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Scientific heresy : Comments
By Matt Ridley, published 4/11/2011How do you tell the difference between science and pseudoscience using global warming as an example.
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Posted by one under god, Thursday, 1 December 2011 4:03:42 PM
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here is why seems they like to gang up once i reach my post limit no worries..the record of their lies lies here but here is what i plan to say there [in an hour] :lol: hey good to read your replied it hours ago but waited for 4 hours to post here it runs about 3 normal olo posts so your questions and self rightious judgments :arrow: of your own theory... i replied it right here ol mate thanks lol.. for the peer re-vieuw,,,lol i peer revieuwed..your revieuw made some corrections....of fact like you quoting origonating the theory of distance... reseting creation acts..of species that applies equally to genus...because its the same genus relitive conditions..that audit for errors to wit its your own tried to refute... lol the same one the aj thinks will save him..needing to explain or name names or mechanisms [quote] ""Anyway,I’m looking forward to your response to Stezza’s fourth point. If it holds, you’ll earn yourself a Nobel prize. [/quote] a professor getting a noble prize mate dream on...yep if it holds up but it fell down.. big time read the link lol...the professors poke/joke is refuted see link [quote] Should be interesting. Posted by AJ Philips, [/quote] lol its a fun read only interesting by the word twisting the lol science peer does in trying to find something his link can judge look forward to your phenotype genotype definitions after your attempted redefinition..of genus/species and finding out..*your 'distance' as calculated by your lol link lol thanks ol mate it was a hoot great professing masterly redirection in lue of nanming names/mechanisms.. and filling in the evolving ever growing gaps... explain phenotype and genotype to ya genes from ol fossil;..stones to say..*if related or not... who knows maybe you got more than just clever decptive linkages you then try to claiming i said them lol Posted by one under god, Friday, 2 December 2011 7:34:15 AM
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dr stezza puts in his bit
[quote]Welcome to peer review my friend.""" welcome to the audit :lol: [quote]..i am more interested in trying to understand the theory/beliefs that you discuss,..rather than correcting your mistakes or explaining facts to you. You critique of modern evolutionary theory is contradictory and lacking in logic. My summary of what I have learnt: 1. You agree that evolution occurs,...end"""[/quote] at the species level..sure..darwins finches long beaked in good times..short bad times [for reasons..previously explained] yes you grow bACTERIA EVERYDAY AND MEASURE THE DNA CHANGES but in the end..its still bacteria it will never evolve out of its genus bounds heck it mostly..still the same species...[im guessing] definitivly the same genus..cause you got nuthin [quote]..and this results in the change of organisms over time to produce different species and sub-species.[/quote] quite correct NOT EVER :!: ANY NEW GENUS sure yes microevolution..within genus fine but land dog...NOT ONE PRESENT..*EVIDENCE.. [quote]2...You do not believe..that the evolutionary mechanism is capable..of producing change..on the scale of genus.[/quote] absolutly* every species breeding..of like with like has made..just itself..! not one rabbit evolved..into dog..*ever no half/cold..half/warmblood.. no cat/dog..*EVER [quote]3...You believe that 'god'..'creates' new genera..[/quote] in lue of..*either of us..knowing i go with..god done it figure out..HOW god dun it [quote]..and that species..within this 'created' genus cannot evolve..past..a certain point.. due to DNA repair mechanisms at..the species level..when the species..are "too far..from the genus mean"...[/quote] species..can only fluctuate between..[within]..its genus bounds thats..what im saying in part..and in lue of someone actually naming..a mechanism that..*can change genus.. diveregences like..from am-fib-ian..into mammal or lol mammal..into whale..well mate name names..PROVE IT..! ..ok you have simplify our conversation into..these few so lets see..why you cant name names.. and got the gaps..[not one intermediate] a fraud link linking together a massive delusional fraud [quote]..My critique..of this theory/belief: 1.Your critique..of genetics(DNA repair)..[/quote] i note your quickly..rushing into joinder with..another subject re..this part/one im not critiqueing..dna repair it egsists..AS I PUT FORWARD.. so we agree? ..its valid..[right?] so lets go tricky part lol..of question Posted by one under god, Saturday, 3 December 2011 7:20:36 AM
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[quote]...and fossil evidence for evolution
is not compatible..with the theory you discuss,[/quote] again *you..have created..a fraud joinder im saying..fossils..are looks like..[phenotype] not genes...[not genotype] but..lets leave..your ignoring of them as validating..their usages as i proposed be so join together a thing..i agree with a thing..i vermantly..disagree with in the same sentance using..ten words that takes..30 to correct [quote] proposed to occur through the same/ the sub-species,species and genus level...Thus your arguments are contradict..your own beliefs.[/quote] no your be too clever/by half neatly avoiding comment..on phenotype v genotype the same mechanisms control all breeding's that prevented..even at species prevents now see try to cleverly..twist words fossilised..looks like..