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Scientific heresy : Comments

By Matt Ridley, published 4/11/2011

How do you tell the difference between science and pseudoscience using global warming as an example.

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tazer quote...""If you convince me""

i dont..aim to convince..anyone

im saying..i studied evolution intensly
and as you can only fluctuate
within the parental genus..

to wit..your bacteria...are still..the same genus

just as with..darwins finches...
[in dry season..the short/beaked thrives
in wet season the long/beaked thrives...two species..of the one..finch genus.

or fruitflies..quintillions of fruitfly generations
the results..all fall within..the fruitfly genus

not one mouse..not one..'bacteria..*all fruitflies

life..comes from life..[like itself]
[thats my life experience..and no-one..has reported any different.

yet kids get sold..some accidental fluke/chance
created the first unnamed life..that then..evolved..into all the other

yet even..the wise ones [teachers] your good self
know...that bacteria breeds bacteria..[ALLWAYS..WITHIN its genus]full stop..

convince.."(others) change..their mind,""

mate..see the occult/lite's comments

they simply take evolution..on faith...
cause it was taught them as children..cause they need..a god free cause of life..mate its all giberish..*to them

""then you must..propose an alternative theory."'

i have...a cell based theory...
[as the big teat vision]

in the beginning..was a cell
and lets call that cell god..[alpha cell]

then god evolved..[bang]
leaving behind..*his evolution trail

[once the master creator 'knew'..his latest creation
teashing in full..he goes into the next 'evolution']

its as good
a fairy what we got by..'evolution THEORY'

how do you clever into it?
mate...prove the sequence..[path] which
'god'..evolved..into his highest incarnation..[you]

""So have refused to do that."'

i only studied micro/evolution
because i soon realised..macro evolution..[exta..;out of impossable]...i dont know how god done it..

i just know..species hover..arround the genus mean...[like with darwins finches..betwen long beaked..and short beaked]

""Is it relies on your faith
in the existence..of a creator?""

no dr dont

i just know macro-evolution..
is based..on clever distortions..learned ignorances

any applicable
only to species evolution..not genus evolution

""Simply state..your alternative/theory.""

all life comes from life..and all life is god
cause science cant do it..and 'life'..isnt doing it

''Why is difficult?''

it dont have a name...but the lives..we do see..
are just too have occured by chance

there is logic there..beyond evolved..'natural-selection'
you got science..BUT*..'natural' belongs to god
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 6:55:31 AM
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According to your theory, the number of genera must have been maximum at 'creation' as if no new genera can be formed, we must be in a constant state of decline in biodiversity (due to extinction events). If this is true, then species within the genus homo must have existed since 'creation' along with species of the genus Eoraptor. This would be supported by the finding of fossils of these genera that date to the same period of time.

Alternatively (upon a second reading of your post) it seems that you may actually believe in macro-evolution, however, it is not macro-evolution, but 'god' evolving a genus, then 'deciding' that a new genus will be evolved (with a bang, apparently). This theory would allow you to use any scientific evidence (such as the fossil record, or DNA homology) as proof of god, rather than proof of macroevolution.

On the other hand, have you ever considered that god does not exist (or is made of spaghetti)?
Posted by Stezza, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 8:19:43 AM
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one under god,

? 500 'i dalu am y fynedfa, gan fod y cynhyrchiad y goeden, ac yn amodol ar newid a 50 cymeriad'? symud, wrth i chi fynd, yn addo chi? [Afeteroy] barn yn arwain achos y nefoedd? Maent yn dychmygu bod d 'yn addoliad y gwyddonydd - eich 50 gradd? Mae'n arferiad yn y disgyblaethau o ddysgu yr arholiad, yr oeddech yn 50 dihiryn? dysgu Saesneg. A yw eich arsylwi addysgu / Gwyddoniaeth dangos i chi ei wybod? Ac T yn ddull gwyddonol? , Nad yw gwybodaeth am yr hyn y dylai ei wneud yn arbennig yn defnyddio hyn o'r blaen yn y Rereaktion na chi yn y lle i ti geiriau yn cael eu hysgrifennu mewn iddo wyf bywyd yn fwy. Yn drydydd, ydych chi? Pan muzzles testun syml Reobsession ffug o rai seicolegol. Byddwch yn gweld y stori. Rhy ychydig? ; Rydych wedi dweud? Mae hon yn gorwedd ... a [fyres] beidio? T sprechen i'w golli ffurflen? Rydym yn wirioneddol t (neu ddigon). Yn olaf, ydych chi? : Un Daeth i lawr Rebildenweise wedi dod yn rheolaidd. Y rheswm hwn, "fyddwch yn ei wneud? T ac yn gwneud iddo cysgu 'ch? Neu, os ydych yn sobr? Ac gorchfygu eto?" Mae resymegol: [Kath] ddysgl yn fwy tebygol o sôn amdanynt, mae purpurrotere washo bach yma.
Posted by The Acolyte Rizla, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 8:45:35 AM
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stirrer/tazer quote..""According to your theory,
the number of genera..must have been 'creation'""

sorry ol
i say..that life in toto
reflects that of an intelligence...'evolving'genus

while species has its species limited bounds..[genera]

i see the journey..of god..becoming human
then becomming god..till in time we find
the good..of god in ourselves
and others

i will keep it simple
for the alco-lite...

