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Creation, cultural wars and campus crusade : Comments

By Alan Matheson, published 30/12/2005

Alan Matheson sees sinister implications behind the Intelligent Design debate

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As a scientist I am willing to accept that life may have originated by intelligent design or not as the case may be. Both are merely hypotheses and neither can be considered a scientific theory. However there is a big difference between origin of life and evolution of life according to Darwin. There is a great deal of evidence for the latter. It is the attempt to discredit evolution and the belief that life originated in its present form only a few thousand years ago that I find unacceptable.
Posted by sajo, Sunday, 8 January 2006 3:33:23 PM
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YngNLuvnit you were right after reading that piece about Cain’s wife and biological deformities it has changed my mind around. How could I of been so foolish. And the explanation for God wrath on people was truly Christian. It all makes so much sense now. RAOTFLMAO!


MOSES: So read back to me what you have so far.

SCRIBE: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void;
And darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good:
And God divided the light from the darkness.

MOSES: Great, now let me see. Moses scratches his head in deep thought.

SCRIBE: Ah Moses.


SCRIBE: I was just wondering. Where did the light come from?

MOSES: What do you mean?

SCRIBE: Well, God’s made light right? But ..errr…where’s it coming from? The Scribe pauses for a moment then continues.. You see light has to come from somewhere like the sun or moon or when you light the lamp in you tent.

MOSES: Yes well, the fact is... you see it's like this...

SCRIBE: You see, shouldn’t God have made the sun first then made it make light? Or all the light producing thing at the same time as making light? That would seem a little more plausible..

MOSES: Look buddy this is the way he told me he did it so this is the way your going to write it down.

SCRIBE: Sorry Moses I’m just saying..

Moses standing over the scribe interrupts.

MOSES: You know you look like a Midinite to me.

Scribe stares blankly for a moment and then nervously says..

SCRIBE: No it’s great, I love it.
Posted by sydney_sergei, Sunday, 8 January 2006 3:37:20 PM
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Crusader, thank you for your efforts.
Think big: Real power and love would have forgiven the curious and disobedient creatures he created right away. If knowing good from evil was not good for them, he could have eliminated the knowledge and hidden the source. If there had been real power and love, that's when suffering should have ended, before it even started. Real power and love would not have to operate with threats of eternal pain, and would definitely not have to apply that or any taste of that. The insistence on submission has been used by exploiters of the gullible since gods were invented. Bin Laden is one such exploiter, Hitler was, history and present is full of them. (The leaders of crusades were, dear crusader.) It's them that I am afraid of, not what happens to whatever remains of me after I am dead.
Posted by nogodslessterror, Sunday, 8 January 2006 5:00:12 PM
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Alan Matheson's article is part of the culture wars raging between the left and right wing factions within Christianity. The left/liberal WCC has historically taken an anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian line. Hence the gratuitous swipe against the evangelical Christian supporters of Israel. This of course has absolutely has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the ID debate. It's interesting that the atheists have taken the bait and turned it into a general slugfest!
Posted by Ari Ben Canaan, Sunday, 8 January 2006 5:52:38 PM
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Poor Christians, what a pathetic miserable paranoid bunch of mental blanks you are. There is not one of you that has a bit of love within you. First you start with niceties, I love you and god loves you. Then you resort to trying to brainwash with pathetic repetitive rhetoric. When that doesn't work, you resort to threats of damnation. If you weren't so dangerous you would be classed as the largest comedy group in existence. Put facts in front of you and you try to change history to suit your delusions

You say, show me a society thats better than a christian one, so when we do, you change the subject. The fact is that there has never been a god controlled society that hasn't been involved in demonising its people, starting wars and being just down right destructive to everything religion comes in touch with.

The religious have virtually wiped out the indigenous races of the world, no one else. Cultures that survived for many thousands of years in harmony with nature, have been destroyed by your moronic beliefs. Name one country or race that hasn't suffered at the hands of god religions.

You claim to have started everything good in the world, but your practices are the opposite, so you blame others. It must be so terribly frustrating to be so ignorant and lacking in understanding the reality of our universe. To think that our multidimensional universe was created by a being so barbaric and limited in understanding that it allows trhe destruction of its own creation, just shows you where your god is at. God is just in your unevolved empty heads. It is your beliefs that are pagan and totally unrealistic, not the animists and non believers.
Posted by The alchemist, Sunday, 8 January 2006 6:04:28 PM
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I am beginning to believe you actually believe in a violent and sadistic god, as the only explanation of what happens in this transient and violent world. Because you cannot refrain from shaking your fist at the disturbed situation of the world. Where are your evangelistist of peace and harmony and reconciliation. You are fighting this battle in your own mind. Your world view is constantly negative much like the god in which you believe.

If you have a better world start praising its virtues and people will believe you. However be honest do not promise things you cannot deliver. Is sickness, disease, poverty, pain all a part of the community to which you belong? We want to hear where you have espoused a positive community with your beliefs, not a negative carping one where anything of religion is constantly criticised. Or do you only exist to destroy religion? We all want to hear the positive aspects of your perfect society!
Posted by Philo, Sunday, 8 January 2006 8:14:00 PM
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