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Creation, cultural wars and campus crusade : Comments

By Alan Matheson, published 30/12/2005

Alan Matheson sees sinister implications behind the Intelligent Design debate

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coach: thanks? for your encouragement? I purposely did not want to use Biblical texts as I was addressing non-believers.
I am so pleased that you are so erudite. numbat
Posted by numbat, Monday, 9 January 2006 10:01:34 AM
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The Alchemist (and other Revisionists),

1. You and your ilk on behalf of your god, promise peace, love and a better world

No sincere Christian could make such a promise.

2. A better world will come, people are evolving and see the reality of your evil superstitions and violent practices.

Keep on dreaming.

3. It must be so terribly frustrating to be so ignorant and lacking in understanding the reality of our universe.

your fear of reality won't allow you to see beyond your delusion. Put facts in front of you and you try to change history to suit your delusions

Isn’t this exactly your tactic too?

And same again:
4. …show me a society thats better than a christian one, so when we do, you change the subject.

Philo, I would explain my philosophy and how I came to it, but you would never understand,...

5. So I just use it to help people that have health problems, both mental and physical

Common mate just relax and make it easier on yourself. The people in white are taking you for a small trip – don’t be afraid; it’s for your own good. All your friends will be there too and we will come and visit.
Posted by coach, Monday, 9 January 2006 10:09:06 AM
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Ari, be careful with what you say. Those devils out there might get the impression you had reasons to fear factual information and atheism.
Coach, what are you so scared of?
Posted by nogodslessterror, Monday, 9 January 2006 3:16:33 PM
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Sorry for the late response. I have been away and when I tried to respond last week things were broken on online opinion.

Firstly, the vision statement of the paper has nothing to do with the views of the author they were interviewed, so your attempted poisoning the well is really just a red herring.

The Author, Rodney Stark is a PhD in sociology and has written over 20 books. As such, I will trust his comments more than yours.

Even in reviewing your claims about the inventions, it seems that you cherry pick your results and ignore invention that did happen (e.g. accurate watch like devices in the dark ages). Heck, even wikipedia admits that the 'dark ages' was a propaganda campaign and mentions the inventions that Stark claims were made in the period. A little research is all that is needed to find that you are wrong, even without going into the depth that Stark goes into in his book.
Posted by Alan Grey, Monday, 9 January 2006 4:06:56 PM
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Wow! I got a response! Dear "nogodetc", I fear nothing of the sort. I was merely pointing out that Matheson is engaging in internal Christian faction fighting. It is a waste of time to be sucked into a general debate on evolution vs creationism etc. In reality, ID is a non-issue in Australia. The prospects of ID being taught as science in any other than a minimal number of private schools in Australia is zero. It is a hot issue in parts of the US where the evangelical right wing has political muscle. To put your mind at ease may I say that in my view, ID is not science, it is faith-based religion/philosophy and as such is a perfectly legitimate study within the area of religion.
Posted by Ari Ben Canaan, Monday, 9 January 2006 5:16:21 PM
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Societies better than Christian ones, Coach? Australia, most of Europe, New Zealand... And where are the most religious places? Africa, the Middle East...Hmmm, isn't religion great.

By the way, would like to point out that it's not a lot of christian/religious ideas that I have a problem with ie caring for your fellow man, do unto others etc..pretty sensible stuff, which is probably why these ideas are included in so many major religions. Its some of the stupid, irrational baggage that has come along for the ride (gay people are evil, contraception is evil, women belong in the home)that really ges my goat.. so all you believers, don't get the idea that I think you are evil people. You probably live good lives, but until you can accept and understand that others can also live good lives without your particular (faith based, not reasoned) belief set, I don't want people like you running the country I live in, and will do whatever I can to minimise the risk of that happening. Why are you so threatened by people who think differently?

Lets keep Australia free and secular! Put religous politicians last when you vote.
Posted by hellothere, Monday, 9 January 2006 5:27:08 PM
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