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Creation, cultural wars and campus crusade : Comments

By Alan Matheson, published 30/12/2005

Alan Matheson sees sinister implications behind the Intelligent Design debate

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The alchemist: You just do not get it mate it seems that you want to bring Christ down to our level.
Jesus Christ was God! - yep that's it - Jesus Christ was God in the flesh, totally man and totally God.
No this Jesus did not go to India/Tibet/China/Nepal or even to Oz or anywhere else to learn anything, He had no need to as He IS God.
He had no need to learn from man at all. And man had/has nothing to teach the Holy Christ. If you read the Scriptures He taught mankind.
Now that's not hard eh? numbat
Posted by numbat, Thursday, 5 January 2006 3:04:35 PM
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The Alchemist (and all other atheists);

Your passion for your own belief is commendable. Your fictitious stories are really amazing. Someone like you could really rewrite history the way it should have been therefore every time you read your parchments you will smile and say to yourself :”now that’s much better…”

I feel sorry (sincerely) for you. You are obviously intelligent and learned. Why not focus this vigour on something useful instead of attacking your creator for not doing a good enough job with you.

God created humans with a free will. You are exercising yours to stay away from the truth. Fine! Why try to convince other believers with your follies? It simply won’t work. Are you freelancing for Lucifer? Oops sorry forgot no such thing either…

One of your mantras is Blind Faith is Blind. Of course it is. Why else call it ‘faith’ if you can see it and touch it.

What I have in me, you (and all your friends in hell) cannot take away. I am sealed in God’s Kingdom for eternity. The relationship that I have with my Father God is beyond your comprehension unless you submit to Jesus’ Lordship. There is no other way.

So get a grip mate and stop spreading your eloquent heresy on the rest of us.

As Paul says in Romans:

16I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

17For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."

18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness
Posted by coach, Thursday, 5 January 2006 4:25:52 PM
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Well well well, theres nothing I find more amusing than religous types accusing non-believers of being irrational, not getting it etc etc. Excuse shouting, but I can't help myself: YOU ARE THE ONES THAT DON'T GET IT!

You are the ones saying theres only one way to live, it's all in the book etc etc, live like that or go to hell etc etc. You believe you have all the answers. Have any atheists been trying to make any of you have abortions? Stop going to church? Oh, sorry, have some of them been stopping you from persecuting homosexuals or burning a few witches? Must be upsetting for you, but here it is again: Not everyone sees the world your way, and millions and millions of us are perfectly capable of deciding whats right and whats wrong by using our brains.

Do what you like, but stop trying to tell me or anyone else how to live! Got it? Of course, according to your belief systems my heinous crime of not believing in what you believe means I should spend eternity in hell! Gee, what a reasonable humane bloke your big pal in the sky must be! I suppose he did dream up cancer AIDS and child molesters..perhaps he just has a funny sense of humour.

Anyway, keep your revealed truth, if God is really like you say he is I'd rather go to hell..and after all, perhaps all those Muslims (or Hindus, or Jews or whatever) who are so convinced of their particular beliefs are correct and I will see all of you there, wouldn't that be hilarious! After all, they all know they're right too..
Posted by hellothere, Thursday, 5 January 2006 5:45:17 PM
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To start, this is where the inspiration came from Num 31:1-18. Even read further it gets weirder. So David from your interpretation this should be pretty correct or accurate considering your Hittite comments earlier.

The point though seemed to evade you. Let me expand a little, ok so it happened thousands of years ago, if it was to happen today I think that all cultures & races would be horrified regardless of their own suffering. I don’t want to America bash here but for a emotive situation let’s consider… “acting on the deaths of 911 and under orders from the president from instructions from god, US forces killed tens of thousands of men, women & children of a town in Afghanistan saving the virgin women for the troops to have for themselves.

There you go again Sergei, comparing the past with the present how can you do that. Easy! The god of the past is the God of the present! All powerful, all seeing, the one, the word, the constant, the unchanging and the one that does not make mistakes. The one that has a plan for everything.


And you try and justify rape by giving them a one month morning period or it is the law handed down by Moses is completely disgusting. So a twelve year old girl sees her father, mother, older married sister and two baby brothers slaughtered in front of her eyes. Is then taken, her head is shaved allowed to mourn for a month forced to marry, raped repeatedly after which is let go by her rapist bigamist husband with the kicker being that now she is pregnant. That’s very Christian of you.

And for the record there are many more abhorrent acts in the bible, this is why you don’t understand I can’t believe in a god that would not just allow or condone these acts but insist and instruct them. (and then ask for a human sacrifice after)
Posted by sydney_sergei, Thursday, 5 January 2006 6:42:59 PM
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Ok to get a little back on point regarding ID. The group that is driving this issue are the Pentecostal/Evangelical or whatever Christians groups and want to supplant the designer in ID with their perception of God. And this is where questions will arise about where did we come from.


SETH: Hey Cain! Why so glum? You haven’t been the same since you killed Able.

CAIN: Yeah tell me about it. Dad just told me what God said to him.

SETH: And what was that.

CAIN: God said… now get this we “have to be fruitful & multiply”.

SETH: Cool!

CAIN: What? Are you nuts or something?

SETH: No not at all. So has God started to make women from dust of is he going to whip out one of our ribs?

CAIN: No dude! We have to have sex with our sisters.

SETH: No way dude.

CAIN: Way Dude.

SETH: That is sick. But it would explain something,

CAIN: What’s that?

SETH: Well I know it’s wrong but little Seth has other ideas, it’s like it has a mind of it’s own.

CAIN: It must be Gods will.

SETH: Yeah. Must?

So it’s this or evolution. Yes ID is on a real winner.
Posted by sydney_sergei, Thursday, 5 January 2006 7:34:38 PM
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Religeon,Religeon,Religeon,AhVey I can't get away from religeon.You know last week I was on a business trip away from my good wife,and feeling like a bit of self gratification, I looked around the motel room for a Playboy mag or such like.But what did I find in the bed side drawer a copy of the Bible!(Stop it you'lI go blind)I mean sh@t that was enough to ruin my carnal thoughts instantly.But hey thinking back on it the Bible has obviously had a huge influence on the sexual practises,of people for thousands of years.

I mean take priests for instance.They have been expert sexual therapists through out the ages,with a special interest in young boys.Of course a lot of these young boys turned into useful members of the community,and went on to molest other young boys and have dysfunctional sex lives,and other anti social behavior in keeping with the tenets of the church.However religeon and the church may have done some good,contraception or lack their of, saved millions of Irish catholic women getting an education because they were always kept pregnant and supporting a house full (average twelve)of kids.Can you imagine all those working class yobos having a real say on there futures.Perish the thought.

How many times I have heared in my life time after some poor bastard has been killed or mutilated by someone"I can't understand it he was such a nice religous boy"/girl.

And aren't the fundy's good business people?they salt away millions of bucks of there ill gotten gains,whils there followers live in abject poverty.

I could go on,but the religous crazy's have an answer for everything.

Oh by the way as a good atheist I don;t have to prove or disprove anything.I came into this world ignorant of religeon,and hopefuly will leave it the same way.Mankind will pass through this phase of nuttyness,and will move on to a new spirit of co-operation and love for his fellow man,with out referring to the Bible or the Koran to justify the hatred that has spawned from both these works of fiction. Unfortunately not in my life time.
Posted by PHILB, Thursday, 5 January 2006 8:18:23 PM
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