quickly on this.
There has been a massive explosion at the local tip and after the explosion there are dozens of refrigerators and TV sets all in perfect working order and would you believe [you probably will] all these electrical devices have name plates on them with full warrantee papers inside them. Some people have found that the device they claimed had the warrantee form already filled in with their name and address.
OH! the wonders of evolution - I'm speechless. numbat
PS. No! no-one knows who caused or where this wonderful explosion originated
Posted by numbat, Monday, 2 January 2006 2:44:15 PM
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Numbat, YngNLuvnIt, heres a couple. Plus have a read of the 3500+ original parchments that the bible was created from, you may actually learn rather than dribble.

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, The founder of the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam

Historical Documents

Wajees- ut
Bhavishya Maha Purana

Coptus Minor

Acta Thomae


The Hibbert Lectures - 1831. Indian Buddhism, by T. W. Rhys Davids, 2nd Edition (the Hibbert Lectures, 1831), (Williams & Norgate, London, 1891).

Sir M. M. Williams, Buddhism (John Murray, London 1889) page 135.

H. T. Prinsep. Tibet, Tartary and Mongolia.

Sir. M. Monier Williams, The Mystery of the Ages (1887).

I.Tsing, A Record of The Buddhist Religion practised in India and the Malaya Archipelago, A.D. 671-695. Translated by J. Takakusu, B.A., Ph.D. (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1896).

The Nineteenth Century, Vol. 3, July-December (London, October 1894). British Museum wo.

Dr. Hermann Oldenberg. Buddha; His Life, His Doctrine, His Order. Translated from the German by William Hoey, M.A., D. Lit. (Williams & Norgate, 1882).

Francois Bernier Travels in the Moghul Empire. (Constable, London, 1891).

George Forster, Letters on a journey from Bengal to England. (Faulder, London, 1808).

H. W. Bellews, C.S.I., Races of Afghanistan. (Thacker Spink & Co, 1884).

The Romans were astute record keepers, there are hundreds of official Roman documents, that give accounts of what really happened. Josephus's account is one that springs to mind.
Posted by The alchemist, Monday, 2 January 2006 3:18:49 PM
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See YngNLuvnit here is where you slipped up.

The following three exerts from the bible led religious people to believe that the world was flat. (Many people believed the world was not flat for a long time but were afraid to say anything publically, or write it down because they would of got killed.) This is fact! Go and read the historical documents of the time and about the people that were persecuted because they believed the earth was round. (Note: These exerts where also used to support that the sun revolved around the earth.)

Isaiah 11:12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
Ezekiel 7:2 Also, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD unto the land of Israel; An end, the end is come upon the four corners of the land.
Revelations 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth,...

Also a new testament verse….”Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him (Jesus) up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;”
….enforced the idea that the world was flat and could be view from a high vantage point. These bible extracts were used as argument against Columbus, Galileo & Copernicus. For there none flat none orbiting earth.

And lets get to the point, when you talk about “Creationism”, you’re talking about Christian Creation the direct word of God from the bible. I just want to see you write down that you believe that “Genesis” is the direct and accurate word of God account of creation. We are not talking “Hinduism” or the “Dreamtime” here.
Posted by sydney_sergei, Monday, 2 January 2006 3:54:41 PM
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Ive read most of the available records, recorded just prior, contemporary and just post with the New Testament including Josephus and I have no problem with the New Testament documents. The claims you make about Jesus were concocted by later opponents of Christianity to discredit Jesus claims. The claim Jesus was not crucified was a story picked up by Mahomet and included in the Qur'an 600 years after the event.

I suggest you reread the records of Pilate to Caesar and Caesar's reply and the events that led to his demise. Pilate and his wife believed Jesus had been put to death during his orders to quell a Jewish uprising regarding temple tax. His wife also believed that he had been raised to life. Caesar purposed to have Pilate brought to him because he allowed the crucifixion of one who performed miracles "greater than any of the Roman gods" {Pilate's words}. Pilate knew the consequences for him if he fronted Caesar so he took his own life.

You think you have found the key to the destruction of Christianity as a fable. Every Bible scholar has to research these works too to discover the validity of their claims. There is nothing new that has not already been studied. Just that many Christians have not read these documents does not mean they believe a fantacy. Sometimes it is their uninformed understanding that they need some further study.
Posted by Philo, Monday, 2 January 2006 4:02:45 PM
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You are so clever!
How many directions do you use to identify events in the Earth? I assume you use North, South, East, and West? Don't tell me this is ancient fantacy if you still use these descriptors! Is there a North, a South and East and a West? Well perhaps there is such a place as North and South. Don't tell me you actually still believe in an such a place as East and West? Still believing fantacy?

Your claim is spurious as it refers to direction from the point from which they were standing and not a definition of a flat Earth.

Jesus while establishing his ministry accompanied the leader of the Jewish Zealots to a high place overlooking the hordes of Roman soldiers tented in the plains below. At that time the Romans in contemporary thought controlled the whole World. However Jesus rejected this course of action of joining the Zealots as Satan (Satanas means opposed to God), and he calls anyone who later suggests he follow such a course "Satan" [Zealot sympathisers Peter and Judas] as he established his ministry not on the violent nationalism of Judaism that they wanted restablished but on the universality of the power of Love and forgiveness of one's enemy. It was the descendants of religious Zealots that fled to Medina that later influenced Mohamet in his religious quest. It was from this influence and Catholic Egyptians in 600AD that he wrote the Qur'an.

Also a new testament verse, "Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him (Jesus) up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them"
Posted by Philo, Monday, 2 January 2006 4:42:29 PM
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