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By Junaid Cheema, published 17/12/2014Our way of life is under attack there is very little doubt about that, but by whom?
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Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 1:25:40 PM
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I posted this on another thread -- but it is equally relevant here. This is the sort of state McAdams & NCs "thinking" nurtures---not Isis --but Gaza under HAMAS:
<<"The most prominent reward that Palestinian Martyrs are repeatedly promised are the 72 Dark-Eyed Virgins in Paradise. A Palestinian religious leader explained that this is authentic Islam, whose purpose is to 'fill Muslims with desire for Paradise': 'He [Muhammad] said (in a Hadith, Islamic tradition): ‘[There is] a palace of pearls in Paradise and in it seventy courts of ruby... And in each court [there are] seventy houses of green emerald stone. In every house, seventy beds. On every bed, seventy mattresses of every color and on every mattress a woman.’ (Hadith) The writing of the Prophet [Muhammad in this Hadith]... is intended to fill Muslims with desire for Paradise... to be worthy of it, because only three dwell there: Prophets, Righteous and Shahids (Martyrs for Allah).' [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 2, 2004] The message comes from all parts of society, including religious leaders, TV news reports, schoolbooks, and even music videos. Newspapers routinely describe the death and funerals of terrorists as their “wedding.” The indoctrination has impacted so significantly on Palestinian society that mothers celebrate their sons’ death as “weddings” and some even state that their sons’ motivation to fight Israel and be killed was to reach Paradise and marry the Dark-Eyed Virgins. This music video is an example of the PA's continuous indoctrination of this message. The longest running music video on PA TV, originally aired in 2000 and broadcast regularly in 2010, shows a male Martyr being greeted in Islam’s Paradise by dark eyed women all dressed in white. As the PA religious leader wrote, its purpose is to “fill Muslims with desire for Paradise.”>> Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 1:54:25 PM
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Pussy galore, what's not to like? Where do I sign up?
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 5:24:24 PM
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Your <<Muslims are not a nation>>. And who said they are? <<Islam is not a nation>>. And who said it is? <<Resources are not owned by non-entities>> And who said resources are owned by non-entities The same recurring problem with you Liciferase: You assume that I have said so, then you respond to YOUR assumption. Had you answered my Question 3 of the 13th (about your <<Go The Muslim nation, Islamic State, The Caliphate! Go you good thing!>>) <<How did you see “The Caliphate!” etc in the universally recognised principle I was referring to? >> your convoluted perception that spurred your observation (addressed in Question 3) would certainly be at display. You skipped Question 3, yet insist << I have covered all of your questions>> Now your “Secular” Democracy. I would rather prefer to talk about Democracy. A franchise right you seem to be asserting through “Secular” is your problem. Come back to me with this term added in front of Democracy after you succeed in removing “One Nation Under God”; ''In God We Trust'' and ''God bless America'' etc from US democratic institutional proceedings and records etc. I totally acknowledge your right to hold secular views you choose to hold just as I am free to stick to my religious inclination. McAdam expressed his view of democracy (14th, 3:29 am): <<This is also true, that democracy, in spite of shortcomings, is by far the best system of governance.>> Recall Churchill’s observation: "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." (House of Commons speech on Nov. 11, 1947) (See Churchill didn’t say Secular Democracy!) I agree with McAdam and Churchill. The best workable form of governance: 1. Must be based on mutual consultation; 2. Must evolve from within the society just as various shades of democracy have evolved from within the western societies. Detail on the subject need lot more space than I have. Posted by NC, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 6:10:38 PM
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On your quotes from Quran – post of the 12th. You have repeated some verses, see below. You probably don’t read before you post. Anyway, I am happy to document the facts on misconceptions about Quran. Your references allow me to do that. I encourage you to raise more questions on Quran. As pointed out previously and reiterated now, the armed response according Quran: • is in self-defence; • must have an overarching objective of the establishment of peace; and • must cease as the aggression ceases. Here are the translations with the context, where applicable: <<2:191>> Response authorised to the persecution Mecca inflicted on Muslims – See the check imposed through the following verse . Note that armed response must cease as the aggression ceases (next verse 2:192) <<2:192>> But if they desist, then lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (Pickthall) <<3:85 And whoever desires a religion other than Islam ….>> Translation: And whoso seeketh as religion other than the Surrender (to Allah) it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter.(Pickthall) “Surrender to Allah” is the religion brought by Abraham, Moses, Jesus and large of number of earlier prophets, according to Quran. <<9:5 Verse of the Sword>> Already addressed in my post of 11 Jan. <<9:5 Verse of the Sword>> Repeated for the third time!! <<9:29>> Already addressed in my post of 11 Jan. <<9:103 Take alms out of their property ….>> Alms here mean ‘Zakat’, obligation for those with wealth for those who are in need. Zakat is levied on savings. Checks accumulation of wealth and ensures social justice! Posted by NC, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 10:27:40 PM
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How are you boys coming along with the justification for flogging people for having naughty nookies?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 15 January 2015 12:21:01 AM
Can't you? Muslims are not a nation. Islam is not a nation. Resources are not owned by non-entities. I hold no remorse for pointing this out.
Having read everything from you and McAdam, genuine secular democracy is an oxymoron to you both.
I have covered all of your questions