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The Forum > Article Comments > From cuisine to separatist multiculturalism > Comments

From cuisine to separatist multiculturalism : Comments

By David Flint, published 2/8/2005

David Flint argues Australians should be asked if they want Australia to be declared multicultural.

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Hey Di,

are you one of those people who get excited at the prospect of a shrinking white majority and an increasing ethnic minority?

Yes, I thought so. you're one of those...and you don't even realise how pathetic you look. Who is more dangerous: a Islamicist, a Hindu supremist, a black supremacist, a white supremacist or a multiculturalist? I'd have to say the multiculturalist.
Posted by davo, Monday, 15 August 2005 9:50:12 PM
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Giaman /Di

its true inloerence is a pain in the ass..... i have been vilified by muslim men often, please help me persicute the hell out them with yur pc thought police, its really great u want to support vilified and persicuted people, so what to the pc brigade propose to do to those horrible nasy intolernt men who spat and hissed at me cuz im an aussie slut ?
Posted by meredith, Monday, 15 August 2005 9:54:41 PM
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To those who post racist comments and/or vilify Muslims in this forum:

How exactly do you think that your comments help to ameliorate the situations that obviously anger you? Given that, as I said in my last post, Australian society is now multicultural and 'ethnic cleansing' is not an option, just how does it help anyonen to promote a return to a 'white' Australia, or to advocate the banning of Islam?

I suspect that the only positive benefit may be to the individuals who post such rubbish here, but I think that they could achieve exactly the same result without offending reasonable-minded readers by simply going to the toilet instead.
Posted by giaman, Tuesday, 16 August 2005 7:04:29 AM
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If you read other threads related to either Islam (topically) or multiculturalism you will find that there is a great deal of hostility, racism and vilification expressed.

I take heart in the fact that OLO ran a poll on Mandatory Detention. Despite the numerous posts on various threads that agreed with M.D., the results of the poll were overwhelmingly against M.D. with very, very few in favour. The results of this Poll was submitted to Fed Gov by Graham Young at the time of Georgiou Petrov's stand against the gov.

Therefore, I proceed optimistically that the POV of the majority reading OLO forums is far more tolerant and inclusive than these threads would indicate. The best thing is to ignore the really obnoxious ones. And know that we are a successful multicultural nation despite the efforts of the prejudiced who only seek to divide us.

Posted by Trinity, Tuesday, 16 August 2005 7:51:22 AM
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Giaman, Trinity, agreed.
Its virtually impossible to have a productive discussion about mullticulturalism, Islam etc as the threads get taken over and effectively shut down by the same few extremists with very bizarre ideas. They clearly aren't interested in working towards solutions.

Interestingly, when I get letters in my local paper about these issues, I get hate mail from two groups; fundamentalist Christians and white supremacists, the latter who grafitti'ed my home with swastikas. So who do I, as a Jew, fear most? Not Muslims (apart from, as I've mentioned before, a fear of getting fat because of their hospitality - too much great food)
Posted by Shoshana, Tuesday, 16 August 2005 11:17:55 AM
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Hi PC crew

I can sympathize, with your sense of injustice, my last post is actually true, I have been racially vilified by Islamists, to the extent I left my home in Sydney, I was so sick of it. I have had Jewish and African boyfriends, so I don’t think I am particularly hung up on skin colour or a "racist"… do you?

Why do you pick on white people when they complain but support any other race or groups who suffers from abuse? Do you actually believe that white Australians/Anglos in general are in some way horrible? Do you believe all other races are above them, never discriminating at all?

Why don’t you actually accept there are problems, and care for ALL citizens? This blog is an indication there are problems. I.e. why did none of you answer my last post. Instead it seemed to be classified as racist, as if my situation was not worthy of care?

I think the reason pc is looked down on, is because it blindly or stubbornly refuse to acknowledge reality outside of a the theory or ideals of political correctness, often at the cost of fair play...

Like do you actually hate white people or rich people or right wing people? If not how do you feel about them? Also what do you propose to do to solve these problems? Do you have a method to force us all to get along? Your pc censoring of opinion and reaction hasn’t worked there is to much resentment now over the disrespect for white women and Anglo values and culture or the xtian religion etc.

Most people would like peace, and many tried naturally to be pc, as it does have nice ideals, the thing is its not working… what do you propose?
Posted by meredith, Tuesday, 16 August 2005 12:40:05 PM
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