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Fatherlessness, chaos and the Norwegian killer : Comments
By Warwick Marsh, published 2/8/2011'A community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken families...asks for and gets chaos'.
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Posted by Ammonite, Friday, 5 August 2011 12:22:50 PM
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OK, there's not much point debating when the post-modern atheist Christ-haters on this site define Christian as functionally non-Christian.
I define a Christian as someone who takes it seriously when Jesus Christ said 'Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you'. But so many on this site want a word to mean whatever they want it to mean - shades of Alice in Wonderland and magic mushrooms. But in a way, the atheist god-haters are right, their degrading influence, and the gutlessness of much of the so-called "Christian Church", is such that the West is now 'Christian' in name only. Hence those who follow the example and teaching of Muhammad, and others, blame the decadence and decay in values on 'Christianity'. They are right, but we need to qualify and share the blame between gutless 'Christians', and true-to-their-belief atheists and humanist etc. Posted by CompeterN, Friday, 5 August 2011 1:15:10 PM
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Well it did not take long for this discussion to end up in a Christian fundamentalist extremist versus Muslim fundamentalist extremist exchange.
And along comes another Christian who uses the denigrating and disingenuous phrase "atheist god-haters" when rational argument would suffice. Do you know what an atheist is? You cannot hate something that does not exist, one can only abhor violence and extremism no matter what spurns it. Christians like others can learn from the mistakes of the past, that is not an unworthy process, there is no need to hide or diminish the very cruel events of the Crusades or the inquisitions. Until an organisation 'owns' their mistakes they cannot move on. The Catholic Church is finally finding that out themselves albeit it is a slow process. Using terms like "atheist god-haters" is another example of fundamentalist speak and absolves the writer of having to put forward any cogent argument on the issues. A bit of moderation and perspective would not go astray. The attack of Pericles is unwarranted particularly as he often pushes back on those minority of atheists who call for bans on religion. It is no different from some Muslim groups who fail to admonish violence in their own, or who cheer when planes crash into buildings killing thousands of people. Posted by pelican, Friday, 5 August 2011 4:51:20 PM
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i see the closet communist, corporate paedophiles are at it again, trying to destroy Warwicks excellent article in order to continue the status quo & the many metrosexual men are trying to appease the feMANazis. (who will never be appeased or admit they have ever been wrong about anything)
the destruction of the family was closet communist, corporate paedophile policy to destroy our society/culture, the foundations under our economy/government. George Carlin, used to be a leftie himself until he worked it out, the PC, Thought Police are just as much our enemy as the international banksters. Men do the hard yards & women do the complaining. Just when you thought women could not possibly sink any lower thinner model's wearing fat suits. The first time i have seen a fauxMANista even come close to some honesty this is the bit missing from Warwicks article, hinted at but not tackled directly enough, misandrist hatred, breeds misogynist hatred. this is what they want next sex education in school is not enough, they want sexual beings, children, given Karma Sutra lessons & encouragement to do it as well. When will you WAKE UP? Women's liberation was women's wage & tax enslavement you feMANazi fools are victims of your own self oppression. Closet communist social/cultural treason not enough for you look at all items on this list see how much has come true in the land of OZ. try this version or are you a perhaps this will bring it home for you no, try this one no, your stuborn, still need more proof! will you be one of those in this video? What have you fools done to as Derrin Hunch would say, "shame, shame, shame". Posted by Formersnag, Friday, 5 August 2011 4:53:41 PM
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Formersnag you're a national treasure. I feel really content, smug and warn just to know you're there, just you being you.
That was a wonderful post. Such a Potpourri of paranoia and anger at everything, the powers that you see as threatening to you. Thinner model's wearing fat suits. The My Country conclusion was comic genius! Any teenager who has conservative prudish over-protective parents really needs those sexual human rights BTW. Though, sometimes, I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion! Say it after me.. I'm not afraid anymore! Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 5 August 2011 5:10:05 PM
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Well I thought your analysis of the situation to be quite accurate, and also your references to be quite accurate. This sentence from one of your referenced articles certainly struck a chord. "In the cultural Marxism of Political Correctness certain groups are good – feminist women, (only feminist women, non-feminist women are deemed not to exist) blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals. These groups are determined to be “victims,” and therefore automatically good regardless of what any of them do. Similarly, white males are determined automatically to be evil, thereby becoming the equivalent of the bourgeoisie in economic Marxism." I have never found it to be any different, and in fact, if someone ever finds a university academic saying anything good about men or about fathers, they should immediately rush out and buy a loto ticket, because such a situation may never occur again. That is the extent of the bigotry, discrimination, feminism, corruption and sexism within the university system. Posted by vanna, Sunday, 7 August 2011 5:46:05 PM
IRONY: The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
The man is a homicidal maniac who needs be locked away till the end of his days.
My point was that many here are looking to blame their favourite pariah be it religious fundamentalism, bitter parents or dreaded (irony intended) feminists.