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Australia racist? Well, der! : Comments

By Bill Collopy, published 30/8/2010

Australians like to think we left xenophobia behind with the days when we couldn't buy bok choy at the supermarket.

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"Bigos, if you believe that racism is inevitable you I can only deduct that you also believe to some extent that its justified any time it happens or exists.
Its interesting that you should believe it was "once upon a time" a psychological condition because this lends support to the notion that it somehow disappeared because people somehow became non racist."

Not inevitable. It's human nature, it always existed and it always will. Trying to stamp it out is like telling someone to stop thinking. It's just not possible. It never was a "condition", it was recognised by psychologists as a way of thinking. No one can ever be "non racist". Even CJ Morgan who denies the existence of "races" feels the need to discuss racism. Do you now see what I mean?

"On this basis you also seem to be confused with understanding racism as a social phenomena and racism as an individual human belief and practice. I'm sure you are not someone who condones racism but this appears to be not supported in any of your posts by how you understand what it is. "

I don't confuse anything. I believe everyone is racist and I don't think there is anything wrong with that, it's just part of being human.

"Simply denying its complexity exists does not make it magically disappear."

There is no complexity and it will never "magically disappear".
Posted by Bigos, Sunday, 5 September 2010 7:39:01 PM
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CJ Morgan says:

//Utter twaddle. "Race" is a social construct and it only matters to racists."//

Oh how I love it when CJ says such important things... in fact he is now standing along side the minutemen and the patriotic Americans holding up his sign "Racist mexicans go home"...why? well clearly, because 'race' only matters to 'racists' and the Mexicans are not just mumbling under their breath..they are shouting it from the rooftops....that 'whitey' is not breeding, they just have to wait whitey out..and take over.

Nothing racist about that eh ? :) Well...not to CJ of course.. no.. the REAL 'racism' is those who stand on the ground they settled along with millions of others... and say "Oi... sorry, but you can't come here and talk about taking over in the the name of your 'race' "

Yep..'theyyyyy' are the real racists in the twilight zone CJ inhabits.

JAY of MELBOURNE... be encouraged.. while I don't agree with all you say, I sure as heck agree with your right to say it.

RAINIER.. welcome back old son. *handshake*
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Sunday, 5 September 2010 7:52:03 PM
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Hi Bigos. How kind of you to drop by and share your racist theories again. Thanks for reminding me of last time we met, and linking to the discussion where I posted the American Anthropological Association's statement on "race".

<< Evidence from the analysis of genetics (e.g., DNA) indicates that most physical variation, about 94%, lies within so-called racial groups. Conventional geographic "racial" groupings differ from one another only in about 6% of their genes. This means that there is greater variation within "racial" groups than between them. In neighboring populations there is much overlapping of genes and their phenotypic (physical) expressions. Throughout history whenever different groups have come into contact, they have interbred. The continued sharing of genetic materials has maintained all of humankind as a single species >>

Of course, the fact that 'race' doesn't exist in any scientific sense doesn't stop racists like you from treating others as if it does. Like I said, 'race' only exists in the minds of racists.

I think that's more than enough oxygen for you. Do have a nice life.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 5 September 2010 7:56:14 PM
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CJ Morgan

You conveniently left out the statement from your scientific evidence, which I kindly pointed out to you. Here is a copy/paste of my answer to your "scientific" proof of the non-existence of races.

CJ Morgan
"I've refuted your claim that "races exist" in any scientific sense. "

No you haven't, you quote a bunch of American Anthropologists engaged in group think. This isn't the position of the scientific community. The most important part you left out; Here it is, what's important is in brackets since I cannot bold.

"(The following statement was adopted) by the Executive Board of the American Anthropological Association, acting on a draft prepared by a (committee of representative) American anthropologists. (It does not reflect a consensus of all members of the AAA, as individuals vary in their approaches to the study of "race.") (We believe that it represents generally the contemporary thinking and scholarly positions of a majority of anthropologists.)

"Of course, the fact that 'race' doesn't exist in any scientific sense doesn't stop racists like you from treating others as if it does. Like I said, 'race' only exists in the minds of racists.
I think that's more than enough oxygen for you. Do have a nice life."

If it didn't exist we wouldn't be here discussing it, at least I would think. But it does, and we are. I will have a nice life, you too. Cheers.
Posted by Bigos, Sunday, 5 September 2010 8:08:29 PM
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Rainier.I'm not going to try and dislodge you from your position, that would be wrong because Race is Real and it matters, which requires of us all an open mind.
I'll be brief, what doors are open to me, the hated Racist that are closed to Black people?
The Elite are outwardly patronising toward so called "minorities" while holding a dagger behind their backs but when it comes to "racists' it's shoot first ask questions later, Google the names Jeff Hughes, Tyler Cassidy and Randy Weaver.
Don't fall for this horsecrap about White Privilige being available to all White people, we distinguish between Jews and the state of Israel, between Terrorists and Muslims, you need to stop looking at White people as part of the problem and focus on the "Raceless" Elite.
Race is the new class battleground, the parallels and obvious crossovers are impossible to ignore, we need Brains and Muscle, Black and White, Religious and Secular all working side by side in harmony and if harmony isn't possible then we go our separate ways and carve up the continent into some new federation of our own design.
Removal of Whites or anyone else's racial identity is Genocide, Crabbsy outlines that position perfectly when he expresses a desire to be rid of Race then get to work on culture and religion, sounds like a Final Solution Scenario to me.
White Pride is poison to White privilege, White guilt and anti Racism sustain it and allow these Bandits and Oligarchs to keep getting away with their crimes against humanity.

Rainier, what are your thoughts on a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Australia?
If White Pride is poison to White Privilege the truth will be an Atomic Bomb ;)
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 5 September 2010 9:11:58 PM
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""Rainier, what are your thoughts on a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Australia?
If White Pride is poison to White Privilege the truth will be an Atomic Bomb ;)""

While I can appreciate the Machiavellian approach you are adopting in terms promoting White Pride, the existing public perception of White Pride is one that is informed by beliefs in fascist White supremacy. Read the literature.

A Truth and Reconciliation Commission (as was instigated in South Africa) would require some preconditions for it to be effective. One of the primary preconditions is for the status of Indigenous people being recognised (in law) as first nations peoples.

Without this precondition it would simply be another program and exercise in trying to fathom and test the virtues of Australia's liberal democracy - which was founded/ created on the basis of acts of illegal dispossession. I live in a benign police state.

Theft and genocide should be an assumed pre-condition of any such commission. Hence the reason why most native title claims are fundamentally useless in terms delivering land and social justice because the impairment of Aboriginal sovereignty is not considered as being a substantive issue in its deliberations, arbitration and conciliation.
Posted by Rainier, Monday, 6 September 2010 1:51:53 PM
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