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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia racist? Well, der! > Comments

Australia racist? Well, der! : Comments

By Bill Collopy, published 30/8/2010

Australians like to think we left xenophobia behind with the days when we couldn't buy bok choy at the supermarket.

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Then you're not White by your reckoning nor by mine, so what are you and why do you want to get rid of the White Race?
Actually rather than going down the worn and potholed path you choose I'll give you the task of finding a "White Supremacist" whose views you think align most closely with mine.
As I said I don't know any "White Supremacists", nor do I correspond with any online so in order to answer your question I'd have to have some sort of yardstick against which to measure my views.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 7 September 2010 2:06:36 PM
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Why do readers think that racism is some sort of international sport with winners (those with less racism) and loosers (those with most racism? What difference does it make how Australia scores? But if we do want to keep score, what should be the measures? Evidence of systemic racial conflict like civil wars and unrest could be one measure. Evidence of hate crimes and victimisation is another. But there are other ways of measuring racism too. Are people of certain ethinic or racial groups consistently benefiting less from society -- are they less likely to complete high school, less likely to be employed, less likely to enjoy good health and a long life? These differences can only come about by systematically denying opportunities, although the actions do not have to be done to deliberately discriminate. You can certainly ask the general population about their attitudes towards groups not like themselves and that can reveal something about the extent of racism in a society. Another way to measure racism is to ask the victims of racists comments, looks and actions. Surveys that have been done show that Aboriginal Australian regularly experience racism from others. Pick your measure, see if it is a problem in Australia and figure out how you can be part of the solution. Let France take care of their own problems.
Posted by Ann Larson, Wednesday, 8 September 2010 10:12:24 AM
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"(a bit like your stable mate David Jennings who posted eleven lines, but (would have us believe that) only ONE of them was “deleted for making sense“ ROFL"

There's almost no point arguing with people who can't get sarcasm or humour.

Jay's views are so ridiculous that they don't warrant sensible argument. For all we know he's just having a laugh.

At any rate its a real pity that some people ween't taught by their parents to judge people on the basis of their actions and character and NOT on their race. Good parents make all the difference
Posted by David Jennings, Wednesday, 8 September 2010 1:23:38 PM
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Horus, we both know that the real difference between you and me is that I'd go public with whatever I post here and you would not. OLO provides you with the protection of anonymity from which you boldly declare yourself. In the real world I imagine you’d be just a simple man, actually a very simple man.
Posted by Rainier, Wednesday, 8 September 2010 2:41:04 PM
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Would that be high pitched nervous laughter directed at me?
What about you sir? How do you answer the Iron Question?
"Are you Pro White or Pro White genocide?"
Over the course of my few months posting here you've answered the Jewish Iron question, which is fine if you're Jewish.
You've answered the Black Iron question, which is fine if you're Black.
You seem to be able to answer for everyone but yourself.
That Genial, paternal attitude toward dissent doesn't really wash in a serious discussion, it comes off as crude and patronising rather than tolerant or understanding.
For the record I am interested in people's character, White people especially, it's central to what I'm putting forth. A person who wants his own race destroyed or shows disregard for the existence of our people and a future for White children isn't displaying what I'd call "character". Anti Racism directed at Whites by other Whites is a character flaw in my book.
No other race has so many of it's own people working against their own interests.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 8 September 2010 2:53:24 PM
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The Iron Question?? What utter nonsense.

I'm Pro Common Sense and Pro Decency as are so many other people.
Posted by David Jennings, Wednesday, 8 September 2010 3:16:57 PM
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