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Australia racist? Well, der! : Comments
By Bill Collopy, published 30/8/2010Australians like to think we left xenophobia behind with the days when we couldn't buy bok choy at the supermarket.
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[Deleted for arguing moderation decisions.]
Posted by Johnny Rotten, Friday, 10 September 2010 5:58:17 PM
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Well look at you promoting Stormfront Johnny!
What you're offering me in that post is "respectabilty" if I answer the questions in a politically correct way, it's the same deal as asking me about the Holocaust. If I give a non PC answer, or one that you personally don't like you'll use it as a talking point in every other rebuttal you make to paint me as a Naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. Mud sticks, that's how character assassination works. Seeing as you have no respect for my views and already regard me in an unfavourable light there would be no point in giving opinions on those names because there's nothing in it for me, heads you win tails I lose. As to "supremacism" that word is simply a defamatory term used by Anti Whites to suppress freedom of speech and pro white views, I personally believe any supremacy that the old White elite had was largely gone by the turn of the 20th century, certainly the Japan/Russia war ended it for good. White Supremacism as a descriptive term has no currency in White Nationalism, we simply don't use the word or the concept, same goes for Neo Nazi. Hitler enthusiasts, of which there seem to still be a few, do not acknowledge the current German state as legitimate, in fact the Third Reich was never officially dissolved so they scoff at the idea of "New" Nazis. The rest of your post is nitpicking and a dig at the moderators so I will not respond as it doesn't concern me. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 10 September 2010 8:55:41 PM
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Do you claim ABC Radio as your personal 'User Webpage'? I clicked on it and got this: Posted by Cornflower, Saturday, 11 September 2010 2:15:35 AM
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[Deleted. Same reason as the previous.]
Posted by Johnny Rotten, Saturday, 11 September 2010 10:14:17 AM
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Johnny, as I said I'm not buying into the argument over moderation and your reply affirms my original response, you've made up your mind about me already.
One thing I'd like to touch on is the notion that other Races can be Racist, I've been giving that one some thought of late and I don't buy it. It's too simple and smacks of Elite influence, "Reverse Racism" is another tool to hide Whiteness and avoid Racial responsibility. See if you accept your Whiteness it opens up a can of worms, if you have to take responsiblity for your Race and attempt to do good instead of bad as a White person you have an interest even an obligation to secure the existence of white people and a future for White children. That line of "Racism is universal and inevitable" thinking relies on a sort of Malthusian "all things being equal" approach, that is to say all Races thinking alike and having the same motivations for acting they way they do. When you look at Malthus and the later proponents of Eugenics you begin to understand that their work is so flawed that it scarcely merits discussion in this day and age. It beggars belief that people still use 18th and 19th century thinking and call it "progressive", all things being equal Whites would have succumbed to a Malthusian catastrophe by about the mid 19th century but they didn't, they prospered and simply took the resources they needed from other groups. However look at the effect that same population explosion scenario has had on Africans. Yet again it's played out differently in Asia too, this suggests to me that race is real and it matters, that the different human subspecies will all react differently to given situations. Whatever motivates non White crimes against other races I'm sure it isn't the same as the reasons ascribed to Whites. In fact I'm at a loss to explain Racism among Whites other than that it's a reaction to that old Egalitarian 19th century mindset. Johnny, in your opinion why are White people Racist? Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 11 September 2010 11:40:03 AM
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Not all whites are racist. As many have been trying to point out to you but getting nowhere. However; White Nationalist = White supremacist. No ifs or buts. No matter what spin you put on it. BTW what all this about me promoting Stormfront? You been hitting the Schnapps too often mein freund? Posted by Johnny Rotten, Saturday, 11 September 2010 12:00:14 PM