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Queensland isn't just a COVID-19 election : Comments

By Graham Young, published 27/10/2020

Annastacia Palaszczuk has support for her COVID stance, but is still struggling to do better than last election. Much worse and Queensland will have a minority government.

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The morning after.

Hail Caesar! Hail Annastacia! In politics winners are grinners, its all about winning, ALP won, LNP lost. Labor will form a majority government for the next four years, end of story.

What about the rest, Palaszczuk didn't need to be gracious in victory, but she was, even said Dangerous Deb ran a good campaign. Not so, it was mostly garage, to think DD declared she will lead the LNP for another 4 years. A couple of Debs motley crew, those still standing, should tap her on the shoulder and tell her; "Deb its time to go". If you call promising to build the "Taj Mahal" in Queensland a couple of weeks before the election, so you can score pre poll and postal votes, and then dropping it 2 days before polling day, a good ploy, then it was a sneaky deceitful ploy that might have won over the gullible and the stupid. The "lock up the nasty lads" in Townsville failed to cut the mustard with voters up there. DD's open boarders policy was a shocker, it might have won her the votes of coffee shop owners in Coolangatta, but scared the bejesus out of the majority down that way. Labor was always on a winner when they put health in front of wealth when it came to Covid-19, but Deb did get the Coolie coffee shop owners vote, very important

Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 1 November 2020 6:17:17 AM
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As for the rest of them, The Greens f'ed up again, if they organised their pre-polls and postal votes better they would have won 4 seats not 2, and things might have seen them with the balance of power, just maybe. But for The Greens, well the Green bloke will now have the Green gal to talk to in parliament, he wont feel so alone. Now the far right parties The crazy Katter's held their seat in the Deep Deep North, where men are men and cows better watch their back sides. Don't know about his boy, but Bobs good value, always liked Bob. Then there was One Nation, well what a disaster, their vote sank to almost nothing, except for that of their one member. Their Unterfuhrer James Ashby appeared on telly briefly to have a rant and a dummy spit, and that was the end of them. The Big Coal, Big Business, Big Clive Party, well 0.6% of the vote, Big Clive wasted a whole lot of other peoples money, as per usual. His claim, or should I say outright lie, of a 20% Death tax from Labor, cut through like a plastic knife cuts through titanium. Oh well I'm sure Big Clive still has plenty of other peoples money to waste next time. Oh! an independent won her seat back, good for her!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 1 November 2020 6:21:55 AM
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Why are you accusing the Right of the things that are the Left's doing ? What you constantly describe as the 'far right" is in actual fact the Left !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 1 November 2020 6:30:15 AM
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I partly agree with you, the French have a lot to answer for when it comes to left and right. I much prefer the descriptive terms such as moderate or extreme, radical, progressive, conservative, liberal, socialists. Then its a matter of the particular political context. Convention dictates left and right. In Australia the extreme such as One Nation attract little support most of the time. Moderate progressive politics dominates, with the vast majority of representation coming from that section. Moderate progressives form about 2/3 of the Liberal party, 3/4 Labor, 90% Greens. Nationals tend to be more or less conservative, but embrace a high degree of socialism when conditions suit. I don't even rate Palmer, just an opportunist driven by self interest.

Americans are just discovering the value of progressive politics, and its being opposed by "radicals" from the major parties, Trump is a radical who opposes the progressive movement. I don't believe Trump has all that strong convictions one way or the other, seems to be driven by self interest, a bit like Palmer, everything is a tool to be used for advantage, but he's been successful in tying his self-interest to the large US conservative political base.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 1 November 2020 7:29:49 AM
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His claim, or should I say outright lie, of a 20% Death tax from Labor
This will come back in haunt you. I'm just hopeful that this QLD Govt. will do more or rather do something for non-Public servants during the next term.
I hope that Indigenous communities will be viewed as communities rather than just tokenism.
Of course, as always with Labor, registration fees will rise yet again as will petty infringement fines whilst hard-core crime will get treated with even silkier gloves.
As one famous OA Australian said to me yesterday, "Labor are too lenient on crime".
Let's hope that COVID-19 has taught them a lesson to curb squandering Tax Dollars somewhat !
For all our sake I wish them well !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 1 November 2020 8:59:04 AM
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Whether on not Labour would have gotten back in without Covid is a valid question but the real question is why arguably the most conservative State in Australia should consistently elect Labour governments since the time of Joh?

Friendly Jordies put forward the proposition that it was because Queensland doesn't have an upper house, one that can temper the excesses of what has become as toxic side of politics. So when the likes of Cambell Newman gets in and wreaks havoc for a term it is full blown naked economic rationalism on display. After that it is three terms in the wilderness for them while the collective memory of how terrible they were fades.

Federally the Libs have the luxury of the Senate to keep them in check and electable. Not so for Queensland. Perhaps getting rid on upper houses has some merit.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 1 November 2020 11:28:09 AM
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