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Bent Coppers and Public Oversight

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Australia has a long and ignominious history of bent coppers – from Australia's first constable, James Smith, who was dismissed by Governor Arthur Phillip for larceny, to more recent bad coppers such as the sinister triad of Kelly, Krahe and Fergusson, who controlled Sydney's sly grog, illegal casino, brothel and abortion rackets for more than 30 years. No copper that we know of has been more the criminal than the infamous Roger Rogerson. For years these police criminals and their political mates carried out their crimes with impunity, they were the untouchables. Much of this copper crime centred on NSW, but other states and territories were not exempt from similar activity.

In 2017 the state of NSW fought back and set up the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) with the power to investigate police activity that might be construed as misconduct and/or maladministration and in certain cases criminal activity by police officers. It is time for all states, territories and federally to have such a body as the NSW LECC to weed out, and if necessary, prosecute criminal coppers and their political mates where misconduct and/or crime is detected.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 3 November 2022 5:48:12 AM
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Dear Paul,

According to the following linK

We're told that:

" The Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission
(IBAC) is Victoria's agency responsible for protecting
and exposing public sector corruption and police misconduct.
Their jurisdiction covers state and local governments, police,
parliament and the judiciary."

Do we really need any further bodies?
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 3 November 2022 9:10:13 AM
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Well, what did you expect with the prevalent mentality ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 3 November 2022 10:31:21 AM
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Hi Foxy,

NSW feels it does to give better oversight into police activity. At the moment the NSW LECC is once again investigating the former NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller and his owning of racehorses in partnership with other senior police, sporting identities, media bosses and businessmen, including two men who became suspects in criminal investigations. Previously the NSW government had blocked Fuller's appointment to a position on the board of 'Racing NSW". Cops, gambling and well known racing identities are not a good look.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 3 November 2022 10:47:17 AM
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Dear Paul,

Lets hope that something good will come out of all
this. At least something is being done.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 3 November 2022 12:03:01 PM
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Regrettably I'd have to agree with PAUL1405 on his summation of police corruption especially in NSW. More than it erodes public confidence, it makes it that much harder for the honest cops to do their job. The interdiction of crime.

It's always been a given, without the aid, co-operation and trust of the public, the police force does remain essentially futile. That's despite all the powers conferred on their office, without the public's trust and support they're virtually unable to do their job.

It would appear to me, the Aussie way is always to lambaste and harangue coppers, because one of us has received a TIN for some minor traffic offence. I was pinched myself for doing 70kms in a 60km zone, near Goulburn, NSW and I called the bobby 'everything' under my breath. But the poor bugger was only doing his job. And despite popular belief there're no set number of TINs a member's required to submit, at the end of his shift, in NSW.

Detectives, the CIB, many are hard nosed and I offer no apology for them. You only need to see some of the crimes they need to confront on a daily basis, to understand their prickly attitudes. They also have some of the highest marital failures, suicides and early deaths among their ranks than any other similar demographic.

And myself? I never went up the ranks terribly high, but preferred instead to remain at the coalface where I was at least part of a team, that arrested the likes of the Virginia MORSE torturers and murders, Alan BAKER & Kevin CRUMP. As well as that homicidal maniac, Archie Beattie McCAFFERTY and his disgusting murderous cohorts. And the MURPHY Brothers, another lot of mongrel killers. If you're interested, I invite you to google them.

But hand on heart, I can look anyone straight in the eye, and say I never took a bribe or acted corruptibly in my entire 32 year career. I understand most of you dislike me, even despise me. I can live with that, but a corrupt copper...; Never!
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 3 November 2022 12:26:18 PM
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Dear O Sung Wu,

I've always had the greatest respect for police officers.
I had a relative in the Los Angeles Police Force. He passed
away a few years back - he received a medal of valour for
saving people from a burning building. The officers he
worked with were all decent men.

Growing up in the western suburbs of Sydney - one of our
neighbours was a police officer. He was a good man - and
helped his neighbours in many situations.

Here in Melbourne, when my computer was attacked by scammers -
the police were very helpful in their advise and the time
they took to help me out. So all in all - I have only good things
to say. They do a fantastic job - and usually receive very
little credit. Where would go go for help - if it wasn't for
our officers?

