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Heads in the sand on terror : Comments
By Waleed Aly, published 14/7/2005Waleed Aly argues some Muslim clerics may be delusional but it doesn't mean they support the actions of terrorists.
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Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 14 July 2005 8:45:39 PM
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Oh why or why do people like DESTRUCTOR persist on promoting such utter nonsense.
If the editor(s) of this fine website are reading this, can you please delete his post as it is worng, frivolous, and offensive Thank you Posted by, Thursday, 14 July 2005 9:58:57 PM
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I admit that I can't imagine what would drive anybody to become a suicide bomber, whether the context is New York, Israel, Madrid, Baghdad or London. I will also acknowledge that it is striking that this particular tactic has been deployed with devastating effect by the declared Enemy in the War Against Terror. I observe that the said War doesn't appear to be having much of a deterrent effect against terrorism.
Anybody who thinks that either terrorism, or the bullsh*t 'war' against it, will solve anything, is manifestly delusional. The same goes for those who look for theologically derived explanations and solutions to the current 'world war'. We are currently engaged in a struggle between the teeming billions of have-nots against the millions of haves. Equilibria will eventuate under various guises, some of the more popular of which will undoubtedly be informed by various more or less anachronistic ideologies. Thus endeth this secular sermon from the garra. Amen. Ahh... women :D Posted by garra, Thursday, 14 July 2005 11:50:31 PM
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We note that all the commentaries to Waleed's above thesis so far are dated Thursday. Events in London on that fateful day, must now put a shocking different complexion on the already existing sorry state of global human relations. The fear is that because the suicide bombers have been identified as British citizens, though Islamics, it might justify that we are now truly engaged in George W Bushes fight between good and evil. In our sorrow for the London tragedy, let us realise that the crisis now facing our humanity, should not contain thoughts about good and evil, or revenge between two great world religions, but a time for reconciliation and a serious contemplation of the whole source of our histories. Maybe we now need world leaders not so much political, but as the Golden Age Greeks would say, more with wisdom and understanding.
George C, WA (Bushbred) Posted by bushbred, Friday, 15 July 2005 2:05:14 AM
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nice refreshing change from you. At least you grappled with the issue, rather than going off onto cloud cuckoo land with spurious posts like the ones you do from time to time usually just after one of mine, which are either an ad homimen against me or some incomprehensible fantasy. Well done this time. Its clear that a number of us are striving to find some 'way ahead' in this without condemning anyone :) Sadly, while this is heartwarming to the sentimental, it doesn't actually get to the nub of the issue. Is it as simple as "Have-Nots" vs "Haves" ? Garra, with all respect for your position, I point out that there are KAZILLIONS of 'have nots' in Africa and Latin America but I don't see any of them 'bombing the great Satan' or the west in general because of their material lack. Taken together, all the factors in these bombings, lead one to a different conclusion from yours (Garra) .. that there IS a theological aspect to all this. Rather than trumpet my own 'axe', may I suggest a course of action which may result in a better understanding. Go to Islamic Sydney and join the forum, or Mirc (server 'Dalnet) and join "Islam" chatline. Talk to Muslims, about Jerusalem and the Al Akbah mosque especially. Dig.. find out.. what is 'really' at the root of this 'war'. Read "The Sword of Allah" on line to see how Islam expanded. Examine the relationships between MOhammed and his military people, Look at the Hadith of Muslim and Bukhari specially the 'book of Jihad' Ch 52 When people have done this, they can criticize my postings, with a more informed head. Please refrain from 'simply condemning' what I say without it coming from a knowledge base which can say "That is true, or untrue" is this too much to ask ? Destructor, you are a fine example of true bigotry "We all saw and heard Bin ladin discussing how he DID 911" yet, 'you' say.... I won't repeat. duh. Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 15 July 2005 6:18:52 AM
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Okay bd, the prophets of Islam are out to rid the entire world of infidels by unremitting suicide bombing. It is Islam's reaon for being and won't stop until every last non believer is dead.
Proof: "Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourself every girl who has never slept with a man." (Numbers 31:17-18) "The Lord commands: "... slay old men outright, young men and maidens, little children and women" (Ezechial 9:4-6) "When the Lord delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the males .... As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves." (Deuteronomy 20:13-14) OOops made a mistake the above is from the christian bible. Sorry about that must look up further 'proof' from the Koran. Posted by Xena, Friday, 15 July 2005 8:24:53 AM
What a nonsense you have postulated.A wonder about your integrety as regards our security