imagine you arer unique[god] become aware..of firstly...'the deep nuthin'
then think light to 'be'...[and it is] time you wonder
what is this me..that i am

so you experment...and in time decide more than god is omnipresent

can be here*
and at the same time be here*

[just like quantum theory]

so god is on the inside..looking out
till in time..with a huge bang
you find nothing..else
'out there'

so god looks within...[into her; the uni-verse]
and sees her own inner light..may decide to look closer that light..she may even have 'seen'..a reflection...of her own light

[off say a bubble..or a rain drop..or dew]..

then by the simple act of imagining..what can that 'be'...
can that be me...?..isnserts dna..into a cell..
bingo the first genus

[simply by see
'something/anything..inside it..too]

its not too imagine god studying it..
knowing it...learning from it..teaching it things

then in time..that one cell becomes two..
[and no..she wasnt..that beta*cell neither]..
but our second genus/limit...teaching

in time
god gets to knowing..all that cellbased genus
is/knows..feels..was or can be..etc
cause she created it

so are 'created''...the single cell/multicell[life evolutions]
and what was to be..two singular cell genera' time became multi cellular

in time she evolves..into multicellular life..
[further refined by 'natural selection']
ie by

[it all..unfolds step by logical step]
up the scale..reflecting we see in species vairiations

but each new genus evolution
is a teaching/lesson..path..trail fixed limit
left by gods self means only god did do

at the highest level..of her discovery and our creation
she made man..just like..she made all before him their own place/time/face form lessons

Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 2:01:21 PM
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with adam..the
higher/alpha evolutionary..[eve..the beta]
as close to materiality..we..can get

he..adam..[the fool
wants..what the beasts got]

so she god..takes his dna/rib..
tosses away the 'y' chromosone
and doubles up on the x..

[in the process..tweaking the dna..
to have the alpha..[XX}

and the hetrozygote mutated 'x'..
[to wit Xx =eve]...+..[Xy=a damm]

giving adam..[Xy}..his sister erve..{Xx]

[plus his wife...lover..etc]
just like the beasts,

[till the Xy
the clever ape...that dares ask why...[y]

realises the big slap..
god gave man-kind..[via a-damm[Xy]..
wanting his own sister..Xx]...for xxx

mate..if we dont got evidence
then the gaps..that fit available facts
evolution is only a theory...just like we chose best fits our facts

even fossiles have not closed
any of evolutions 'gaps'...

but hey ol mate

give me fact
name the first life

and what it evolved into

till with love mercy grace

and god doing all of it
by logic means..dicoverable by man

!*..[but tell me
have you any..any proof..!

that..there was no
hand of creation?]

i thought not

yes..i believe

""no new genera can be formed,"'
till we follow gods path..[however he done it]

if you got all means speak
reveal it..[name it]...

i will adjuct my theory accordingly
[if it confirms...with the knowable/known/knowns..[..facts..]

""a constant state of biodiversity(due to extinction events)..""

""If this is true,..then species..within the genus homo..must
have existed since..'creation' along with species..of the genus Eoraptor.""..

oh the chicken sized dinosaw
''genus Eoraptor" is a kind of...):

reptile genus (a genus of reptiles)

Meronyms (members of "genus Eoraptor"):

eoraptor (a theropod dinosaur of the genus Eoraptor)

Holonyms ("genus Eoraptor" is a member of...):

suborder Theropoda; Theropoda
(carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs with short forelimbs; Jurassic and Cretaceous)''

its intersting to note the 'proof' of evolution
lol..based on forelimbs,,,lol..[not dna evolving]

your claiming some evidence of...evolution
lol..based on the tree of life?
Compsognathus,..Sinosauropteryx,..Protarchaeopteryx,..etc etc?

it seems the tree has evolved into a forrest

no definite root..!
looks good..till you look at the details
not being able/to..account the actual evolutionary history.

Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 2:05:22 PM
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Great, a breakthrough!

At least I can finally understand your beliefs. Evolution (both macro and micro) occur, but all is 'created/directed' by your 'god'. Makes sense.

Next time you meet her, do you mind asking her to stop all that nasty poverty/war/disease crap. Its getting old.
Posted by Stezza, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 2:26:07 PM
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