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The Forum > General Discussion > Bent Coppers and Public Oversight

Bent Coppers and Public Oversight

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You don'y appear to get the gist of the difference between Police Officers & Coppers.
Just as there are decent Public Servants & Bureaudroids !
It starts with a recalcitrant attitude & ends with a warped, greedy mentality !
It's that simple !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 4 November 2022 10:01:41 AM
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o sung wu,
With you all the way, as I told you before, I used to do a bit of informal counselling with police who just wanted to talk it out with someone sympathetic.They often bottled things up and it helped to speak with someone who was unconnected to the job.
Consequently I had a few to many beers in the watering hole at the Crystal Palace hotel in George Street.
Even Probationaries got a time of it as they were taken to murder scenes and suicides to view their first violent deaths.
I was at the scene of a double suicide, by shotgun, as the representative of one of the families and their lawyer, when two Probationaries were brought in, both looked rather crook and one rushed outside and threw up.
One of the detectives remarked “They’ll see far worse”.
My sympathies are almost always with the coppers but there are exceptions, like the Constable who booked a bloke for.having an unsecured load in the back of his ute, to wit a pair of work boots. The Magistrate threw it out.
I’m happy to say that I’ve known far more honest police than bent ones.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 4 November 2022 10:16:04 AM
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I cannot possibly defend, nor would I try, everyone who served in Australia's largest police force, NSW c.15,000 + sworn. And I never went through the 'academic' Goulburn Academy. Rather I did my recruit training at 'Cockroach Castle', the Redfern Police Barracks. The first day we were inducted, I recall the OIC saying to us newly assembled recruits; '...don't expect the public to love you, but if you seek their help, together with a bit of your own self-esteem, then ensure they respect you. A philosophy to which I've always subscribed.

Paul1405 is quite correct with his summation of the level of corruption that currently exists in the police force today. Most police are honest and attend to their duties in a professional manner. And there're those, whose malfeasance is almost palpable and you wonder how in hell they continue to get away with it.

And IS MISE's observations of the stupidity & farcical actions of that idiotic constable citing a bloke for failure to secure his load, to wit: A pair of gumboots., Thats rank stupidity and you wonder how he passed his recruit training. Moreover, passed selection, at all?

And perhaps INDYVIDUAL is right with his reference to Police 'OFFICERS' as opposed to coppers. The difference between the two is stark, when you think about. One has a rewarding career, the other a job?

I joined under the auspices of Norman T.W. (Thomas William) ALLAN. A commissioner with very little street experience. AKA Walter (Wally) MELLISH'S ol' mate. I just missed out serving under one of the best Commissioners of contemporary times; Col DELANEY, who pulled the pin in 1962. A man of probity and very highly regarded by the troops.

I retired when Peter James (Call me, Sir) RYAN QPM BA M.Sc ABC XYZ etc etc, took office as did many of our fellow detectives. Mr Ryan had some minor street experience in the Villages in and around the County of Lancashire (or somewhere) but spent the bulk of his time in Training & Development - I had more street experience than he?
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 4 November 2022 4:33:47 PM
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There are not as many bent Coppers as there are bureadroids, of that I'm certain ! But there aren't as many good bureaucrats as there are decent Police Officers ! Same goes for citizens vs residents !
How else can the state of affairs be explained ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 4 November 2022 9:12:47 PM
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For years on this Forum you have banged on, claiming 95% of public servants should be sacked, and those remaining should have their pay frozen for 10 years. Do you now deny those claims? Under your wonderful rubbish that would see the hospital system, the police force, public transport etc totally collapse. I assume the few remaining PS's would be engaged in paying your bloody social welfare! In your brave new world we wouldn't have bent coppers, we'ed have no coppers, no nurses, no ambos, paramedics, teachers (you'd like that), not even garbage collectors, but we'ed have the likes of you, useless non productive old farts lazing around all day.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 5 November 2022 4:00:59 AM
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claiming 95% of public servants should be sacked,
Bureaudroids, not decent Public Servants ! Those collapses you're waffling on about are happening due to you bureaudroids, it's only due to good Public Servants that we're still standing.
Those of you who are simply there aren't of any value to society, on the contrary ! Yes, I maintain that bureaucrat & bureaudroid salaries in particular should be reduced & Public Service wages frozen for several years so that some sort of stability can be established. Once that is done, private sector salaries & wages will follow suit & Australian manufacturing wil have a chance to become competitive again & services will once again become just that !
This idiotic increase of salaries & wages has caused Australia's manufacturing to shut down. Unions, particularly Public Sector Unions are responsible for this demise because of their inability to see when demanding more for less results in the kind of collapses you speak & are part of the cause of !
Why is this so ? Because that Goaf from years back has gotten rid of National Service altogether instead of just pulling out of Vietnam thus sacrificing Australiua's future just to score votes to become an incompetent idealistic PM.
Our selfish society today is the result & bureaudroids such as yourself are ruining it for all others ! You et al are perpetuating the Peter Principle with no regard for others. You may not do it deliberately but doing it you are ! Wake up for crying out loud !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 5 November 2022 5:56:33 AM
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