The Forum > Article Comments > A dad does matter to a child, whether gay couples like it or not > Comments
A dad does matter to a child, whether gay couples like it or not : Comments
By David van Gend, published 31/8/2011Same-sex parenting makes children subservient to adults' emotional needs.
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Posted by Kenny, Wednesday, 31 August 2011 12:53:34 PM
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Child abuse by extreme religous indocrination !! Posted by Kipp, Wednesday, 31 August 2011 1:14:50 PM
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Regards what is a "nuclear family". The term nuclear family once meant the biological mother and father and their children, with a surrounding extended family. In our feminist corrupted and disfigured society, “nuclear family” now means the mother and her children (with perhaps mummy’s new boyfriend), minimal extended family, father paying child contact money to see his children once a fortnight, family court layers charging expensive fees, the not so interested staff at the local centerlink office, and often vists by the police and child welfare agency staff. Under the new definition which I think is being proposed by homosexual marriage lobby groups, the term “nuclear family” is very similar to that under feminism, with an IVF clinic, sperm donors and medicare also being added. Posted by vanna, Wednesday, 31 August 2011 1:17:57 PM
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Sparkyq, absolutely correct until the last sentence. You see the problems you speak of were also manufactured by the social engineers from the Politically Correct Thought Police. corporate paedophiles all of them, promoting the neglect & abuse of children. this is what happens in a NORMAL, happy, healthy, harmonious family with a wife who knows the meaning of the words "partner & co-operation", who does not countermand everything a father does to protect his children because she has not been trained by the feMANazis to think she is better at parenting than him. McReal, also correct, the ANTI family law act of 1975 must also be repealed when Tony Abbott becomes PM, along with every other piece of social treason committed by the closet communists to destroy the family. read all of it McReal, but pay particular attention to #40. Spot on Philo & that is exactly WHY the closet communists sought to destroy our families, manufacture moral, ethical DE generation, neglect & abuse of children to beat christian, capitalist democracy. these evil devil worshiping child abusers must be tried for treason ASAP. Mollydukes, also correct, as well as banning GLBT marriage & lifestyle we must also rebuild the extended family over the nuclear family. This is another earlier example of social engineering designed to abuse children. The death of the extended family is just another reason why nuclear families are failing, ending in divorce. It is not enough to go back to the 1950's, we must go back to the 1500's to restore the extended family to our society/culture. The devil worshiping social engineers have been "white anting" our culture ever since the Protestant Christian, "Enlightenment" began democratising our world. Posted by Formersnag, Wednesday, 31 August 2011 1:32:06 PM
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briar rose,
The reason more hetrosexual families fail is because they are the 99% the norm. Ho Hum, The constant use of the term "toxic" may suit your view but it does not reflect the reality of the Christian family. I've been around over 70 years and have witnessed the maturity of many Christian families, their self discipline and social achievements far outweigh the alternatives I have seen - money and power being their goals. Posted by Philo, Wednesday, 31 August 2011 1:36:02 PM
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We hear so much about a child needing a father. What about the families that are made up of two father's. Isn't the mother as important.
What a child needs is at least one parent that loves and respects them. Very few families live in isolation. They have uncles and aunties. They have grand ma and pa. They have close family friends. They have teachers and sport coaches. The have many other people of most sexes in their lives. Very few children live in the perfect family with the perfect parents. A bad parent can and is worse that none at all. It is only in the last couple of generations that children are bought up with both parents surviving until they reach adulthood. In earlier times a big percentage of mothers died of disease or in child birth. War and disease took many fathers. The children survived. Those who had the support of loving extended families coped better. It is the quality of the family that counts, not the makeup. Posted by Flo, Wednesday, 31 August 2011 2:03:33 PM