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The Forum > General Discussion > Maybe You Don't Know Danny Lim

Maybe You Don't Know Danny Lim

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Some might ask; Whose this Danny Lim? Danny is a 78 years old chap, and one of the "characters" on the streets of inner Sydney, I've known Danny for many years, gentler soul you'll never meet . For most Danny wouldn't be given a second glance, but what makes Danny peculiar is he's a serial protester. On most days Danny travels in by train with his sandwich board covered with his latest message of protest, Danny is harmless. I got a call from a friend this morning to tell me Danny had been bashed a couple of days ago, not by a gang of street thugs, but by the coppers. Why I asked, Danny wouldn't harm a fly. Seems the story is, Danny was protesting in the the Queen Victoria building where the shopkeepers know him, one gives Danny a free cup of coffee most mornings he's there. A couple of smart young constables turn up on an unrelated matter, board with no action on that score, one constable takes upon himself to give Danny a "move on order". Danny was smashed to the floor leaving the 78 year old with a bloodied face, bystanders startled, and shopkeepers upset. Later in the day 200 people gathered outside Surry Hills cop shop to protest the heavy handed police treatment of Danny. Although Danny was obviously injured by the police tactics, the two officers made no attempt to aid or seek medical attention for Danny.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 8 December 2022 8:59:44 AM
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Dear Paul,

The use of force in this case was excessive considering Mr
Lim's age and as you say - he was not violent. What a tragic
case. The poor man was taken by paramedics to St Vincent's
Hospital in Sydney with internal skull damage. He's bee
diagnosed with a subdural hematoma. He told the police officers
that he suffers from PTSD and he will now need specialised
medical help. It's hard to believe that police officers could
do something like this.

I hope that severe action will be taken against those officers
and that the NSW Police force will pay a very high compensation to
Mr Lim - so that he can be looked after and receive all the
specialist medical care that he's going to need.

What a sick incident. No excuse!
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 December 2022 10:42:52 AM
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Once again, trial by The Guardian before an official enquiry, with the leading Leftists jumping on the bandwagon. The only evidence is a video showing the person bring "pushed to the ground and handcuffed", which is a perfectly normal occurrence with a person resisting arrest. The silly old bugger could have moved on when requested to do so. He is obliged to obey a reasonable order.

A 78 year old man suffering PTSD (stress!) is an idiot for putting himself in that position.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 December 2022 11:45:01 AM
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No matter what the old man could have done- the facts remain
that th matter could have been handled better by professional
law enforcement officers who supposedly are trained in
handling all sorts of situations. This one was handled badly.
No ifs or buts.

It was the old man who ended up at St Vincent's Hospital with
internal skull damage. He's been diagnosed now with a subdural
hematoma and needs 2 walking sticks to get around. As a result
of police action. No matter how he may or may not have
behaved - the actions of properly trained police officers in
this case are inexcusable. And should be made sure this does
not happen again. The use of force here was excessive.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 December 2022 11:55:14 AM
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Danny Lim is an old little, thin fragile man. It
would not have taken many police officers to
arrest him. Why was his head bashed in? Why
this extreme behaviour on the part of the NSW police?
What is happening in that state?
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 December 2022 12:00:50 PM
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Why making this political on this forum?
What's "Leftist" about this incident?
Complaining about the use of excessive force
by police on an unarmed old man is now
considered to be "Leftist?" And excusing police
excessive behaviour is now "Rightist?" How sick
and deranged is that!
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 December 2022 12:06:16 PM
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