[phenotype] the lie! just cause..i got a rock..that looks/like you dont mean its you..nor your daddy even clouds..that.."look like'..beasts arnt beasts..extinct beasts..cant be any living thing its dead..BECAUSE it micro/evolved.. couldnt died out.. what it looks like...phenotype mutated it...and killed it it failed the law..of survival..OF THE FITTEST..! to wit it dead-ended couldnt breed died off...not a little nowhere..! leaving no genes [quote]..2...The statement..that a supernatural being interferes with the both unnecessary and non-scientific.[/quote] its my thesis cause yours is..a clear lie what god the beginning has no evidence/ the things/he does today we learn we grow then trust..our learn grow too but its god..who sustaine's every living thing..their being thats all god does..where life is there is god..sustaining it..its very life the best you science lot have got is autonimous chance/*..selection science cant claim 'natural*.. when a delicate balance you guys..cant come replication [science needs to faulsify proofs..or at least be capable of replicating..the theory ie demonstrate.. have the replicate..! science's best..hand/form is nothing..on the ones..god gave most of us [quote]..As this aspect cannot be proven..or disproved,[/quote] lol by you science..professors professing a theory got nuthing [quote]..then the requirement..for this aspect means that the theory..remains in the same all other creationist beliefs.[/quote] agreed in lue of faulsifyable fact we both..chose the theory*faith in Posted by one under god, Saturday, 3 December 2011 7:37:47 AM
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as previously posted but mate your a scientist you got science? names..replicate..dont speculate [to whom..much is given..much more is to be expected] [quote]..3.The propose that prevents evolution into species..of a different genus[/quote] again using word trickery ol mate :arrow:..i NEVER SAID THAT SPECIES DONT EVOLVE..INTO OTHER SPECIES i did say species can evolve..*out of its genus but lets look at your proof..if any of genus evolving nuthin you suggest that my theory suggests..[quote]..""suggests that DNA repair mechanisms..vary in relation to distance from the genus mean[/quote] no i dont NO I DIDNT you did every gene recombination..after mitosis must survive..the same genus specific audit via the 3 mechanmisms i previously raised on this issue [quote]This is a testable hypothesis.[/quote] ok sure its your thesis why not let you bust it lol [quote]]First you...would have to define what the 'genus mean' is,[/quote] see previous links your the expert..tell us lord master the genusd mean is the limits where eucalypts stop being eucalypts or bacteria stop being bacteria or pigs stop being pigs ot dogs stop beinmg dogs [quote]and how you would measure 'distance'.[/quote] [in inxches..fet or meters but its nothing to do with distance thats your theory..! not mine..! every breeding event gets the same audit mechanisms thats me now you..trying to be 'clever' continues Posted by one under god, Saturday, 3 December 2011 7:45:42 AM
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your [quote]..Then..using a simple program..
such as lol.. *you could measure..both the the genetic sequence..for various genes..and well,predict..efficacy in DNA repair mechanisms...You can do this yourself..from home.[/quote] im over falling..for your and ya mates redirections you had a link to baffle em with bs you had some link now you put up..a link.. and explain...your own lies..away as mine lol then high on your own cleverness [quote]4...You should also state how any species..would 'know'..the 'genus mean'[/quote] one minute im asked to explain genus try to hit me..with explaining it to your the profesing person calling evolution out of valid its up to you to validate your theory not redirect lies and what you hope make me go away more devious destractive redirection/spin [quote]..and their respective distance..from it.[/quote] sarcasicly guess that depends on how long..the mate is from his member remember member mate every new life..beginning event resets the audit clock each of the same genus will have the correct timing or ooops dead end extinction work with the living not the dead [quote]..If this theory is correct then evidence..for these measurements would the genome.[/quote] stop measuring begin naming..who what when where how..! are you..a science major or lit? sure ol pal spin its your theory if you got names mechanisms..present them and stop measuring your'distance' it makes you go blind Posted by one under god, Saturday, 3 December 2011 7:53:05 AM
replied it hours ago
but waited for 4 hours to post here
it runs about 3 normal olo posts
so your questions
and self rightious judgments of your owbn theory...i replied it
right here ol mate
thanks lol..
for the peer re-vieuw,,,lol
i peer revieuwed..your revieuw
made some corrections....of fact
like you quoting origonating
the theory of distance...
reseting creation acts..of species
that applies equally to genus...because
its the same genus relitive conditions..that audit for errors
to wit its your own tried to refute...
lol the same one
the aj thinks will save him..needing to explain
or name names or mechanisms
""Anyway,I’m looking forward
to your response to Stezza’s fourth point.
If it holds, you’ll earn yourself a Nobel prize.
a professor getting a nobal prize
mate drweam on...yep if it holds up
but it fwell down..
big time
read the link
lol...the professors poke/joke
is refuted see link
Should be interesting.
Posted by AJ Philips,
its a fun read
only interesting by the word twisting the lol science peer does
in trying to find something his link can judge
look forward to your phenotype
genotype definitions after your attempted redefinition..of genus/species
and finding out..*your 'distance'
as calculated by your lol link
thanks ol mate
it was a hoot
great professing
masterly redirection in lue of nanming names/mechanisms..
and filling in the evolving ever growing gaps...
explain phenotype and genotype
to ya genes from ol fossil;..stones
to say..*if related or not...
who knows maybe you got more
than just clever decptive linkages
you then try to claiming i said them