Paramedics are also people that I highly respect.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 3 November 2022 1:41:32 PM
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Thanks FOXY for your support for the police. I don't deny there are a few bad one's in the job and they're thoroughly spurned by the rest of us, believe me. Again thank you, though I think your support falls on very deaf ears, here on OLO.
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 3 November 2022 2:05:37 PM
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Dear O Sung Wu,

I strongly believe that most people deep down
are grateful for our police forces, our national
security agencies, and our military. I mean where
would our nation be without them?

We should count our blessingS and realize what a huge debt
we owe to the officers that serve and protect us all.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 3 November 2022 2:27:29 PM
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Hi O Sung Wu,

You read me wrong, I am not against good police and proper policing within the law, that is vital for an ordered society. We know the history and its in the past, it should not be forgotten, but be a lesson to be learned as to what the dangers are when there is no oversight, no control. Good police officers, and that is the vast majority, welcome oversight as they have nothing to hide or fear.

The notion that police are "hated" by the general community is wrong. In fact good police are respected and welcomed in society.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 4 November 2022 6:14:14 AM
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the Aussie way is always to lambaste and harangue coppers,
o sung wu,
Deservedly so however, I strongly object treating Police officers in the same way ! As I've stated many times before we have too many coppers & not enough Police officers !
Coppers are the equivalent to Bureaudroids in the Public Service !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 4 November 2022 7:40:44 AM
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How can you say that! Police, strip away the uniform and they are people just like you and me, with all the qualities of the general community. I'm sure O Sung Wu will tells us in his time he made some good mates, but there were some he couldn't cop (pun), that' true in any employment.

O Sung Wu, did you know my old mate Lenny O, crown sergeant at Paddo for years, back in the day played on the wing for Souths, long dead now. Lenny was a good friend and neighbour, got on well. We liked to take out the tinny on the bay and we'ed go fishing. I'd give him razz about being an (x)copper, and he'd give me it back for being a Greenie. Sometimes opposites attract. He told me stories about his time, some funny, some not so funny.

I like this one; At his retirement, an Inspector said to Len; "Well Len we got our houses out of the force"...Lenny retorted; "You got your bloody house out of the force...I worked for mine!"..."Could say than then, I never liked that bastard." so said Lenny.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 4 November 2022 9:32:40 AM
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You don'y appear to get the gist of the difference between Police Officers & Coppers.
Just as there are decent Public Servants & Bureaudroids !
It starts with a recalcitrant attitude & ends with a warped, greedy mentality !
It's that simple !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 4 November 2022 10:01:41 AM
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o sung wu,
With you all the way, as I told you before, I used to do a bit of informal counselling with police who just wanted to talk it out with someone sympathetic.They often bottled things up and it helped to speak with someone who was unconnected to the job.
Consequently I had a few to many beers in the watering hole at the Crystal Palace hotel in George Street.
Even Probationaries got a time of it as they were taken to murder scenes and suicides to view their first violent deaths.
I was at the scene of a double suicide, by shotgun, as the representative of one of the families and their lawyer, when two Probationaries were brought in, both looked rather crook and one rushed outside and threw up.
One of the detectives remarked “They’ll see far worse”.
My sympathies are almost always with the coppers but there are exceptions, like the Constable who booked a bloke for.having an unsecured load in the back of his ute, to wit a pair of work boots. The Magistrate threw it out.
I’m happy to say that I’ve known far more honest police than bent ones.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 4 November 2022 10:16:04 AM
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I cannot possibly defend, nor would I try, everyone who served in Australia's largest police force, NSW c.15,000 + sworn. And I never went through the 'academic' Goulburn Academy. Rather I did my recruit training at 'Cockroach Castle', the Redfern Police Barracks. The first day we were inducted, I recall the OIC saying to us newly assembled recruits; '...don't expect the public to love you, but if you seek their help, together with a bit of your own self-esteem, then ensure they respect you. A philosophy to which I've always subscribed.

Paul1405 is quite correct with his summation of the level of corruption that currently exists in the police force today. Most police are honest and attend to their duties in a professional manner. And there're those, whose malfeasance is almost palpable and you wonder how in hell they continue to get away with it.

