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Being the wrong kind of Muslim ... : Comments

By Shakira Hussein, published 18/11/2005

Shakira Hussein argues moderate Muslims are as fearful of Muslim terrorists as non-Muslims are.

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Fellow Human:

My point is that you attempted a gross rewrite of history bordering on slander and no-one seems too concerned about taking you to task for it.

I notice that you studiously avoid answering the obvious questions posed by your own statements, post irrelevant supporting facts and avoid and change the issue when pressed.

This is obviously not the behaviour of someone who wishes to, or should be taken seriously.

Unless of course you still believe that 8000 people had their digits removed to mock Islam.

Failing that you could at least be honourable and acknowledge the fact that you are badly mistaken.
Posted by Mr.P.Pig, Wednesday, 30 November 2005 3:34:24 PM
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If you guys need an avenue for personal cracks, why dont you go to a pub and do it face to face.

You are getting away from the issue, all of you.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but there are too many wood ducks amoungst us that take the seriousness out of the issue, through being misinformed.

Get a hobby all of you, religion is like a fart, your own smells good but everyone elses stinks.

Stop thinking with religion in mind, if we had no religion, we would not have any major problems in humanity.

Calm down and leave your bibles, Kurans etc at home. Football is my religion, yet do i preach that they should be involved in politics? Hell no, i wish you would all take a step back from your brainwashing, and stop throwing stones at eachother.

Your kids are not as bad as many of you with your religious ideals, and people like you, educated, not educated and the like with your mine is better than yours routine are what divides society, and makes people like ME SUFFER, such as terrorism fears etc.

Pipe down and pull your heads in, keep your religion to yourselves.
Posted by Realist, Wednesday, 30 November 2005 3:45:55 PM
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FH, you miss the point I was trying to make. To many Muslims, Islam is not just a lifestyle choice, as we think religion should be, but a whole way of life. Islam is a political religion and that is its problem. Sharia law, Caliphates, etc are all about politics, not about lifestyle choice. The Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafists, Wahabis, etc, are all part of radical, political Islam, based on their interpretation of the Koran. You might disagree with them,
but they don't seem to really care about you.

Most people in most countries are easy going people. Its just the small % of religious fanatics which are the problem. Political, radical Islam is a problem because they think that Allah should rule
the world and we should obey his rules, based on your holy book.

The fastest growing religion in the world is in fact no religion. As people become better educated and informed, they are deserting formal religion in droves. Even in in Saudi Arabia, where the Koran is their constitution, the religious police go around forcing people to prayers in the mosques. In Malaysia the religious police go round checking that people are not eating during the day during Ramadan etc.

Philo, I have always been able to reason! I just do it without religious bias. I agree with Scout, the separation of church and state are vital and need to be kept that way. The West has thrived not because of Xtianity, but despite it. The reformation led to the separation of church and state, thats why we made progress.

Scout, there are in fact solutions. From Goleman's "Emotional Intelligence" evolved school programmes teaching kids emotional literacy and conflict resolution skills, both in some US and British schools. I've heard they were really successfull. What we need is an extention of that, plus perhaps get rid of religious studies in schools and replace it with basic 101 courses in ethics, morality and philosophy, to get kids minds working about these things..
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 30 November 2005 4:17:58 PM
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Dear Realist:

"If you guys need an avenue for personal cracks, why don't you go to a pub and do it face to face."

You haven't really thought that one through have you.

"Stop thinking with religion in mind, if we had no religion, we would not have any major problems in humanity."

This is ridiculous, Hitler, Stalin and Mao spectacularly demolish that statement without recourse to all of the second rank secular tyrants that are and have been.

"Calm down and leave your bibles, Kurans etc at home...."

I am irreligious but vehemently averse to obvious falsehoods, as you should be.

Moreover, do you think that people should be able to overtly engage in such behaviour unchallenged? If so why?

Beyond which it is highly instructive and enjoyable to watch Fellow Human twisting in the wind.
Posted by Mr.P.Pig, Wednesday, 30 November 2005 5:04:23 PM
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“Islam is a political religion and that is its problem. Sharia law, Caliphates, etc are all about politics, not about lifestyle choice”

Nope and that’s my point, none of the above is religion related, the politicisation of Islam came in the following centuries after the Prophet Mohmaed PBUH.

Check my blogspot on Islam and democracy :
Mohamed (PBUH) at his death asked people to chose the best fit to run the nation, he never nominated a son, a relative and non of the leaders that followed him were related. That spells democracy all over it for me.

Mr P.Pig,

You asked specific questions and I answered, to the best of my knowledge, providing web links to what I consider credible organisation like the UN. As for the foxnews story about the mutilation I have no reason to believe whether it did or did not happen. Whether people believe what they read or not it’s a personal choice

I am not sure what did your statement “attempt a rewrite of history” means but here is an example of manipulation of history:

How many people in the world )including the Muslim world know about the atrocities of the holocaust? Almost 90%.
How many people in the non-Muslims know about 1 million Algerian killed by the French after WW2 for resisting French occupation? 1%? 0.1%?
Posted by Fellow_Human, Wednesday, 30 November 2005 5:26:34 PM
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Ahhhhhhhh how refreshing thankyou for your persistence Mr Pig, finally someone prepared to ask fellow-human to be accountable for lies.

“FH: Not in Australia, but Bosnia 1996, Orthodox Christians (Lead by an Orthodox Priest) killed 8,000 Muslim women and children, cut off two fingers of each hand (babies were not spared) so they meet Jesus with “Trinity” fingers. I have not seen any condemnation and the Pope said : “we are all Christians”, should I assume he included those criminals as well?”
Posted by Fellow_Human, Tuesday, 22 November 2005 4:16:49 PM

I read the links FH provided, at Mr.P.Pigs request for validation:
There are NO 8000 fingerless victims! There were 3000 victims who kept their fingers… The atrocities in the link are in 1992 not 96 as FH claims. Does FH acknowledge the NATO intervention?

Or does FH count on people being to busy to read the links? Does he assume people are too dumb to take a completely DIFFERENT Massacre as a reference, or a hazy recollection from Fox News as the truth? Does he rely on wearing one down by constantly avoiding answering and as Mr Pig correctly points out, changing to other subjects when he can’t answer as tried in his last post.

Claiming victim status as a debating strategy is transparent and crude these days, still if you must bring up the Algerian situation then...we can talk about Algeria.

How many killed post-French withdrawal by the Armed Islamic Group? About 70,000 civilians were butchered (1993-98) in surprise raids throughout the country.
Or how about the relatively unknown Armenian Massacre…

But only once we have the issue of the 8000 men, women and children with missing fingers cleared up. I agree with you Mr P Pig it’s obscene to see such vile self-serving misinformation on such serious subjects.

Others in this forum have apologized, even been banned, when caught lying or slandering… we’re waiting Fellow-Human.
Posted by meredith, Wednesday, 30 November 2005 9:00:24 PM
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