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Integration is the open secret to deradicalization : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 4/5/2015

It appears that the determining factor behind this phenomenon is the absence of integration, by choice or design, of young Muslims into the mainstream of their respective Western countries.

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Not true, the rights of women have been protected by law in Christian Europe since about the 13th century and the crime of rape typically carried the death penalty, in fact it was only in the 1970's that rape was removed from the list of capital crimes in the U.S.A.
Under Islamic law the rapist and the raped are and always have been held to be equally culpable and the victim can only be excused from culpability if she can provide four witnesses to the assault.
Islamic law and the English common law from which our system is derived are chalk and cheese, there's no point even comparing them they are so different.
Your "all religions" comments are based on lies, a person who knowing repeats a lie is known as a liar, if you don't want to be called a liar don't lie.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 12:03:07 PM
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Is mise,
You understand that the present day Christian populations in the middle east are the remnants of a way of life which pre dates Islam and which was all but wiped out by the followers of Mohammed? All of the middle east, Asia Minor, the Caucasus and North Africa was Christian until the great Jihad swept out of Arabia in the 7th century and burnt it all to the ground.
All of the self styled progressives who apologise for Islam should be ashamed of themselves,the history of the Anglo Saxon liberal, progressive reformer was built on opposition to Islam, from India to Sudan, to Afghanistan, Kenya, the Levant/Palestine, Egypt and so on.
Progressives are the people who used military force and were prepared to put their lives on the line to end the trans Saharan slave trade, eradicate piracy and slaving on the Mediterranean Sea, who sttod up to the Mughals, the Ottomans and the fanatical Jihadi cults of old.
Of course we all know that today's Anglo Saxon progressives don't even really support Islam, the only reason they ally themselves with Muslims is because for the moment it's possible to make their class enemies, the White working class look silly by drawing these fake battle lines of the issues of immigration and "racism". These battle lines are drawn to keep the workers, the plebs and the bogans in their place, to thwart any sort of political self determination and protection of our own interests.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 1:25:15 PM
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Jay said;
they ally themselves with Muslims is because for the moment it's
possible to make their class enemies, the White working class look silly

These are the very useful idiots that the moslems will decapitate if or
when they take over. The useful idiots will be so disillusioned that
they will be dangerous to Islam.

This is the tactic that the communists used. Was it Lenin that coined the phrase ?
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 2:44:52 PM
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abit from column A and a bit from column B and column C

First unlike the Bible the KORAN is a how to live your life manual
BUT it was designed to keep uneducated goat herders that didn't know what was over the next hill in-line, It was just never updated to modern life.Now Picture this when talking about Muslims.

The Bible
reworked that many times it has no meaning to most People anymore its just a great collection of Stories

Modern Western Society
Can anyone say this Good ? If your rich i guess so
Drugs/crime/depression all on the rise
because there is no future most people see all they know is a dead end job then death
The only true solution i can see to all these problems is SPACE
"the final frontier"
People of all nations young men and women need adventure to explore find new things go places no one has gone before
This is why ISIS and the rest are appealing to so many its an adventure, way better then hanging out at the local park with friends every weekend doing nothing with no money.
So as I see it we can 1. become goat herders 2. Western Scum
3. All pull together for the next chapter in human evolution
I choose option 3.
Posted by Aussieboy, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 4:08:38 PM
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You said. "I believe that the fact that we already have Muslim people living in our society means that we have to try and integrate the ones who feel marginalized, or face the consequences.
We have no other choice other than having to deal with radical behaviours from the minority...."

When muslims come to a democratic country it is up to them to integrate and fit into that society, we have no obligation to change our ways to suit other cultures. Frankly I think they see themselves as pioneers for Islam and put up with our alien ways. Their long term goal is to change our society little by little until they get the numbers to vote in the changes they desire.

If we want to stop the radical or alien behavior of muslims then we have to stop importing them as each new arrival refreshes the culture.

This is the course of action we should take as I do not see anything in any Islamic country that appeals to me. I want those that follow me to enjoy the advantages of our democracy, such as it is.
Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 4:30:10 PM
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To Susieonline.

Jesus, you come out with some doozies.

Which Christian country or religion jails women who are raped? Which Christian country or religion demands that rapists can only be convicted if four witnesses of good character watched the rape from start to finish, and will testify that the rape was not consensual? Which Christian country or religion claims that all men have "uncontrollable lusts"? Which Christian country or religion holds women completely responsible for inflaming or controlling the "uncontrollable lusts" of men?

As a woman, I thought that you would have the sense to understand that Islam is a male dominated misogynistic religion which uses rape, or the threat of rape, to keep woman under control? Tony Abbot only has to look at his watch while Julia Gilliard is speaking, and every feminist in Australia is screaming that he is a misogynist. But Islam gets a free pass every time even though Muslim men treat their goats better than their women. The Koran instructs husbands on how long and how thick the "rod" should be to beat their wives, and Susionline uses the three monkey approach to judge Islam. There are none so blind, Susie.

Muslim youth are "marginalised" because that is what their religion demands of them. The Koran demands that Muslims must not take non believers as their friends. Islam insists that Muslims keep social separation from infidels and that was why Islam became so backwards. Muslim nations did not even have embassies in non Muslim countries before the late 19th century because Muslim scholars had decreed that Muslims could not live in infidel nations. They were so insular and self centred that the first Islamic book telling of the existence of North and South America was only published in the late 19th century.

They are only flooding into the west now to colonise us for Islam. What they could not get through war they can get through immigration, birth rate differentials, terrorism, and "useful fools" like your good self.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 7:22:13 PM
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