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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia racist? Well, der! > Comments

Australia racist? Well, der! : Comments

By Bill Collopy, published 30/8/2010

Australians like to think we left xenophobia behind with the days when we couldn't buy bok choy at the supermarket.

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Johnny,you're not arguing with me just insinuating that I'm:
A. Stupid
B. Insane
C. Paranoid
D. "Racist"
E. Hateful
F. Ignorant
It's called Ritual Defamation and it's the typical behaviour of so called Anti Racist extremists.
Here's that link again:
Why don't you put up an argument, explain to me how Genocide and Anti Racism/Anti Whitism benefit White people?
How does Anti Racism focused on White Genocide and removal of Racial identity benefit non White out groups when the only people who can undo White Elitism are Racially aware White people?
If we don't do something who will?
You have never answered the Iron question.
Are you pro White or pro White Genocide?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 5 September 2010 1:47:48 PM
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I admit that there is merit in critiquing white anti racism discourse for its duplicity, hypocrisy and often blind complicity to its own mostly white privilege. It would be fair to say that both sides of the white political divide, and those who inhabit the centrist positions - abhor racism and now unite in their protests against it. However these protests (mostly since the civil rights movements of the post war era) are usually against blatant acts of racism – racism (for the sake of this discussion) that can be deemed to be 'popular' forms of identifiable racism - thus requiring popular forms of anti racist outrage. One of the explanations I use to explain why reverse racism (for example black racism against whites) is not as substantive as ‘white racism against blacks’ is that blacks cannot rely upon the same institutional racism, bias and support for their pleas of innocence and ‘plausible deniability’ of their racism. The Palm Island death in custody case illustrates this profoundly where the policemen in question had more legal lives than any cat I’ve known. He’s still a practicing ‘white’ policemen.

Having said all of the above, I do not for a moment think that grouping all white anti racists in one basket should be used as a rationale for promoting (though the back door?) white pride any more than I agree with deploying black ‘essentialist’ militancy. Both approaches usually end up with the same result – death and despair. Institutional racism should be the major focus of any reformation and action we all take. Getting white Australians to agree upon just what constitutes institutional racism has been a life long struggle for me and mine. This is because this type of racism also created “white consciousness” and privilege as a “normative condition” of being white and thus is invisible to most and why declarations against ‘popular racism’ often comes across as being superficial. However, raising awareness of this racism through promoting “white pride” is just plain insane. I can’t see the logic in this at all.?
over to you JoM.
Posted by Rainier, Sunday, 5 September 2010 4:30:14 PM
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CJ Morgan wrote:
"Utter twaddle. "Race" is a social construct and it only matters to racists.

If you have any actual contrary evidence, please provide it - rather than blathering on interminably with your self-described "contemptuous and inflammatory material", with which you blatantly set out to bait your moral and ethical betters."

Hmmm ... We've been there before, haven't we CJ? Since it is you that claims that "race is a social construct" how about you provide the evidence to support this assumption. You desperately tried in this thread:

My view still hasn't changed. The word "racism" is so overused, it no longer has meaning. The goal posts just keep changing so you cannot have a meaningful discussion anymore. Maybe CJ would like to explain the social construct of race to people in Africa or Asia?
Posted by Bigos, Sunday, 5 September 2010 5:55:40 PM
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I believe that the reason you appear to believe the word "racism" is overused is because the majority of (mostly white people) don't fully understand the social, institutional and cultural complexities that this word tries to explain upon its declaration.

And even when these complexities are explained ad nausea -- people (in often defensive mode) try to question the legitimacy of these explanations - and the cycle of unproductive recrimination starts all over again.

Being (proudly?) ignorant about these complexities is not an excuse or logical explanation for refuting its existence or the need for anti racism. I think CJ is frustratated with both your (apparent) ignorance and non commitment to really trying to understand this complexity.

Here is a simple explanation of what racism is.

• *Power = access to resources and participation in society
• *Prejudice = beliefs, attitudes, and actions based on stereotypes
• *Racism = Prejudice + Power


• Individual vs. Institutional Racism

Institutional/Structural/Systemic racism is that which, covertly or overtly, resides in the policies, procedures, operations and culture of public or private institutions - reinforcing individual prejudices and being reinforced by them in turn.


Whereas individual racism is the expression of personal prejudice, institutional racism is the expression of a whole organisation's racist practice and culture.

It should be noted that article under discussion here fails to address any of the above in substantive ways, indeed, appears to avoid it all together in its bid to appear a legitimate and erudite comment about how to tackle racism. It is not.
Posted by Rainier, Sunday, 5 September 2010 6:26:00 PM
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Hi Rainier. Thanks for replying to my post which was directed at CJ Morgan. On the contrary I don't think there is any complexity to the issue of racism. Once upon a time it was simple psychological concept understood by everyone. The confusion began with the rise of Politically Correct thought where activists would use the word to fulfill their agenda. I think (own opinion) everyone is racist and it's just a natural thinking process that human beings have always had, ergo after 40000 years of homo sapience we have "races".

Your explanation of racism (power+prejudice) is just babble, at least to me. You'll find this in any society where you are the minority. That's just natural. People are ethnocentric, there's nothing wrong with that.
Posted by Bigos, Sunday, 5 September 2010 6:57:37 PM
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Bigos, if you believe that racism is inevitable you I can only deduct that you also believe to some extent that its justified any time it happens or exists.

Its interesting that you should believe it was "once upon a time" a psychological condition because this lends support to the notion that it somehow disappeared because people somehow became non racist.

Please explain?

On this basis you also seem to be confused with understanding racism as a social phenomena and racism as an individual human belief and practice. I'm sure you are not someone who condones racism but this appears to be not supported in any of your posts by how you understand what it is.

Simply denying its complexity exists does not make it magically disappear.

How odd!
Posted by Rainier, Sunday, 5 September 2010 7:10:29 PM
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