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Creation, cultural wars and campus crusade : Comments

By Alan Matheson, published 30/12/2005

Alan Matheson sees sinister implications behind the Intelligent Design debate

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Yngun, I read your blog and have a few comments. You fundies still don't get it. You can take any section of the bible or koran, interpret it this way or that, then change your opinion of the day.
For most of Xtianity, contraception was seen as evil, as God killed some guy for spilling a bit of sperm. The catholics still swear by that stuff. So should you die if you spill some sperm?

You can't even answer basic questions like Noah and the fish. If the world was flooded, either freshwater or seawater fish would have died. Did Noah have aquariums? I mean these holy books are so full of ridiculous faults its amusing, yet you just rationalise it all away by interpretation. God kills a guy for wasting sperm, then you tell me he loves you.. sheesh, I hope he can't see into your bed :)

Yes people turn to religion for percieved certainty, it helps their
brain chemistry, reduces anxiety. If you were walking through the woods x thousand years ago and lightning struck 6ft ahead of you,killing your best friend, you would sh*t yourself and want an answer. Any answer to make you believe that it would not happen to you next, would make you feel better, even if it was rubbish.
Religion can take away your obvious fear of death, give you hope,
scare you with judgement day, ie. push all your emotional buttons, that doesent mean its true.

See the bright side Yngun, the worms will eat you one day, the same as the rest of us :) So you might as well accept that you won your first lottery in life. The other sperms and ova were flushed down lifes toilet, you got lucky. Heaven is here and now so enjoy it for what it is and try to make the world a better place, so that future generations can enjoy it too, not wreck the place in the name of religious anxiety.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 8 January 2006 8:24:59 PM
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YngNLuvnIt, Your site has no substance and all the evidence comes from christian Americans. The quotes are fallacies, you have dated the wrong parchments and documents. Want proof, go to Kashmir and the whole story is there and documented. Then refute engraved tablets, signs and tomb identification's that date to the 2nd century.

Philo, I don't; believe in any god, just see the reality of violent and sadistic god religions, the proofs there for everyone to see. The current world situation you speak of, all revolves around your god. My view of the world is positive, because I believe the time is coming when your god religion will be relegated to where it belongs, along side all despotic Ism's, down the dunny.

Perfection is the art of change, thats why the universe is perfect, because it constantly changes, unlike religion. A better world will come, people are evolving and see the reality of your evil superstitions and violent practices.

No I don't exist to destroy religion, it needs no help from me, its reality is doing that job very well.

Philo, “However be honest do not promise things you cannot deliver “, now thats some statement. You and your ilk on behalf of your god, promise peace, love and a better world. From the examples you provide the world with, how honest are you.

Philo, I would explain my philosophy and how I came to it, but you would never understand, your fear of reality won't allow you to see beyond your delusion. So I just use it to help people that have health problems, both mental and physical. It has more success than your faith in god, no miraculous cures, just plain old common sense and empowering people to take control of their lives, rather than be controlled by superstition, fear and doubt.

Unlike you, I don't need a book to think for me, I think and act for myself, responsibly.
Posted by The alchemist, Sunday, 8 January 2006 9:35:12 PM
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Yngun, one last point that I forgot. You claim that the fundies are doing ok in Africa, due to the many miracles.

But it cannot be denied that Islam is the fastest growing religion around. Of course it would be, their deal is far better then the Christian deal. Its not just about living forever and angels etc, muslims get up to 4 wives if they can handle it. In heaven they get a river with flowing fruits everwyhere and up to 72 houris, or virgins, you guys offer flapping angel wings... no wonder you are losing the race...
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 8 January 2006 10:42:21 PM
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Bless you Yabby... I'm hereby promoting you to 'Christian Apologist' par excellence :)

You are stealing my lines mate, and doing my work.. I'm feeling redundant.

You are RIGHT... 'Christianity' does NOT some senses. And what would be a greater testimony to the fact that it came from God rather than 'man' than this ? How many times have you said, or heard "Its produced by men for their benefit" welllll.. I suggest that Islam, is exactly that. 4 wives.. sex slaves...child marraige, booty and plunder as theologically current concepts under Sharia etc...I mean..for a MAN's carnal desires.. does it get any better ?

25] Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: [26] "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters -- yes, even his own life -- he cannot be my disciple. [27] And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

Yes, it is couched in Hebrew Idiom 'hate' to mean 'put 2nd' but note that Jesus spoke thus to LARGE CROWDS who were following Him.

Interestingly, after this, 'sinners and tax collectors' gathered around Him. The religious leaders scorned him, and he told the parable about the lost sheep.

He said 'For him who has ears to hear....let him hear'.

Have you had a hearing test lately ? :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 9 January 2006 8:11:52 AM
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Atheists and God-haters:You neither know the Bible nor the power of God.
You make us believers out to be unthinking morons.
Perhaps 'nudged' by God but I saw design so a creation all around me. So I studied and became a believer.
Now there are many things I do not know, many things that I do not understand, many things that have me wondering - mainly to do with tragedies that occur to 'nice' people even to Christians. Many things that I do not have an answer for.
But over-riding that I see a God that's all powerful, all knowing and all wise. A being that lives outside of time - this itself is incomprehensible for a mortal human. an Awesome being and One that has a plan for all mankind - yes a good, a fantastic plan.
I, as said, did not imagin a God then believe. I saw creation, I saw magnificent design in everthing around me and that started me off. So I suppose in spite of myself I knew there must be a Creator/ an Almighty God.
I apologise that I do not have the vocabulary to correctly describe the above in a better form but! numbat
Posted by numbat, Monday, 9 January 2006 9:19:03 AM
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>>I apologise that I do not have the vocabulary to correctly describe the above in a better form but! numbat <<

Perhaps this might help mate:

Romans 1:19-21

19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Posted by coach, Monday, 9 January 2006 9:44:18 AM
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