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The Forum > General Discussion > Bent Coppers and Public Oversight

Bent Coppers and Public Oversight

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Australia has a long and ignominious history of bent coppers – from Australia's first constable, James Smith, who was dismissed by Governor Arthur Phillip for larceny, to more recent bad coppers such as the sinister triad of Kelly, Krahe and Fergusson, who controlled Sydney's sly grog, illegal casino, brothel and abortion rackets for more than 30 years. No copper that we know of has been more the criminal than the infamous Roger Rogerson. For years these police criminals and their political mates carried out their crimes with impunity, they were the untouchables. Much of this copper crime centred on NSW, but other states and territories were not exempt from similar activity.

In 2017 the state of NSW fought back and set up the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) with the power to investigate police activity that might be construed as misconduct and/or maladministration and in certain cases criminal activity by police officers. It is time for all states, territories and federally to have such a body as the NSW LECC to weed out, and if necessary, prosecute criminal coppers and their political mates where misconduct and/or crime is detected.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 3 November 2022 5:48:12 AM
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Dear Paul,

According to the following linK

We're told that:

" The Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission
(IBAC) is Victoria's agency responsible for protecting
and exposing public sector corruption and police misconduct.
Their jurisdiction covers state and local governments, police,
parliament and the judiciary."

Do we really need any further bodies?
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 3 November 2022 9:10:13 AM
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Well, what did you expect with the prevalent mentality ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 3 November 2022 10:31:21 AM
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Hi Foxy,

NSW feels it does to give better oversight into police activity. At the moment the NSW LECC is once again investigating the former NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller and his owning of racehorses in partnership with other senior police, sporting identities, media bosses and businessmen, including two men who became suspects in criminal investigations. Previously the NSW government had blocked Fuller's appointment to a position on the board of 'Racing NSW". Cops, gambling and well known racing identities are not a good look.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 3 November 2022 10:47:17 AM
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Dear Paul,

Lets hope that something good will come out of all
this. At least something is being done.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 3 November 2022 12:03:01 PM
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Regrettably I'd have to agree with PAUL1405 on his summation of police corruption especially in NSW. More than it erodes public confidence, it makes it that much harder for the honest cops to do their job. The interdiction of crime.

It's always been a given, without the aid, co-operation and trust of the public, the police force does remain essentially futile. That's despite all the powers conferred on their office, without the public's trust and support they're virtually unable to do their job.

It would appear to me, the Aussie way is always to lambaste and harangue coppers, because one of us has received a TIN for some minor traffic offence. I was pinched myself for doing 70kms in a 60km zone, near Goulburn, NSW and I called the bobby 'everything' under my breath. But the poor bugger was only doing his job. And despite popular belief there're no set number of TINs a member's required to submit, at the end of his shift, in NSW.

Detectives, the CIB, many are hard nosed and I offer no apology for them. You only need to see some of the crimes they need to confront on a daily basis, to understand their prickly attitudes. They also have some of the highest marital failures, suicides and early deaths among their ranks than any other similar demographic.

And myself? I never went up the ranks terribly high, but preferred instead to remain at the coalface where I was at least part of a team, that arrested the likes of the Virginia MORSE torturers and murders, Alan BAKER & Kevin CRUMP. As well as that homicidal maniac, Archie Beattie McCAFFERTY and his disgusting murderous cohorts. And the MURPHY Brothers, another lot of mongrel killers. If you're interested, I invite you to google them.

But hand on heart, I can look anyone straight in the eye, and say I never took a bribe or acted corruptibly in my entire 32 year career. I understand most of you dislike me, even despise me. I can live with that, but a corrupt copper...; Never!
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 3 November 2022 12:26:18 PM
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