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Scientific heresy : Comments

By Matt Ridley, published 4/11/2011

How do you tell the difference between science and pseudoscience using global warming as an example.

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ok final post..[for 23 hours or so]..
maybe limits are fun
so take your free shots till them..

we got ther alco ocolight..who finally
has written something able to be read...yeahh

[even if its just a mock defense
of a god she dont believe in]

she yet stood up for our beloved old teat...
who nurtures...every living thing..their very living

even the clever at spinning she is as sepperating out dna..from living cells..cells she and her ilk gotno chance of ever making..

let alone explaining/REPLICATING
how a first/cell..could possably come to 'be'bby fluke

but lets not..ignore their collective inteligence
they will in time..via study of life,,[not death]..explain
in god might have done 'it'

and then created their *own cell
using their..*own logic and..own*dust

not busted up cell bits
that only god could have made

at least if doing study..
not rote refining dna for a robot

much like an other athiest..i once met
who specialised in..[some other aspect]..they call science..

but that is only replicatinmg..the same bacteria..into a micro wit evolving..*a species within the same ol genus..

into a new species..NOT A NEW GENUS..

but them..decrying genus
think micro[evolution..validates macro evolution[into new genus]
dna can macro evolve...into a new genus....

like a half coldblood fish..with scales..into a warm blood/beast with fur...[how strange..not one inbetween survived]

in short you..who study and clone dna
what have you personally evolved


thought so

have a nice delusion
you who cant hold forth..any origonal thought
only parrot out..peer revieuwed rot..[spin]

the seggregationinst dna analyst..see the joke

never bred anything in her life...
nor evolved..even her own thinking

and an occult-lite
and the vacufuccus..ok im gone
Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 November 2011 3:16:26 PM
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ssstezza quote..""DNA canbe produced from..RNA and vice versa.In fact I have done this today,.""

this was her..reply to first life
but lets egsamin the words...""I have done this..*today"" this case..was..""Sunday,20/November""
so clearly..this abuser..uses poetic-licence..lightly

no specific having a phd..
nor any studies..she specificly/personally..makes claim to,

nor any docterates..nor mention..of her field..beyond lab asisting/molecular wit playing with bits..

dead bits..[processing] a process worker

Evolution studies..what things

dna isnt life..[in short..we have spin]

i could go on..with her delusions of grandure
but know..not to expect..any real answers..
[nor names]..of first/life..etc

she makes a say later..
saying..""RNA nucleic acid,""

[in or is..!]..

so lets clarify..her ignorance
[too much..self head-slapping?]

""Messenger RNA..(mRNA) synthesized..from
a..gene segment..of DNA
which..ultimately contains..*the information*...

on..the primary..*sequence..of amino/acids..

*The..messenger RNA..*carries the code..!
into the cytoplasm..where protein/synthesis occurs""

in short..she
is full of lies..again

so..lets go to her point,,,,3

"" me.."SO you think..nucleic acid..TO BE LIFE"

[she]..Yes I do,""

so lets hear..of these other..'lives'

""Several distinctive features
of..the genetic code..are clearly evident...""

ie code..
not life...!

""First,..all of the 64 codons..or triplets
have a known function,..with 61..*coding for*..amino/acids..

and the other 3..serving as a stop
or termination signal..for protein synthesis""

but..its much harder..[complicated]
[ disprove/refute..&..*a lie

but heck
this fraud..must be account

need look no further..than a google/search

""The RNA world hypothesis..proposes*..that life
*based on*..ribonucleic acid..(RNA)""

ie based on/thus not..*of itself 'life'
]you deciever[..!

or..""Carl Woese hypothesized*""

""that RNA..*might be catalytic*
and..*suggested*..that the earliest forms of life
>>(*self-replicating molecules*)<<..*could have..*relied on

to wit..half/wit

read..the darn link said..AFTER I QUOTED

""Thanks for the info,
as a cell/molecular..biologist""

YEAH got any proof...?

""I am aware..of all of this."" her next breath

""I am also you..don't have a clue
what you..are talking about.""

it wernt me talking..sister!

but..i think people..*get..where you come from

next..Vku..quote.."" the earth all the different..ethnic groups,""

vku..recall noah..had sons..[with wives]!
the..&so called makes claim to no excuse

you live with/by..the fruit[gifts]..of god
yet fail to see..the amasing cause..
Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 November 2011 10:47:06 PM
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1. I don't need to prove my credentials to you. I'm not using my phd as evidence I know more than you. I'm sure I knew more than you before I even started by tertiary eduction.

2. Yes I work weekends.

3. I am not female. (although it is interesting that you seem to assume that people that disagree with you are female. Superiority complex?)

