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Live animal export and knee-jerk reactions : Comments

By Brian Holden, published 11/6/2011

If we cut animals they certainly bleed, but do they feel as we do and whose pain should we feel first?

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Ritual slaughter to produce 'halal' meat need be no more inhumane than ordinary slaughter practice in Australian abattoirs.

Indeed there is a good deal of halal meat produced here. The main difference, to reflect Muslim belief that the animal must be 'alive' when it's throat is cut, is the stun device. Instead of the bolt action stun gun that effectively kills the animal instantly before it is bled, halal slaughtermen use an electric stunner. This device delivers a powerful shock which renders the animal unconscious after which the throat is cut. If the animal is not cut it will revive and live to die another day.

Whichever method used, the objective is to cause as little stress and pain to the animal as possible. This is not only because the vast majority of Australians demand high standards of animal welfare but also of the product that ends up on their plates. As others have noted, stress at or near slaughter impacts meat quality.

What we saw on 4Corners was barbaric, unprofessional and completely unacceptable to Australians and should be to Indonesians as well. The ban has brought the matter to a very quick head, that is the good thing. Negatives are the loss of trade, income, employment etc on both sides.

The issue needs to be dealt with swiftly and co-operatively, quarantining substandard abattoirs and continuing to assist Indonesian Processors with equipment and training. This will result in better conditions for not only imported stock but domestic animals also. Trade can resume in reasonable confidence that animals bred here by producers who pride themselves on good husbandry will meet a humane end and all parties interests satisfied.

Thanks to the posters who pointed out the inconsistencies in our PTBI's rantings. Saved me the trouble.
Posted by divine_msn, Sunday, 12 June 2011 3:11:26 PM
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I watched the 4 Corners program a couple of weeks ago, and it only cemented my belief, that we should stop all live exports. I think the idea that animals don't feel pain is pure bs - this was obvious. I turned my head away several times as the images were just horrific, and the sounds of those animals was worse when I didn't look - that was pain of the most horrific kind. Anyone who couldn't recognise it as such is either blind or stupid or both. Why do vets use anaesthetic during operations if they don't? What rubbish!

I don't think it was a "knee jerk" reaction at all. The overwhelming view of the majority of Australians, was that those activities were horrific and should cease. Many if not all farmers hated what was being done to those animals. Quite frankly, I don't care where the cattle or sheep come from or go to, they should be dead before they leave Australia.

The meat industry needs to organise a way where chilled or frozen meat can go to the areas in Indonesia several times a week - if they don't have refrigeration, which seems to be a major factor in this situation. In the meantime, cease sending cattle until proper and humane methods are put into practice, and the MLA can spend some of farmers's millions of dollars by having supervisors in place! Either that, or no go! It's obscene and unnecessary cruelty!

I also query the many statements by farmers that they didn't know of the cruelty. Perhaps in future they'll make it their business to find out, instead of adopting the 'if we don't ask we don't have to be responsible for the outcomes' attitude. Not good enough!
Posted by Liz45, Sunday, 12 June 2011 5:00:54 PM
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Years ago, in the 1970's I watched an program on ABC TV about a new 'you beaut' automatic processor of slaughtering cattle. It was hideous, and there was no way of knowing if the animal was dead prior to their hooves being chopped off, among other things. I was so horrified by what I saw, that I haven't eaten red meat since. I don't know what happened to this 'you beaut' new machine - hopefully it didn't become a reality. I can't go into a closed butcher shop as the smell makes me nauseous. That was nearly 4 decades ago! It was so awful that I couldn't describe it to my kids!

What I saw on TV was worse than that? To have an animal's throat gouged up to 30 times before they're finally 'still' not necessarily dead, is unforgivable and only an exhibition of extreme cruelty - nothing less. I don't give a hoot what country the so-called 'slaughterman' comes from. I hated it in this country and I feel the same about any other. I reject any claims of racism - it's to do with decency and not being cruel for the 'fun of it'? Why was it necessary to gouge eyes out, or break tails and legs? That is just horrific abuse, and only shows the most base behaviour of humans! Those 'boxes' were cruel as well as damned stupid.

There are other ways of receiving protein and other vital foods for health. There are beans of different kinds etc. If we have to acquire an income by resorting to such cruelty, then we shouldn't boast of having values of a high quality - we don't!

Indonesia has Laws about cruelty, but do not impose them. One Minister I heard interviewed admitted that the problem was theirs, not ours. They should enforce their own Laws. If they didn't give the corrupt police and Military so much money, they might be able to afford to train Supervisors and ensure that their own Laws are carried out - no pain, no trauma, no bullying and/or dangerous actions etc.
Posted by Liz45, Sunday, 12 June 2011 5:15:31 PM
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This article reads very much like the Southern justification of slavery just before the US civil war. "Nigers just do not feel pain and appreciate freedom the way the white race does. They were bred to be slaves and nothing will ever change that. How dare these moralizing Northern people threaten our economic security by talking about the rights of nigers. God knows they are better off because we look after them and this whole society will go to hell if they ever start giving rights to these nigers."
Posted by lilasuka, Sunday, 12 June 2011 7:08:22 PM
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...Ludwig demands the MLA cough-up $5m dollars for compensation to cattle producers in the latest knee-jerk saga of the Gillard Government, closing off all livestock trade with Indonesia.

...Rightly, the MLA refused the demand as illegal under the constitutional rules of the MLA. So, its back to Gillard and the bleeding heart club, with the problem of compensation.

...Obviously, the correct (and increasingly urgent) procedure, is for the Government to step forward with a compensation package which will alleviate the urgent needs of the cattle producers most effected by the unthinking and naïve actions of this shallow Government.
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 13 June 2011 11:56:48 AM
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As I said, the Australian "humane" electric stunner is simply unaffordable to many Indonesian abbatoirs, but if Australians are willing to come-out with the money to buy these expensive items, maybe the abbatoirs will use them. In fact, some Indonesian abbatoirs are already using these items which were funded by Australian exporters. However, the main issue is whether these abbatoirs would be willing to buy Oz cattle after this knee-jerk trade suspension. They will be exposed to severe supplier risk which can render contracts invalid and expose them to risk of financial losses.

LOL, I don't make the figures "out of think air", but it is the figures being mentioned by Australian farmers and cattle-breeders themselves. Are you saying the farmers are lying?

Let me see, from Indonesian viewpoint Australia is just one of many suppliers who are capable of supplying us with beef. If Australians, for their own internal political purposes, are unwilling to supply the beef to us, what should we do?

I think any reasonable person can figure out the answer right away: just buy from somewhere else.

Add to that there are already strong domestic political demand to gradually reduce cattle imports into the country to benefit Indonesian cattlers. Hence, there is even greater impulse for Indonesia to become self-sufficient in meat production (currently domestic cattle supply 70% of our beef). We are already self-sufficient in rice, poultry, fisheries, and other food items.
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Monday, 13 June 2011 1:10:19 PM
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