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Is being a scientist compatible with believing in God? : Comments

By George Virsik, published 19/7/2013

Conflicts arise only when religion is seen as ersatz-science and/or science as ersatz-religion.

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Dear David,


How right you are. Words out of context can be incorrectly interpreted by the most attentive, most intelligent and most honest of auditors or readers. Not to mention dishonest people in all walks of life: politicians, journalists, historians, self-appointed gurus and many others, experts on so-called “contextomy” or “quote mining”.

On the other hand, as you note, there are also some very exceptional individuals in this world capable of overcoming all sorts of handicaps and attaining a remarkable degree of excellence in their chosen domain.

I am delighted to learn that there are even blind mathematicians and not surprised that one of the better known, Bernard Morin, is French. I see that the Fields medal, the highest distinction in mathematics, has been awarded every four years since 1950, on sixteen occasions, and that France arrives in second position with 10 medals, just behind the United States with 11 medals.

Our interactions with the environment through our senses must have a profound effect on our intellectual development. So it is that people suffering from genetic disorders such as autism affects their neural development, their thought process, language, behaviour and socials skills.

We have an admirable example of the Bernard Morins of this world right here on this forum in the person of our good friend, the one and only, up and Under God, though his chosen domain is not mathematics but something far more modest … just communicating with his fellow human beings, of which I have the honour of being one.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 21 September 2013 6:10:28 AM
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Dear George,


« Thanks, so there are ten different French/English possible translations (and one of them you prefer) which to me only shows that apparently in Latin (classical or Medieval) there is no noun clearly derived from the verb credere like belief from believe or croyance from croire.”

“Religio” happens to be Latin for “religious belief”. It is not a question of personal preference on my part.

I was simply answering your initial query: “… I don’t know (my Latin is non-existent) whether they have a separate word for the noun (religious) belief."

There are other Latin words for the word “belief” depending on the context, e.g.:

- opinio [-onis, f.]
- fidès [-ei, f.]
- credo [-didi, pf.]

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 21 September 2013 7:52:05 AM
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DAVIDg..i..have been waiting..for 20 hours to post
the only way..i can to be as meticulously in the context..of my your own words

[thats asking too more in simpleton/sibel..than human..but from respect..of you..i will yet again try dont posts..means i need to assume..much in a few words..[i..feel of this thread]..that its like a party..with me being the occasional..insanity..of the pervasive sanity..but you are the one..all want to hear..speak..[here/hear] clear frames of reference
but here i go off again..[i need to quote the specific points..[if numbered..i could say re point 1..instead..of your last/ goes

<<..I don’t like you..commenting on my posts at all.>>

as you..say..not reading my posts..i..dont..reply sentences
they belong to you..i respond to points..[single words]

<<..I try to be..a rational individual<>>

this we see you as well

<<>.You take my words..>>..correct words
strangely must know..the word..has its context
yours from agnosticism point..and mine from the religio..[and never the twain..shall be met

[except here on..our thread

please see..the words..belong to all
we..can only own the context..we frame them..*in

<<..immerse what I consider
the rubbish of the spirit world.,.,and similar nonsense..>>

david..i posted..presuming wrongly..[so it seems]..
that..we were i feel like..when you see someone smile
thinking foolishly..they smile at you..

when..they..never even noticed you
.because their love..or hate of..other invisible[not the frame]

<<..Your last post..seemed to be much longer..
than necessary to answer my question.>>

point taken

<<..It upsets me..that you comment..on my posts at all.>>

point taken

[draw a line,.,between..two

<<One way to stop you from commenting on my posts>>

collective punishment..isnt..just

it becomes just us....which..isnt just,..nor justice
you cant but WE and revere your words

without in be the latest messiah..[although..were he here..he would be anti doudt]
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 21 September 2013 8:21:33 AM
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<<...not to post..anything at all...>>edited
<<..more to see..if would let it..alone.>>

i..thought that..same thought
but then..i david i..used the
expand upon..other points..[duality/karma]..who..knows.

that doudt*..persisted..

oh..whats the point..
i promise..not to..*
learn..more..from any word/ post..[publicly]

<<..Your post..on that subject..added nothing.>>..

of course
whatever i say..wont add anything..for you
YOU..KNOW your stuff..but i didnt..

its a dont preach agnosticism
you could likely convince all..of us

..<<.At least you could use a spell checker
to make your posts more readable.>>

i do
but..if they want..
to capitalize things..i refuse
i..dont even capitalize god..let alone any he created

<<..You obviously want..very much to be seen>>..

what do i..need to do..
not comment on your posts


<<..I made the mistake..of thinking you were embarrassed .
because I got upset>>..