And IS MISE's observations of the stupidity & farcical actions of that idiotic constable citing a bloke for failure to secure his load, to wit: A pair of gumboots., Thats rank stupidity and you wonder how he passed his recruit training. Moreover, passed selection, at all?

And perhaps INDYVIDUAL is right with his reference to Police 'OFFICERS' as opposed to coppers. The difference between the two is stark, when you think about. One has a rewarding career, the other a job?

I joined under the auspices of Norman T.W. (Thomas William) ALLAN. A commissioner with very little street experience. AKA Walter (Wally) MELLISH'S ol' mate. I just missed out serving under one of the best Commissioners of contemporary times; Col DELANEY, who pulled the pin in 1962. A man of probity and very highly regarded by the troops.

I retired when Peter James (Call me, Sir) RYAN QPM BA M.Sc ABC XYZ etc etc, took office as did many of our fellow detectives. Mr Ryan had some minor street experience in the Villages in and around the County of Lancashire (or somewhere) but spent the bulk of his time in Training & Development - I had more street experience than he?
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 4 November 2022 4:33:47 PM
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There are not as many bent Coppers as there are bureadroids, of that I'm certain ! But there aren't as many good bureaucrats as there are decent Police Officers ! Same goes for citizens vs residents !
How else can the state of affairs be explained ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 4 November 2022 9:12:47 PM
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For years on this Forum you have banged on, claiming 95% of public servants should be sacked, and those remaining should have their pay frozen for 10 years. Do you now deny those claims? Under your wonderful rubbish that would see the hospital system, the police force, public transport etc totally collapse. I assume the few remaining PS's would be engaged in paying your bloody social welfare! In your brave new world we wouldn't have bent coppers, we'ed have no coppers, no nurses, no ambos, paramedics, teachers (you'd like that), not even garbage collectors, but we'ed have the likes of you, useless non productive old farts lazing around all day.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 5 November 2022 4:00:59 AM
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claiming 95% of public servants should be sacked,
Bureaudroids, not decent Public Servants ! Those collapses you're waffling on about are happening due to you bureaudroids, it's only due to good Public Servants that we're still standing.
Those of you who are simply there aren't of any value to society, on the contrary ! Yes, I maintain that bureaucrat & bureaudroid salaries in particular should be reduced & Public Service wages frozen for several years so that some sort of stability can be established. Once that is done, private sector salaries & wages will follow suit & Australian manufacturing wil have a chance to become competitive again & services will once again become just that !
This idiotic increase of salaries & wages has caused Australia's manufacturing to shut down. Unions, particularly Public Sector Unions are responsible for this demise because of their inability to see when demanding more for less results in the kind of collapses you speak & are part of the cause of !
Why is this so ? Because that Goaf from years back has gotten rid of National Service altogether instead of just pulling out of Vietnam thus sacrificing Australiua's future just to score votes to become an incompetent idealistic PM.
Our selfish society today is the result & bureaudroids such as yourself are ruining it for all others ! You et al are perpetuating the Peter Principle with no regard for others. You may not do it deliberately but doing it you are ! Wake up for crying out loud !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 5 November 2022 5:56:33 AM
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Inventing new terminology "Bureaudroids", a new class of evil public servants you choose to despise. Like your word they don't exist. Many on here will recall your infamous claims of the 95% of PS should be sacked, without any qualification, only now are you trying to wriggle out with a new bit of crap, "bureudroids". That's off the planet stuff.

With your National Service, previously you claimed it wouldn't be military service, but then you bucketed on Gough Whitlam (you called him Gouf) for abolishing military service. BTW, I think your explanation for dodging the army was a cop out. You couldn't speak English up to the age of 35? Really! Actually some of the red-necked posters here believe migrants who can't speak English should never have been let into the country, that would count you out.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 5 November 2022 6:36:00 AM
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You just can't help being a Price Git !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 5 November 2022 8:32:00 AM
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Oh Dear Indy,

Given that you once claimed you voted for Gough (1972), and you can enlist in the army up to the age of 35, and to vote you have to be an Australian citizen. The only thing that is 95 must be your age! Maybe you're 100 and don't know it.

BTW, how many of these so called "Bureaudroids" are presently employed by Federal, State and Local government? I'm interested.

