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Creation, cultural wars and campus crusade : Comments

By Alan Matheson, published 30/12/2005

Alan Matheson sees sinister implications behind the Intelligent Design debate

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It's good to know there's not only me that is compassionate enough to be unhappy with this 'creation'. If being compassionate and rational gets me into hell, so be it, tough luck. If death were not real AND if there were a god that liked my attitude s/he will treat me accordingly. If I was created to burn, I can't help it by lying to myself. People like the 'coach' who try to scare the hell into people so they patiently pray & pay and wage war on those who do not pray & pay to the 'right' address make things worse, a lot worse.
Posted by nogodslessterror, Sunday, 8 January 2006 4:44:50 AM
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Your arguments against non-evolution are riddled with holes larger than Swiss Gruyere.

Your ‘religious’ questions will always remain unanswered - if you are not really looking for answers to the questions you ask. (using your logic)

You are also dangerously mixing two distinct scientific disciplines: 1/ ‘operational’ (or ‘normal’) science and 2/ ‘origins’ science.

Operational science involves discovering how things operate in today’s Creation; i.e. experimentation of repeatable and observable phenomena in the present. However, origins science deals with the origin of things in the past; unique, unrepeatable, unobservable events and so is not open to experimental verification.

Observing an animal’s eye and comparing it to the human eye is fine and scientific. But to say that a man is a dog because he too defecates and have sex is dangerous to say the least.

More to the point – how do you expect children to grow up and behave like humans if you tell them that they came from monkeys?

Science has its origins in ‘religion’ but not vice versa. Science cannot disprove creation but science has and is continually demonstrating creation. They can confuse, diffuse, challenge, but never refute categorically un-natural or ‘divine’ intervention. They must assume ID (or concoct it) to staple and glue their theories and make sense out of them.

Life as we know it can be linked back to creation. The question always remaining (to evolutionists) is what's the source of life?

Scientists can manipulate cells; but what created the cell? Why is it in the perfect form it is? and what made it behave and respond in that fashion? You can argue organic/biochemistry etc… But where do you really begin?

Do you truly believe that it is all just a cosmic accident?

What are the chances of human ashes (our net mass after desiccation) or a lump of dirt becoming human in the lab or in nature
Posted by coach, Sunday, 8 January 2006 6:49:30 AM
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Coach, its not me that needs to grow up. Lets get this absolutely clear. You believe that if someone does not believe in your version of God, even if they never heard of that God and died when they were 2 days old, even if they lived the best life they could by using their brain (yes, theirs, who elses would it be) by considering the consequences of their actions and their effect on others, it is just and fair that they should suffer for eternity? It boils down to this:

Dissident belief = worst punishment imaginable. Not believing is worse than rape, murder, everything.

Can't you see how sick and disgusting that is? Please tell me if my interpretation of Christianity is wrong, but I don't think it is. And as for all the bad things in the world, so that's Adam and Eve's I should be punished for what they did? Hmmm, makes sense..anyway, I suppose it makes sense to you. How depressing.
Posted by hellothere, Sunday, 8 January 2006 11:49:14 AM
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We must always recognise the universe as it currently is and adjust our present reality to that position. We are living as an organic chemical being in a changing ionic universe. The nature of its chemistry indicates that life, decay and death are intrinsic to the nature of our universe. The spirit that gives character to our reality and operates the direction of our reality operates on an eternal principle that preceeds it and concludes all reality.

In the eternal scheme of things the being we identify as "me" is not essentially the sum of our chemical being, but we borrow from the substance of the universe so our lives have being and character. So "me" whoever I am is the life I have lived and the changes I have made to our society and our planet. These changes are either good or bad according to how we live our lives in society. These ideals or destructive attitudes are the real "me" that must be judged according on how I lived my life in society. Either the real "me" brought encouragement and blessing or cursing and dispair.

There is an idealism registered in human society and it is found in the human conscience that is sensitive to the nature of the Universe and to the needs of society. The problem of pain and suffering is intrinsic to the nature of reality as the real "me" struggles with my mortality. The spirit that pervades ionic reality also has equipt us to reason on our role in the universe. May each of us fulfil a role of blessing others lives and in that way the real "me" will fulfil a more perfect place in the scheme of spiritual things.
Posted by Philo, Sunday, 8 January 2006 1:12:01 PM
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Interesting forum! There's no way I could answer everything that stuck me as noteworthy in the last few days, so I have put my responses on this website:

(This website doesn't sell anything, and its all my own work, so it doesn't contravene any rules.)

1) Yes I am a Christian, but I'm also a thinking, feeling rational person.

2) I personally have chosen to be a Creationist (I see no scientific reason not to, and it goes along with my chosen faith). I do however think that Creationism and Evolution are both viable from a scientific view depending on the pre-exisiting axioms set (at no time was there ever a Creator to start things off vs. there was a Creator to start things off, and they've been running "naturally", not supernaturally, every since).

If you scroll down you should see your nickname in red and a personal response to your posts. If you're interested in what others have said, feel free to read my post to them too.

I don't want to coerce anyone; I just want to stand up for my and others' beliefs. I look forward to your responses.

(E.g. what is Christian fundamentalism and how should it function in our society, does theism turn people away from a thirst for knowledge, why is there death and suffering in the world, where did Cain get his wife, reliability of the Gospel texts, how can a God of love send people to hell, etc.)
Posted by YngNLuvnIt, Sunday, 8 January 2006 1:23:57 PM
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Interesting link. Enjoy.

Posted by jeshua, Sunday, 8 January 2006 2:30:42 PM
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