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Live animal export and knee-jerk reactions : Comments

By Brian Holden, published 11/6/2011

If we cut animals they certainly bleed, but do they feel as we do and whose pain should we feel first?

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Who are the "bleeding heart club"? You either agree that what was being done to animals was cruel and should be stopped, or you don't. Calling those who were outraged members of a club is offensive. All concerned are responsible for what has been allowed to go on in too many so-called slaughter houses? I'm led to believe that Minister Ludwig was there recently, but didn't feel the need to visit any of these places - so he's culpable also. The MLA receive almost $5 for each animal that leaves Australia. They are also responsible for those hideous 'boxes'which should be outlawed, post haste! Bob Katter agrees. He says they're "ridiculous".

I'll be happy when all live exports of animals cease. It will only be a matter of time before we hear and see other hideous acts of cruelty.

I think it should be noted, that deliberate acts of eye gouging, kicking, putting water up an animal's nostrils, using up to 30 attempts to kill an animal is just unnacceptable cruelty. It's not part of normal procedures in Australia's slaughter yards.

Mind you, I still don't eat red meat. I don't support the pork industry due to cruelty to pregnant sows; I buy eggs from free range hens etc. Those who are using cruelty are damaging their own industry - not the so-called "bleeding hearts"? They caused this, not me!Stunning an animal has been accepted in many Muslim countries via communication of all concerned. It is being used in some Indonesian slaughter yards, why not all?
Posted by Liz45, Monday, 13 June 2011 1:19:15 PM
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As I said before, if you got issue with certain slaughtering practices, raise it to the trading partner instead of adopting an extremist action of total suspension. Once you take such extremist action, there is no turning back. Your trading partner will be scared-off from having anymore trading relationship with you, and they will simply trade with someone else who are less troublesome and extremist. Australia is not the sole producer of cattle in the world.


LOL, are you insane for comparing cattle with humans? I guess in your mind it is OK for Australians to eat "Negroes" but it is not OK for Indonesia to slit "Negroes' throat".
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Monday, 13 June 2011 1:20:51 PM
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No, PtbI, I'm not accusing farmers of lying. Can you offer any evidence of cattle farmers saying that 70% of Australia's cattle are exported to Indonesia? You haven't done so yet. I suspect you won't, either, because it's simply not true. I know a fair few cattle farmers, and none of them have offered that statistic. I'm sure that 70% of SOME FARMERS' cattle may well be exported to Indonesia, however - as I have demonstrated - that is not the case for the industry as a whole.

So, for those farmers who rely on the Indonesian market, this could be disastrous if:
a) no other markets are interested in buying their product, which is unlikely, and
b) no compensation is offered to tide them over while they adjust to changes, and
c) the break in trade with Indonesia becomes permanent, either because Indonesia finds another appropriate foot-and-mouth-free source or because Australia chooses to make the break permanent.

Being a master mathematician, you'd be aware that the inclusion of two ANDs in an equation reduces probability dramatically.

By the way, do you actually laugh out loud every time you type 'LOL', or do you think it is a good way of expressing derision?
Posted by Otokonoko, Monday, 13 June 2011 2:01:09 PM
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We send our cattle over to foreign countries to be slaughtered in some cases horribly.
yet, we have people out here who eat dog food instead of proper meat, should we think about feeding our country first instead of raising the economic profits.
What good are the profits if it is not distrubited fairly amoungst the full population instead of only the few.
This country is rich in lots of items, but only a few are rich.
Stop beef exports until we who want meat, have it.
Stop gain exports until we who want it, have it.
Stop coal exports until we all benfit with free power.(not all can afford solar)
We have abundence in most things in this country, why does it cost so much to live.
Supply us first, then sell whats left over to export markets, surely that would still lead to massive profits in anyones eyes.
Greed, for MONEY, this is what drives these knee jerk reactions it drives the wrong people to deliver the wrong results.
Greed, for IDEOLOGIES, this is what drives these knee jerk reactions, people with the wrong vision only to achieve their self centered ideas.
This isnt just about cattle this is about two groups of people that are fighting to dominate everyone else, one for money and one for political control.
Posted by MickC, Monday, 13 June 2011 2:07:12 PM
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Well, Proud to be Indonesian:

...As you pointed out, the major losers from cancelling live trade with Indonesia, are Australians. You also highlight the scuttling of the reputation of Australia Gillard has achieved by her abysmal handling of this issue; an issue that could not, in any way, be successfully concluded by this course of action. Gillards actions are not a measure of sentiment directed towards animal cruelty, but another measure of ineptitude displayed by desperation and lack of intelligent decision making from “spent” leadership.

...It has become clear the world over, the deprecation to reputation of Australia as Gillard crashes through the world stage displaying ineptitude and naivety on public issues as the mining tax, now morphing into a secessionist movement with WA: The total ineptitude and unpredictability of her leadership on the illegal immigration issue; and the theatre of the carbon tax, just to name a few of the more obvious recent events. And that excludes the high profile sacking of the Labor Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, likened more and more now to a Prime Ministerial prodigy, as a comparison.

...I think this event “nails shut” the coffin lid of the Labor party as a trusted leader of this country. Time to go Julia! So, “Proud to be Indonesian”, Democracy is poised to take control
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 13 June 2011 2:16:18 PM
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The facts are, that the country that exports anything, carries a responsibility to ensure, that that product is OK. Similarly, if we export live cattle/sheep we should also abide by high principles.

The other fact is, that Indonesia don't have many places to choose from. Australia is free from foot and mouth disease, which makes us a viable country to receive live animals from. The other question is cost. Due to out relative short distance it's cheaper all round. For Indonesia to receive cattle from other countries is neither financially or disease risk a viable alternative.

According to a bloke on the ABC Country Hour/NSW,(go to webiste to listen and read trascript) Indonesians don't tuck in to a beef meal on an even regular basis, even those who are not poor. They're more likely to eat chicken, fish, tofu and other cheaper forms of protein, and eat beef on the occasions when they dine out. So the rubbish over feeding starving and malnourished Indonesian kids is simply not true. If you have to live on $1 or $2 a day, I don't think meat of any kind would be on the shopping list.

Even if we just view this as an economic issue. If we don't use high principles in this matter, it would possibley affect our other trade. The attitude of 'if they don't give a damn about cruelty to animals' why should we buy their dairy products or wool or cotton could result?

So, to reject the Govt's action from just a simplified view is neither responsible, practical or relevant!We have to see the big picture in regard to our reputation and practices in all areas - otherwise, the ramifications would indeed be very serious indeed!Due to the value of the dollar at present, we need to take care of all our exports - this is just part of that care!Call it a form of insurance for our economic future! I applaud the action, as do many farmers around the country.
Posted by Liz45, Monday, 13 June 2011 2:33:59 PM
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