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Migrant Muslim leaders should bow out : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 14/11/2005

Irfan Yusuf argues radical extremist Muslim leaders have the funding to turn young Muslims' heads.

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The spirit of communal Islam.. not saudi, not Yemen, not Jordan... but.. London,,2-1470584,00.html

He and his family have been regularly jostled, abused, attacked, shouted at to move out of the area, and given death threats in the street. His wife has been held hostage inside their home for two hours by a mob. His car, walls and windows have been daubed in graffiti: “Christian bastard”.

This article is MOST instructive for Muslims here.. and for we non Muslim Aussies... can we EVER tolerate such a rape of the legal system as this ? NEVER. I hear the pitter patter of little Indian feet ? Oi..

"Mahatma".. there u are (and look..its REASON as well).... right on que.. now lets hear it

"Rabid...Xenophobic... intolerant.... but wait.. Mahatma.. I don't think you read the article.. its the 'Muslims' who are the intolerant ones..

Don't worry.. you may continue your usual rant :) just want you to know before you get carried away who you are referring to...
Keep it up...thanx

Before I retire for the night.. lets see if 2+2 still = 4...

2 (Muslim mobs in UK are persecuting former muslims)
2 (The same thing is likely to happen in Australia)
4 (Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 14 November 2005 9:00:02 PM
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Did you watch the "Cult of a Suicide Bomber" on ABC tonight Interesting eh?

Not all contemporary Muslims are terrorists, but it is very clear that all contemporary terrorists are Muslim!

What excuses will we now hear from the soft pedal moderate Muslim Community? Oh, that's right - we are targeting you sad souls who hate Infidels and Aussie law, and who want to turn this country around with Islam rule. Whilst ever I am alive that will not happen.

Decent Australians value human life. We do not take it in the name of an egocentric psychopath.
Posted by kalweb, Monday, 14 November 2005 9:34:30 PM
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Why are we assuming that religion is important to youths (of Middle Eastern origin) today?

What proportion of 14 year old Australian-Muslim boys would prefer to attend a Mosque rather than play soccer or go out on the town in a car with their mates.

I recognise that the Irfan’s informative article is couched in religious terms but if, as Irfan states teenagers, may find non Mosque forms of entertainment more attractive, why assume they must be marched through a religious process to adulthood.

Perhaps many are alienated from their parents traditional form of religion generally. Maybe they tire of religion just like most teenagers do.

So taking Irfan’s advice Muslims should look at themselves. Specifically parents should consider how they are bringing up their boys.

Why perpetuate a youngster’s adherence to strong religious study and worship when this continues to separate them from the wider Australian community?

Its up to parents to decide to allow, for example, their boys to play more soccer and date non Muslim girls rather than forcing these boys to study religion.

Assimilation may be preferable to assuming your "Muslim" sons must continue to be religious.
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 14 November 2005 11:09:25 PM
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The formula used by the fundamentalists to attract and control the disaffected and confused is essentially that used by the nazi's / comunists etc. That is that ignorance, xenophobia and intolerance is the preferred route to eternal salvation. The message is the same, and appeals to the uneducated, unmotivated and apathetic (basically the lowest common demoninator's).

If Australian's find such an approach so hard to accept in others, why on earth would we choose to adopt it ourselves?

additionally, if the reactions of the UK, US, etc were their predictable responses to terrorism, why exactly would such an organised group (nb those purportedly planning the caliphate) fail to have predicted it?

The answer would obviously be that they would not have failed to do so. This being the case, if your enemies reaction to stimulus is so very predictable, then your enemy is very beatable.

Posted by Aaron, Tuesday, 15 November 2005 1:55:31 AM
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In one of my previous postings I quoted you popular Islamic websites with declared identifiable sponsors (ie Muslim community Association in the US or Australia, AlAzhar Authority, etc..).

If understanding Islam as we see it is what you are after then Islam is in the Quran, and books like Quran for idiots, Islam for dummies in Dymmocks bookstores. Anything beyond that is POV, politics, etc..

Yet you and the same bunch of posters (BD, Leigh and now Kalweb) seem to go in a single source of choice, aggravate yourselves and come back spewing.

Honestly what you are doing to yourselves is none of my business, just don’t ask Muslims to be responsible for your self created facts.

I just remembered a relevant joke:

-a man and a woman on a bus. The woman looks at the man, closed her eyes, started fantasizing about him smiling to her and touching her. She opened her eyes and slapped him on the face! Sounds familiar?

Peace and all the best,
Posted by Fellow_Human, Tuesday, 15 November 2005 5:57:18 AM
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Irfan, you say

'Both groups feel marginalised by society'

Long before any terrorist attacks began Australians of all hues didn't like 'aussie mossies'.

Largely because of their general behaviour.

I've seen converts, anglo aussie women with kids on single parent pension cards sitting in their late model cars with their middle eastern husbands who also happens to be on a pension, usually disabled.

Am I supposed to praise these women's religious convictions, their bravery in the face of their families dismay?

These couples would've been married by some cleric I believe in some mosque. But the marriage not registered to the authorities.

To me, this easy willingness for to lie and defraud in general makes it much easier for extremist groups to exist in your community.
Posted by CARNIFEX, Tuesday, 15 November 2005 6:04:04 AM
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