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The Forum > Article Comments > Nguyen Tuong Van - no ripples in the murky world of drugs > Comments

Nguyen Tuong Van - no ripples in the murky world of drugs : Comments

By Gillian Handley, published 25/11/2005

Gillian Handley argues Nguyen Tuong Van's death will make no difference to the drug dealers.

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I conclude that black paint dries faster than white paint; oil / water base.

I conclude birds are superior to humans. Darn bird Blue gonna kill use all! Death to Birds! SPARE THEM, petition for bird freedom.
Posted by arf2000, Tuesday, 29 November 2005 7:12:46 PM
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”I guess Bomb maker should be spared; as compared to Nguyen's case.”

Another bad comparison.

Nguyen didn’t intentionally set out to kill people. And birds didn’t artificially engineer bird flu (I assume that’s what you mean by “bird blue”).

When you’re talking about ending someone’s life, intent has to count for at least something!

The world is not all black and white. And comparing drug offences to first-degree murder or terrorism - or “bird blue” for that matter - just isn’t going to cut it.

I’ve seen some pretty ignorant posts on this forum before, but your last one takes the cake. If you find this thread so boring then why do you keep posting?

At least Leigh and Redneck display some intelligence from time-to-time; with points worth debating. You’re just an idiot.

Considering the baseless arguments supporting capital punish in this thread, it seems the opinion of the conservative-right on this issue is purely anger-driven with no rationality whatsoever.
Posted by Space Cadet, Tuesday, 29 November 2005 11:39:19 PM
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Drugs, war and terrorism

" Bad comparison. " by space cadet.

This is a cultural divide. It is the stories we tell ourselves. For western civilization ... this reshaping of opinion was the 60s and 70s. Drug usage became an anti establishment message, rites of passage, coming of age. For the Asians, its shame. China was brought down to its knees by opium, traded by the British. For our communities, its the stories of triads, organised crime and murder fuel by huge profits. Watch our movies and yours.

It is the weapon of choice besides bombing for terrorist.. (drugs for western youths as to alcohol to indigenous natives) It produces double effect ... destruction to families and profits for further crime and terrorism. Its Osama groups harvesting their crop in afganistan for use in the west. Likewise its the western govt doing some drug running to undermine their opponents.

Do not be surprised that some Govts that introduces capital punishment detest the loss of lifes through it more than those who oppose it. You take this same loathing of senseless loss mulitplied by many ... and you are angered enough to introduce it.

One mule once it enters into your system destroys many.

Capital punishment, its barbaric nature as you say, is incredibly hard to implement and to pronounce. It weighs heavily on the judges. Hence the law spares the judges by its clarity.

It is so easy to say do away with it. But you remember the many, the stories that were told and the destruction that you see.

Capital punishment is abhorent -- Eliminate it by not doing the crime.
Posted by Be Outrage, Wednesday, 30 November 2005 3:20:29 AM
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Thanks Be Outrage,you saved me the effort.Most of the diggers in WW2 volunteered.I wonder how many would today if we were under threat of invasion.

The younger generation should know that the few remaining Diggers from WW2 just shake their heads in disbelief and disgust at the degeneration of our societies standards,morals and ethics.

Drugs will not only destroy our culture,but our viability as a nation.If we continue to take all the soft options of the left,then we all may as well inject,smoke a joint and not bother turning up to work tomorrow.

Sometimes it is harder to live than to die,so some take the road of gradual death via drugs.I've seen people in total poverty in India with more grace and self respect than than any Australian so called poor.No one starves here unless you have an addiction.We have lost our values and the strength of the family unit.The Asian cultures still have their family unit in tact,but we have destroyed ours with social security and images of unattainable Hollywood glamour.

It all boils down to this;Is the future worth fighting for?
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 30 November 2005 7:40:57 PM
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Be Outrage,

Good points!

I still have some reservations with comparing the affects drug traffickers to the direct slaughter of a military attack. But as you correctly point out, opinion can be affected by culture.
Posted by Space Cadet, Wednesday, 30 November 2005 7:53:17 PM
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“It all boils down to this;Is the future worth fighting for?”

Yeah, it does boil down to that but surely there are much better ways of fighting for culture and viability than capital punishment.

How about we attempt to mend some of the core problems in society before we start running the risk of killing innocents? A pipe dream, maybe. But we haven’t even attempted it yet.

”Most of the diggers in WW2 volunteered. I wonder how many would today if we were under threat of invasion.”

Virtually all of them.

If Australia is invaded, then give me a gun – I’ll be their on the frontline!

I couldn’t possibly think of anyone who wouldn’t.
Posted by Space Cadet, Wednesday, 30 November 2005 11:41:35 PM
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