You Say; "This idiotic increase of salaries & wages has caused Australia's manufacturing to shut down. Unions, particularly Public Sector Unions are responsible for this demise"

How many aged welfare increases have you knocked back in this time? I bet NONE! This is so hypocritical of you.

"You just can't help being a Price Git !" That is PRIZED git, not Price" That's a pommy expression, I suspect you could be from England, where incidentally the poms speak English, nothing for you to learn.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 5 November 2022 12:07:08 PM
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I bet NONE!
I do a deal with you ! If you can demonstrate that you can keep going without an increase in your pay/pension etc. whilst everyone around receives one & subsequently costs increase also then I'll give in.
However, I can prove to you that I can manage & have done so whenever there was no wage or price increase. If prices remain static then wages/costs can remain static ! Is that so difficult to comprehend ?
In the meantime try & Google the word 'Git" or useless bureaudroid or Peter Principle or non-contributing & disrupting drone !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 6 November 2022 9:45:29 AM
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you once claimed you voted for Gough (1972)
No, I didn't, I had a beer with him as I lived only a few houses down the street from him & ran into him on a couple of occasions. He was pleasant enough, pity his abilities didn't match the rest of him.
I still remember when I was standing next to him & Fraser having a yarn in the foyer of old Parliament House. Both towered above me & was 6'2, Whitlam nodded & Fraser looked down at me as if I had leprosy.
The other bloke I had a really good, long laugh with was Kep Enderby.
The only time I voted Labor was for Hawke ! Now I don't know who to vote for because they all come from the same mould but raised by different nannies !
So, you can relax with your conspiracy & misconstruing attempts !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 6 November 2022 2:43:50 PM
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One has a rewarding career, the other a job?
o sung wu,
From my experiences one likes to help people in trouble & the other likes seeing people in trouble in more trouble !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 6 November 2022 2:47:24 PM
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Hi there INDYVIDUAL... No sir, I would never agree with that. The notion any sworn member would ever get his jollies and kicks, by observing people in trouble is patently wrong. The toughest part of a police officers job, is the dissemination of grief, and the contemporaneous support having done so. It's bloody hard believe me. True, there's a great deal of satisfaction when you pinch a well known crim., I don't deny it. But you're not taking him out of circulation for your own benefit ,rather the public good and it's your job to do so.
Posted by o sung wu, Sunday, 6 November 2022 3:07:52 PM
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o sung wu,
Either you mis-read or I mis-stated. The gist here is Police Officers good, Coppers not so good !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 6 November 2022 8:12:13 PM
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O sung wu,
There was a Constable at Bathurst years ago (1970s) who was a legend for fair play.
If he saw a person about to park illegally he step out and warn them, not wait and then book them.
He was renowned for acting “without fear or favour”; he was normally the Highway patrol and stopped a car that was speeding, the occupants were detectives and expected no problems, he told them, as he booked, that if they had a legitimate excuse then he was sure that the Commissioner would approve.
Bathurst got its first speed recording device so the local detectives took it out to a straight stretch of highway and recorded just how fast their cars would go.
The Constable arrived on scene, seized the recordings and charged the lot of them.
He used to do Road Safety lectures at a youth camp where I worked and he told us that he often caught people speeding on that section of highway and that there was no way he was going to book ordinary people and turn a blind eye on police doing the same.

He was well respected by the local community and they knew that they could depend on him under any circumstances.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 7 November 2022 8:41:13 AM
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Is Mise,
In a nut-shell, a Police Officer !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 7 November 2022 4:25:33 PM
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G'day IS MISE...You're right ther're many good coppers around and when they pull you up for a minor TI, if you wear that tall hat, the one that has writ large, a big 'A' for 'attitude', it'll get you out of more strife than anything else one might contrive.

Coppers are human, consequently some will take out their marital frustrations on the general public. Believe me, when I tell you, those police don't last too long. Either they'll come unstuck with a complaint that IAD will handle; They'll end up in Court; or Their direct supervisor puts the dog on 'em.

Some years back I was attached to the WWP (western wireless patrol). It consisted of a vehicle containing four detectives. In my day it was a Ford 5.8 Falcon pursuit car. Our shift was from 2300h to 0700h the next day.

