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Heads in the sand on terror : Comments
By Waleed Aly, published 14/7/2005Waleed Aly argues some Muslim clerics may be delusional but it doesn't mean they support the actions of terrorists.
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Posted by Timkins, Thursday, 14 July 2005 12:09:48 PM
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Thankyou again Waleed.
If more Christians and Muslims were as perceptive as yourself, perhaps the arguments repeating so annoyingly on this site would stop. Keep up the good work and you are welcome to my table any time. Posted by JustDan, Thursday, 14 July 2005 12:28:14 PM
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Thanks Waleed - keep up with your well reasoned arguments we need reason above all else.
I believe that we need more people like Waleed and Irfan speaking out, regardless of the predictable twisted minority who will no doubt attempt to hi-jack the argument about the supposed 'evils' of Islam. The more I read from rational people like Waleed the more optimistic I feel and the more I can understand. Posted by Trinity, Thursday, 14 July 2005 2:05:10 PM
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Hopefully I’m not one of Trinity’s twisted minority but here goes.
Whilst not quite in the same league as denying the S11 bombers were Muslim or that the holocaust actually occurred is there not an implicit denial taking place in the Western world about attributing atrocities to Christians? That the London bombings occurred around the anniversary of Srebrenica may just have been a coincidence barely noted, after all wasn't that an act by Serbians against Croatian Muslims? But why are we so ready to label the victims but not the perpetrators. Maybe there were Serbian Muslims involved in the killings but this is not my understanding. From a Balkan Muslim's point of view a coalition of essentially Christian nations offered a safe haven for thousands of fleeing Muslim families in exchange for them disarming themselves. They then allowed a rampaging ‘Christian’ army to murder thousands of the now defenceless people with near impunity, the ringleaders of which still remain at large. That the Serbians were identifiably Christian is evident in the three fingers salute deliver by soldiers leaving desolated Muslim villages, it purportedly symbolised the father, son, and the holy ghost. Although since rescinded, Serbia (to the delight of many religious websites in the U.S.), last year made the decision to ban the teaching of evolution in its schools. I am all for the chastisement of S-11 deniers and for those wanting to visit our nation to spread these messages should be made to feel as unwelcome as David Irving. But perhaps our own veracity would be strengthened "in identifying, and openly reclaiming" our "tradition, from the criminal element." On a national level we must support our government’s efforts to fight terrorism with all the resources it can muster, on a state level however laws that impede the more destructive and divisive elements of religious fundamentalism must also be supported. There should be no denying these elements exist and that they can only help in creating our own home grown fanatics. Could the tragedy of London show that the Brack's government may have been ahead of the game? Posted by csteele, Thursday, 14 July 2005 5:05:40 PM
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one of the bombers apparently was a 'special needs teacher', another drove his dads Mercedes often, another suspect was a Phd. It doesn't sound like the 'disenfranchized, poor, hard done by, marginalized that Ash suggested are the more likely profile of the easily influenced impressionable 'suicide bomer'. They sound in fact more like Waleed himself, a laywer. One interesting factor, appears to be recent visits to Pakistan, where they 'visited relatives'. Now, one is attracted to the conclusion that unless it can be shown these people were involved in some high powered Quranic/Terror cell study group in the UK, they most likely got a quick pumping up in Pakistan as to their 'real' responsibility and opportunity' as Muslims. If (note...'if') this turns out to be the case, it would comfirm my own suspician that Muslims in the West who are left to themselves, without input from the heart of Islamic radicalism like the Wahabis and the Pakistanis, or Jemaah Islamiah (note though that Bakir from Indonesia has visted here) they will be model citizens, with the exception of trying to impose Sharia law by stealth as Waleed outlines in his article on 'Financial system changed effecting stamp duty and Muslims' or the denial of ham sandwiches to non muslim Australians, or changes to burial laws which discriminate against non Muslims. Waleed in fact, worked for the imposition of a crucial part of the 'Sharia' which is to 'silence any criticism of the prophet' under Islamic law punishable by death unless I'm mistaken. -Criticize/Insult the prophet......death -Decide not to follow Islam any more.... death (In say Pakistan or Saudi or Iran) for example. to state the historical fact even without any extra adjectives "Mohammed gouged out their eyes, cutoff their hands and feet, and left them to die in the desert" is considered by Waleed and company to be 'vilifying Muslims'. This incident is totally avoided when responds to the question "Did the prophet mohammed ever commit torture" yet it is from the same hadith which justifies "if a man changes his religion, kill him" Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 14 July 2005 7:10:09 PM
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I don't believe the "official" story of the twin towers being brought down by fires started by the crashing planes of September 11th 2001. Those towers were brought down by controlled demolition and couldn't possibly be anything else.
Many of you may be unaware that another World Trade Center building (7) also fell into it's own footprint at around 5 in the afternoon of that awful day. This building was not struck by any planes or debris but also freefell to the ground in suspicious circumstances. To view this amazing footage you can visit and check it out for yourself. We are being lied to and manipulated on many fronts by this "War on Terrorism". Ok, I've had my rant. Let the personal attacks and berating replies begin. Fortunately, I'm used to it. Posted by DESTRUCTOR, Thursday, 14 July 2005 7:12:55 PM
Osama Bin Laden was trained and supported by the US government, (via the CIA), to conduct operations against the Russian army in Afghanistan, with some thought that Al Quidia was also formed, (or at least strengthened), with CIA involvement, and one has to wonder about that, particularly in relation to 9/11.
However the conflict between Muslims and Christians as to who has the best prophet, can readily escalate into who has the best bomb, and more lives will be needlessly and tragically lost.