i was..then i got over it
thinking you did too

by..the time i could post..
you..had made..the geometric point..
i so..wanted to link the music..[im hearing]
but didnt..only took it as a starting decided was the end point..drew your line

if i wasnt sure..
you really dont posts
what does it matter..what i talk about
you can ignore me..yet with the others..many do

<<..and therefore you would stop commenting on my posts.>>


clearly..I was obviously wrong.
not in the point..i expanded upon..
but by presuming you wouldnt notice..

or just let..foolish
and be the grownup..and let it slip the keeper

it went wrong with the cybil..thing
i just wanted to get to the point..that recently..they found it was emissions

here is what i..feel our talks have achieved

however law of synchronicity..we often entertain/educate..angels unaware

[recall i sought to..revive this thread..after peter ended his
..does god need a special..language..thread..and thats what i..hope we helped achieve

just words helping flow..yet other words
we athiest..thiest alike..each..blind to each others error..

thus equally..beyond compatible measure
i parable abstraction's
you just fact

my how im trying to talk..your way real..for me
i trust make real..that you realize..for yourself

yet we both may say

Posted by one under god, Saturday, 21 September 2013 8:58:09 AM
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post limits..
meant..cutting reply..[into/brevity]

banjo..gets me..
so what follows..its not..for..david

banjo<<..people..suffering from..disorders..
affects their neural..development/thought process,..language/behavior..and socials skills.>>..

reply dis-continued..i..would rather hear of peace
quote..the INSPIRED*..words..of peter*

..<<..when I took possession..of the papal
apartment,..inside myself..I distinctly heard..a ‘no.’ >>

..<<..“That finger..of Jesus,..pointing at Matthew../.That’s me>>

<<..Here,..this is me,..a sinner
on whom the Lord..has turned his gaze..>>...

..<<..What element.;.of Ignatian spirituality
helps you live..your ministry?”

“Discernment,”..he replies..>>..

..<< has..two fundamental..points of reference..for its balance..>>..

..<<..When you express..too much,
you run..the risk..of being misunderstood...>>.

<<..“I am a witness/myself
to the misunderstandings..and problems..that the Society has recently experienced...>>..

..<<..[His]..dialogue..with all,”..the pope says,
..“even the most remote..and even with his opponents;..his simple piety,..a certain naïveté perhaps..>>..

..<<..when I someone,
I totally trust..that person...He or she..must make a really big mistake..before I rebuke..that person...>>..

..<<..In the history of salvation, God has saved a people. There is no full identity without belonging to a people. No one is saved alone, as an isolated individual, but God attracts us looking at the complex web of relationships that take place in the human community. God enters into this dynamic, this participation in the web of human relationships...>>..

..<<..we must be very careful not to think that this infallibilitas of all the faithful I am talking about..>>..

..<<..“I see clearly,” the pope continues,..“that the thing the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds..and to warm the hearts of the faithful; needs nearness, proximity.

I see the a field hospital after battle.
[see gone west]..

It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugars!

You have to heal his wounds.
Then we can talk about everything else. Heal the wounds, heal the wounds....

And you have to start from the ground up...>>..

..<<...The ones who quit..sometimes do it
for reasons that.. if properly understood and assessed,..can lead to a return.

But that takes audacity and courage.”>>..

and only a fool..would try
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 21 September 2013 10:04:19 AM
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Dear oug,

There is no excuse for my display of anger against you in

I am sorry, oug. I apologise to George, Banjo and any others who may have read the post.

I am sorry I didn’t just keep quiet.

When I wrote the post I was filled with righteousness indignation against you. I cannot erase my hurtful words. I can ask Graham to delete the post or even to remove me from olo, but the words have already been posted and may be still be in the minds of those who have read the posts.

oug wrote: “from agnosticism point..and mine from the religio”

I don’t think the most important thing about us is our religious beliefs. In my opinion it is far more important how we treat other people and the world around us. My ill-tempered blast at you had more to do with my lack of consideration than with any religious belief or lack of it.

However, to make a digression, one’s belief or lack of belief in God has nothing at all to do with religion. My daughter is a very religious woman. She practices the rites. I have gone with her to one of her services. She meets with her religious group, and they discuss matters in the light of the philosophy stemming from her religion. She is a Buddhism, and god or gods is not part of the religion.

I am no agnostic but an atheist without any belief in God. A believer in god is a theist. An agnostic regards belief in god as an open question.

In the interview with the pope you referred me to he was asked who he was and answered: “I am a sinner.”

That was a party line response like a communist saying, “I am a member of the working class.” It did not seem like a thoughtful response.

At this time I am remorseful for my post to you and have tried to answer your post with the consideration due to you as a human being. I will listen to you in the future.
Posted by david f, Saturday, 21 September 2013 10:39:33 AM
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