As part of an ABC TV media programme and their recording set-up. Two of the police members were removed from the vehicle and were replaced with a female reporter together with her cameraman and his paraphernalia, in the back seat. I won't bore you with sundry details of the shift, but we had six or seven serious DMD's (drive manner dangerous), and 1 culpable drive, occasioning death.

Detectives always attend matters involving death, as they do most DMDs. The shift was very much 'ho hum' until the fatal arrived. She was a mess! Even the ambos were running their fingers through the hair trying hard how best to remove her body.

The lady reporter brought-up her breakfast, her tea, and tomorrows lunch, when she saw the raw state of the deceased victim. Some weeks later, after showing the final edited version, she told me she had nightmares, after seeing the state of the victim, she witnessed with us that night. A coppers job is not just handing out TINS and harassing the public INDYVIDUAL It's much more than that my friend. And the worst duty of all, is to inform a mother, a father, an uncle, of the death of one of their loved ones.
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 7 November 2022 10:15:19 PM
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A coppers job is not just handing out TINS and harassing the public
o sung wu,
Of course it isn't & I never implied that. All I keep stating is that there is a difference between Police Officer & Copper ! The former does what needs to be done & the latter is living out his authority which he wouldn't get anywhere else.
A copper is someone who bangs his fist into a meat tray, splattering the mince over others because he couldn't stand that the raffle was won by the same person three times in a row. Off Duty "Police Officers" took him away ! Or, booking a Tradie $142.- because his rubber thongs were unsecured among his tools in the ute or the elderly lady booked because her seatbelt was twisted. See what I mean by this "difference" between Police Officer & Copper ?
It's not my intention to stir you up, I merely point out that the view & perception is always different from 180 degrees ! I couldn't be a Police Officer because I don't think I'd be able to remain as tolerant as Woke Law demands which is after all, the reason for the escalation in all crime !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 8 November 2022 8:02:26 AM
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o sung wu,
Bad and all as it is to have to attend accidents involving strangers it is immeasurably worse when one’s own are among the victims.About five years ago a local Constable went to a pileup where the vehicle had left the road at speed and hit a large tree; among the five dead was his son.
We can only imagine, vaguely, how he felt, but he had to carry on, report and request relief.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 8 November 2022 9:04:45 AM
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Hi there IS MISE...I couldn't agree more with you. Divest the average copper of the majesty of his uniform, or separate the detectives from their warrant card, and all you have left is just a collection of very ordinary men and women attempting to perform a nearly impossible task.

Often described by one intellectual giant at the Institute of Criminology, collectively as; '...too lazy to work, too frightened to steal, and most haven't got the brains to get a decent job...'. Not actually a ringing endorsement for a potential career in the police force, now is it?

Still, I don't know of any of us, who were led away against our will, to take part in the Police Training Curriculum. To undertake the arduous 20 weeks (live-in) of formidable training at the Police Academy. Training that Involved law, law, and still more law. Accompanied by our police powers, powers, and you guessed it, more police powers. And other more practical skills, too many to list herein.

With an inflexible three (3) failures, and you're arbitrarily dismissed from the course, policy. The pass mark was a minimum of 60%. And 'use of force' pass mark being a minimum of 80%, it proved no holiday. And during my time at the Academy, as an Instructor, and later as a Senior Instructor, I saw many an undergraduate, from well known Universities, flunk horribly, and thus end any hope of perusing a police career. Academically, they could've been successful, but they couldn't handle the pressure. And a copper above all things, must be able to handle; Pressure.

No, we all participated with our own free will. And I for one wouldn't have missed a moment of that training. And I must say, my time in the military was a distinct adjunct to police training. A natural fit for anyone who'd served in one of the three armed forces who're now seeking a career outside the Military.
Posted by o sung wu, Tuesday, 8 November 2022 2:39:18 PM
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I'm presently reading John Grisham's "The Appeal". A number of posters here should take the time to read it also !
It reads like a documentary of the Judiciary from everywhere !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 9 November 2022 7:29:06 AM
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Will certainly read it, l’m a great fan of Grisham.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 9 November 2022 8:27:52 AM
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I've read all of John GRISHAM's books. I understand he has legal antecedence himself, therefore a thorough understanding of the American style of jurisprudence.
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 9 November 2022 12:27:49 PM
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