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Scientific heresy : Comments

By Matt Ridley, published 4/11/2011

How do you tell the difference between science and pseudoscience using global warming as an example.

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Come on, lets get to the point. You believe in god in the absence of any evidence for its existence. No amount of evidence will convince you that the theory of evolution is correct as this incompatible with your beliefs.

Stop being a hypocrite and apply evidence-based thought to your own beliefs.
Posted by Stezza, Tuesday, 22 November 2011 2:18:10 PM
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stezza..mate..i got plenty of proof
that no proof..!

its your theory* the prove it

its not for disprove..
cause you arnt..close to being right

has ever been reported..nor recorded..nor proven..EVER!

only the godless..need some reason..thus flog a THEORY,,if you dont get it..your the ignorant one

[and human lazy
they be..with the 'in' crowd
as dumb to the clever sheep

yet they only follow deciete...or rather
a THEORY,..that excludes god

but..back to finshing you off

""Evidence suggests..that a semi-autonomous transcriptional network..
acts in concert..with the CDK-cyclin regulate the..*cell cycle...""

"" Saccharomyces cerevisiae
have identified..approximately..800 to 1200 genes..that change expression..over the course/of..the cell-cycle;""

your rote job..[breeding..and destroying..*bacteria
ie..only making rna/ killings sake

with no intrest..beyond switching..genes..on or off..
[and do with cell..except destroying get your dna/rna]

continue quote..gene expression..""they..are high specific the cell-cycle,..''

and dead
once you disolved away..all the cell-organics
to obtain..the dna/rna..dead dna

here..are some of..the cells tricks
you might your..rote process/replications...


""Several methods..can be synchronise..*cell cultures
by halting the..*cell a particular phase.

For example,..serum starvation..and treatment with thymidine
or aphidicolin..halt the the G1 phase,

mitotic shake-off,..treatment with colchicine..
and treatment with nocodazole..halt the cell in M phase..

and treatment..with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine..halts the S phase.

lest we forget
we got..acids..and alcaloids

[opposing the same
acidifying/de-acidification process]

dna/rna..are instructions..*not life

..just dont be the next life
when they..repeatedly..disolve your..'organic bits..
and replicate..only your..dna..[karma]

endlessly...or untill you wakeup..
and realise..the destructivness of all..
you so thoughtlessly..have other

recall the law
more of the same..[as what you gave]..
shall be given..little decry..the law/of karmic..comback and god

you decieve others decieve them..into believing..*a theory
ie a hope/ wit a lie..[ cant prove it true..] hide behind..a mask of experteaze
claiming the respect..due to those..doing find truths

when in truth..only
to impress kiddies..into faulse-theories

bah cheap
invent something
validate proof..into your theory..of wind

reveal faulsifyables..
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 November 2011 3:35:39 PM
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one under god,

? D 'obvius ut operias, ut productio ligni et mobilis illi et moribus L'? remotio introëuntibus vobis, promitto tibi? [Afeteroy] causam inducens views caeli? Fingunt d 'colant scientificus - L gradu tuo? Est consuetudo in disciplinis doctrinarum examine, a te scelerate L? eruditio English. Does your observationem docet / Science ostendo vos teneo? T est et scientifica methodo? , Quod scientia in particulari quid sit faciendum Rereaktion nec eget ante in quam tu tibi verba in eo loco scripta sunt in eo plus ego nunc vitam. Tertio tu? ; Cum Reobsession muzzles amet, consectetur psycho aliqua. Vos mos animadverto a elit. Etiam nec dolor? ; Dixeris? Hoc mendacium ... et [fyres] non? T sprechen amittere formam? Mauris vere t (aut satis). Postremo tu? : Unus descendit Rebildenweise facti regulares. Quare "facies? T somno facias eum 'd? Vel si sobrius es? Et tamen vicit?' Est rationale: [Kath] disco magis ueri simile proferre, washer exiguam purpurrotere elit.
Posted by The Acolyte Rizla, Tuesday, 22 November 2011 3:51:07 PM
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If you aim to convince me (or others) to change their mind, then you must propose an alternative theory. So far you have refused to do that. Is it because it relies on your faith in the existence of a creator? Simply state your alternative theory. Why is it so difficult?
Posted by Stezza, Tuesday, 22 November 2011 11:19:02 PM
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Stezza, his alternate theories come from the pseudo science at only he won't admit it.
Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 6:32:29 AM
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From the article:

"Like antisepsis, many scientific truths began as heresies and fought long battles for acceptance against entrenched establishment wisdom that now appears irrational: continental drift, for example. Barry Marshall was not just ignored but vilified when he first argued that stomach ulcers are caused by a particular bacterium. Antacid drugs were very profitable for the drug industry. Eventually he won the Nobel prize.

Just this month Daniel Shechtman won the Nobel prize for quasi crystals, having spent much of his career being vilified and exiled as a crank. “I was thrown out of my research group. They said I brought shame on them with what I was saying.”

That’s lesson number 4: the heretic is sometimes right."

Hence my handle...
Posted by Antiseptic, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 6:51:06 AM
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