4. Define life.

You have neither refuted anything I have said, nor proven any of your claims. I note that you have not denied believing in a literal interpretation of the book of genesis. I am happy for you to live in this world of make-believe, however every time you attempt to claim any BS regarding science/evolution, I will be here to put you back in your box. Ignorance prevails when smart men do nothing.
Posted by Stezza, Tuesday, 22 November 2011 1:09:13 AM
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one under god,

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Posted by The Acolyte Rizla, Tuesday, 22 November 2011 9:49:20 AM
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you..just act like..
a girlly/girl

you said""1.I don't need to prove my credentials to you.""

yet have repeatedly..quoted them

to wit..monday..""although as a cell/molecular-biologist
I am aware..[lol]..of all of this""

but can 'be' anything

but most certainly..not a qualified evolutionist
cause thats..not a science qualification!

cause its a theory..not a science

you thus are nuthin..confirmable
except that your opinions

get some faulsifyables[science fact]
or go away

you have added little
but correction..[opinion]..without accreditisation..

[thus again..voice opinion..not authority]

you think to say little..that your clever
but usually saying little..means you lie

anyhow i will keep quoting info..from links
to let others decide..if your only fluff and wind...mate

interesting to note..
your first 3 posts here[olo]..were aimed at me

here is your first

""Your correct in stating..that there is an apx..2% genetic difference..between humans and ape,..this must me the context that >90% of our DNA..does not code for genes,..thus protein.""

not acid..?

oh high..and tightly wound one

""This makes the 2% difference in DNA""

then note the qualifier,

""of which we know..
the gene function..""lol

""more significant than it sounds.""

even then..*seemingly to disagree
yet confirming..what i just said

to wit spin
you began with miss naming me..

then..""While your opinion""

next you tried
to refute my using genus...saying

""all species are each other by some means,""

to which my reply would be..
YEAH cause..the one hand of god..alone..done it

he done it ALL..
thus all..has the mark..of its creator's hand..on it

interstingly you didnt then
make claim..*to be any biologist...

""as for a cell membrane,
I'm quite sure..LOL..that lipids..can be easily formed my chemists.""

though then..of course
you claimed to be a boss

but mate..*lipids
arnt cell membranes

and if its so easy..

but you
wit half wit..SPIN..!

interestingly..THEN didnt think dna as life

""some theories would suggest viruses
and plasmids..could be considered living,""


now your latest dna is

and no..
i didnt agree be life then
and still dont..

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 November 2011 1:11:24 PM
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but changed again


your that teacher
doing the same..rote..bacteria-experiments..
to impress..1st year med students..gee your

lol...thought you sounded familour
and persistantly..opinionated
[biassed] A fraud THEORY..!

ok mate

by your own words..[that explain little actual/fact]

YOU/quote..""It may be frustrating..that science
does not*..provide complete..'proof'..of its various theories*.""

not for me
i think..*most..*know
theory..*from fact..!

ALL YOU GOT..IS THEORY..and teaching 1st year students
the same bacteria same *genus of bacteria

ONLY EVER BACTERIA!..[never anything else]
[as in..evolution..of genus]..required if valid]

your..NEVER EVOLVING ANYTHING the micro..[species]..level

not the macro level..beyond bacteria genus..
the evolving..revolving/THEORY needs

theories..are like aholes..we each least one
BUT SCIENCE..*NEEDS replicatable FACT...!

get it

as for nipples..that was..the form..[cellular]..
the beginning..of the big bang..

also..the shape of the earth..and the universe

you confuse the way..with the result

but lets return to..*the cell..
[that you muggin's..can acid..
to get at..its dna..]..kill the cell

HOPE TO MAKE..[create]

cause only god..can do that
[ie make a seed..or..a cellular membrain]

""The cell cycle,..or cell-division cycle,
is the series of events..that takes place..*in a cell""

noting all naturally
found..*only..*within a cell

[i will talk of..the trickery
you apply get dna..out of its cell..and
then..the process you rote to multiply it...

ie..process work
a thing..any monkey can do.

continue in cell..
""leading to its division..and duplication(replication).""..

the dna/rna/ cell

""In cells..without a nucleus(prokaryotic),
the cell cycle..occurs via a process termed binary fission.

In cells with a nucleus..(eukaryotes),the cell cycle..can be divided in three periods:..interphase—during which the cell grows,accumulating nutrients..needed for mitosis..and duplicating its DNA—[in/cell]

and the mitosis..(M)phase,during which the cell*
splits itself into two distinct cells,..often called "daughter cells"

and the final phase,Cytokinesis,
where the new cell* completely divided.""

if you be..what you claim to be
here are some..of your 'teqniques'

you have disolved the bacteria acid
and only trick..the dna replication process..via chemical..not life

that in the end..its only chemical input
copying/mimicing[moking]..what god does intra cellular autonimously..

which will lead..
no where autonomy...
nor validate..a fraud theory

gods nature/ itself

2b continued
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 November 2011 1:43:58 PM
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